Flu Shots and Family Members


New member
I have CF & obviously get the flu shot, and my parents do.
<br />my sister doesnt live at home anymore, so i highly doubt she gets it
<br />and my boyfriend doesnt get it, he doesn't hardly ever go to the doctors, he fights off any colds or what not by himself. he doesnt "believe" in medicine...he occasionaly takes tylenol and whatnot..but it never works for him, so he sticks to fighting things off for himself.


New member
RistaGirly, I've heard stories about guys your age that don't/won't go to the doctor or take meds even when they do get sick. Even tylenol/motrin.


New member
RistaGirly, I've heard stories about guys your age that don't/won't go to the doctor or take meds even when they do get sick. Even tylenol/motrin.


New member
RistaGirly, I've heard stories about guys your age that don't/won't go to the doctor or take meds even when they do get sick. Even tylenol/motrin.


Staff member
As parents, DS' doctor has made it clear that we should get flu shots every year. I was already getting them every year because we used to have them offered to us at work.

DH and I both work in offices or with people who come to work sick and spread germs and happiness. When DS was a baby, my intern, who used my computer and phone, came to work with influeza and another time with strep throat which she was just going to tough out and try to beat without abx.

We also had a consultant who sat with us in meetings with full blown influenza, went to state basketball tournaments with the flu another time.... This same person travelled with DH last fall with H1N1 because he didn't want to waste his conference fee. DH called me from the Denver airport to say he was heading to his parents home when he landed in town and could I please send over the tamiflu we had on hand. He slept at his parents house for several days, was the sickest he'd ever been. His mother said he slept for 16 hours plus. Because the vaccine wasn't available yet, we were terrified that DS was going to get it.


Staff member
As parents, DS' doctor has made it clear that we should get flu shots every year. I was already getting them every year because we used to have them offered to us at work.

DH and I both work in offices or with people who come to work sick and spread germs and happiness. When DS was a baby, my intern, who used my computer and phone, came to work with influeza and another time with strep throat which she was just going to tough out and try to beat without abx.

We also had a consultant who sat with us in meetings with full blown influenza, went to state basketball tournaments with the flu another time.... This same person travelled with DH last fall with H1N1 because he didn't want to waste his conference fee. DH called me from the Denver airport to say he was heading to his parents home when he landed in town and could I please send over the tamiflu we had on hand. He slept at his parents house for several days, was the sickest he'd ever been. His mother said he slept for 16 hours plus. Because the vaccine wasn't available yet, we were terrified that DS was going to get it.


Staff member
As parents, DS' doctor has made it clear that we should get flu shots every year. I was already getting them every year because we used to have them offered to us at work.
<br />
<br />DH and I both work in offices or with people who come to work sick and spread germs and happiness. When DS was a baby, my intern, who used my computer and phone, came to work with influeza and another time with strep throat which she was just going to tough out and try to beat without abx.
<br />
<br />We also had a consultant who sat with us in meetings with full blown influenza, went to state basketball tournaments with the flu another time.... This same person travelled with DH last fall with H1N1 because he didn't want to waste his conference fee. DH called me from the Denver airport to say he was heading to his parents home when he landed in town and could I please send over the tamiflu we had on hand. He slept at his parents house for several days, was the sickest he'd ever been. His mother said he slept for 16 hours plus. Because the vaccine wasn't available yet, we were terrified that DS was going to get it.


New member
BethanyAnne, I agree with Lisa (Ratatosk), I think you should ask your boyfriend to get a flu shot and offer to go with him. It doesn't hurt to ask him. If he's really set on not getting it for what ever reason, tell him if he gets sick he will need to stay away from you so you don't get sick. You can tell him without sounding mean or sounding like you are giving him an ultimatum. Just explain, that even though you got your flu shot, it doesn't mean you should be around someone who's got the flu and it doesn't mean you can't get the flu, it just means you shouldn't get it and IF you do, it won't be as bad as if you hadn't gotten the shot at all.

I hope he decides yes.


New member
BethanyAnne, I agree with Lisa (Ratatosk), I think you should ask your boyfriend to get a flu shot and offer to go with him. It doesn't hurt to ask him. If he's really set on not getting it for what ever reason, tell him if he gets sick he will need to stay away from you so you don't get sick. You can tell him without sounding mean or sounding like you are giving him an ultimatum. Just explain, that even though you got your flu shot, it doesn't mean you should be around someone who's got the flu and it doesn't mean you can't get the flu, it just means you shouldn't get it and IF you do, it won't be as bad as if you hadn't gotten the shot at all.

I hope he decides yes.


New member
BethanyAnne, I agree with Lisa (Ratatosk), I think you should ask your boyfriend to get a flu shot and offer to go with him. It doesn't hurt to ask him. If he's really set on not getting it for what ever reason, tell him if he gets sick he will need to stay away from you so you don't get sick. You can tell him without sounding mean or sounding like you are giving him an ultimatum. Just explain, that even though you got your flu shot, it doesn't mean you should be around someone who's got the flu and it doesn't mean you can't get the flu, it just means you shouldn't get it and IF you do, it won't be as bad as if you hadn't gotten the shot at all.
<br />
<br />I hope he decides yes.