For the mothers to CFers.


New member
I breast fed all three of my daughters. I breast fed My CF daughter for two years. She was allergic to Soy and was (and still is) allergic to cow's milk so it was easier and much cheaper to breast feed. (As a bonus I lost a lot of weight since I had to cut out all Soy and Cow's milk from my diet.)

She's very healthy, rarely gets any colds. Her sisters get more colds than she does. I think breast feeding is the best thing for CFers.


New member
I breast fed all three of my daughters. I breast fed My CF daughter for two years. She was allergic to Soy and was (and still is) allergic to cow's milk so it was easier and much cheaper to breast feed. (As a bonus I lost a lot of weight since I had to cut out all Soy and Cow's milk from my diet.)

She's very healthy, rarely gets any colds. Her sisters get more colds than she does. I think breast feeding is the best thing for CFers.


New member
I breast fed all three of my daughters. I breast fed My CF daughter for two years. She was allergic to Soy and was (and still is) allergic to cow's milk so it was easier and much cheaper to breast feed. (As a bonus I lost a lot of weight since I had to cut out all Soy and Cow's milk from my diet.)

She's very healthy, rarely gets any colds. Her sisters get more colds than she does. I think breast feeding is the best thing for CFers.


New member
I breast fed all three of my daughters. I breast fed My CF daughter for two years. She was allergic to Soy and was (and still is) allergic to cow's milk so it was easier and much cheaper to breast feed. (As a bonus I lost a lot of weight since I had to cut out all Soy and Cow's milk from my diet.)

She's very healthy, rarely gets any colds. Her sisters get more colds than she does. I think breast feeding is the best thing for CFers.


New member
I breast fed all three of my daughters. I breast fed My CF daughter for two years. She was allergic to Soy and was (and still is) allergic to cow's milk so it was easier and much cheaper to breast feed. (As a bonus I lost a lot of weight since I had to cut out all Soy and Cow's milk from my diet.)
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<br />She's very healthy, rarely gets any colds. Her sisters get more colds than she does. I think breast feeding is the best thing for CFers.