Frustrated with home health


Staff member
I've gotten a bag of nebs from the RT at the CF clinic from time to time -- for FREE. Otherwise, I've ordered from a place with free shipping, just so I have some spares. I pay for my own out of pocket 'cuz going thru insurance is such a hassle as is dealing with the local medical supply company.

When we started pulmozyme, I'd gotten some faulty neb cups and had to use the one I normally use for tobi until I got some new ones. I learned never to get down that low again 'cuz I had to boil nebs 2-3 times a day instead of once. Bleah!


Staff member
I've gotten a bag of nebs from the RT at the CF clinic from time to time -- for FREE. Otherwise, I've ordered from a place with free shipping, just so I have some spares. I pay for my own out of pocket 'cuz going thru insurance is such a hassle as is dealing with the local medical supply company.

When we started pulmozyme, I'd gotten some faulty neb cups and had to use the one I normally use for tobi until I got some new ones. I learned never to get down that low again 'cuz I had to boil nebs 2-3 times a day instead of once. Bleah!


Staff member
I've gotten a bag of nebs from the RT at the CF clinic from time to time -- for FREE. Otherwise, I've ordered from a place with free shipping, just so I have some spares. I pay for my own out of pocket 'cuz going thru insurance is such a hassle as is dealing with the local medical supply company.

When we started pulmozyme, I'd gotten some faulty neb cups and had to use the one I normally use for tobi until I got some new ones. I learned never to get down that low again 'cuz I had to boil nebs 2-3 times a day instead of once. Bleah!


Staff member
I've gotten a bag of nebs from the RT at the CF clinic from time to time -- for FREE. Otherwise, I've ordered from a place with free shipping, just so I have some spares. I pay for my own out of pocket 'cuz going thru insurance is such a hassle as is dealing with the local medical supply company.

When we started pulmozyme, I'd gotten some faulty neb cups and had to use the one I normally use for tobi until I got some new ones. I learned never to get down that low again 'cuz I had to boil nebs 2-3 times a day instead of once. Bleah!


Staff member
I've gotten a bag of nebs from the RT at the CF clinic from time to time -- for FREE. Otherwise, I've ordered from a place with free shipping, just so I have some spares. I pay for my own out of pocket 'cuz going thru insurance is such a hassle as is dealing with the local medical supply company.
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<br />When we started pulmozyme, I'd gotten some faulty neb cups and had to use the one I normally use for tobi until I got some new ones. I learned never to get down that low again 'cuz I had to boil nebs 2-3 times a day instead of once. Bleah!
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