G-tube? Have one?


New member
I've had mine since 1998. I went from 45lbs to 95 in very short time period. Plus grew 4 inches. It has helped me in so many ways. I'm glad I had it put in during 8th grade. I still use it a night. I enjoy not having to find time to eat constantly while going to school/ work/ everything. I think it is best thing I had done. I say go for it if you tolerate surgeries well, and know the different kinds there a re to choose from... I have a mickey- which blows up on the inside to keep it in, then I can change it myself. I love it, but there are many types. I believe most people have bards. Good luck-hope it goes well!

rockgirl- 22 w/ CF dx: at birth " premature 10 weeks w/ intest probs".


New member
I've had mine since 1998. I went from 45lbs to 95 in very short time period. Plus grew 4 inches. It has helped me in so many ways. I'm glad I had it put in during 8th grade. I still use it a night. I enjoy not having to find time to eat constantly while going to school/ work/ everything. I think it is best thing I had done. I say go for it if you tolerate surgeries well, and know the different kinds there a re to choose from... I have a mickey- which blows up on the inside to keep it in, then I can change it myself. I love it, but there are many types. I believe most people have bards. Good luck-hope it goes well!

rockgirl- 22 w/ CF dx: at birth " premature 10 weeks w/ intest probs".


New member
I've had mine since 1998. I went from 45lbs to 95 in very short time period. Plus grew 4 inches. It has helped me in so many ways. I'm glad I had it put in during 8th grade. I still use it a night. I enjoy not having to find time to eat constantly while going to school/ work/ everything. I think it is best thing I had done. I say go for it if you tolerate surgeries well, and know the different kinds there a re to choose from... I have a mickey- which blows up on the inside to keep it in, then I can change it myself. I love it, but there are many types. I believe most people have bards. Good luck-hope it goes well!

rockgirl- 22 w/ CF dx: at birth " premature 10 weeks w/ intest probs".


New member
I've had mine since 1998. I went from 45lbs to 95 in very short time period. Plus grew 4 inches. It has helped me in so many ways. I'm glad I had it put in during 8th grade. I still use it a night. I enjoy not having to find time to eat constantly while going to school/ work/ everything. I think it is best thing I had done. I say go for it if you tolerate surgeries well, and know the different kinds there a re to choose from... I have a mickey- which blows up on the inside to keep it in, then I can change it myself. I love it, but there are many types. I believe most people have bards. Good luck-hope it goes well!

rockgirl- 22 w/ CF dx: at birth " premature 10 weeks w/ intest probs".


New member
I've had mine since 1998. I went from 45lbs to 95 in very short time period. Plus grew 4 inches. It has helped me in so many ways. I'm glad I had it put in during 8th grade. I still use it a night. I enjoy not having to find time to eat constantly while going to school/ work/ everything. I think it is best thing I had done. I say go for it if you tolerate surgeries well, and know the different kinds there a re to choose from... I have a mickey- which blows up on the inside to keep it in, then I can change it myself. I love it, but there are many types. I believe most people have bards. Good luck-hope it goes well!
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<br />rockgirl- 22 w/ CF dx: at birth " premature 10 weeks w/ intest probs".