Gagging and Vomiting

  • Thread starter NanaOf8GirlsAndCounting
  • Start date


My granddaughter Grayson gags all the time. One of the twins was that way with her food or medicines. We were used to it with Lainey who doesn't have CF but with Grayson it seems to be more of a concern. It is getting so bad that even if she sees someone else eating she gags and sometimes vomits. It is really frusturating because we are trying to get the calories in her. It seems like she might take alittle food and then if you put anything else on her high chair she looks at it and gags and then throws up everything she just ate. You put her in her highchair and she gags, you put a bib on her and she gags again. They did take her off of the pectin for her digestion problems could that be why this is getting worse? Even if you boulbos feed her she will gag. Has anyone else has any experience with this? She is going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully we will get some answers. She is losing weight now and we need to find out if this is just a stage she is going thur or is it something else. She just had her first birthday and was doing well with weight gain. It is almost like she is mental about food....I don't know.


My granddaughter Grayson gags all the time. One of the twins was that way with her food or medicines. We were used to it with Lainey who doesn't have CF but with Grayson it seems to be more of a concern. It is getting so bad that even if she sees someone else eating she gags and sometimes vomits. It is really frusturating because we are trying to get the calories in her. It seems like she might take alittle food and then if you put anything else on her high chair she looks at it and gags and then throws up everything she just ate. You put her in her highchair and she gags, you put a bib on her and she gags again. They did take her off of the pectin for her digestion problems could that be why this is getting worse? Even if you boulbos feed her she will gag. Has anyone else has any experience with this? She is going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully we will get some answers. She is losing weight now and we need to find out if this is just a stage she is going thur or is it something else. She just had her first birthday and was doing well with weight gain. It is almost like she is mental about food....I don't know.


My granddaughter Grayson gags all the time. One of the twins was that way with her food or medicines. We were used to it with Lainey who doesn't have CF but with Grayson it seems to be more of a concern. It is getting so bad that even if she sees someone else eating she gags and sometimes vomits. It is really frusturating because we are trying to get the calories in her. It seems like she might take alittle food and then if you put anything else on her high chair she looks at it and gags and then throws up everything she just ate. You put her in her highchair and she gags, you put a bib on her and she gags again. They did take her off of the pectin for her digestion problems could that be why this is getting worse? Even if you boulbos feed her she will gag. Has anyone else has any experience with this? She is going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully we will get some answers. She is losing weight now and we need to find out if this is just a stage she is going thur or is it something else. She just had her first birthday and was doing well with weight gain. It is almost like she is mental about food....I don't know.


My granddaughter Grayson gags all the time. One of the twins was that way with her food or medicines. We were used to it with Lainey who doesn't have CF but with Grayson it seems to be more of a concern. It is getting so bad that even if she sees someone else eating she gags and sometimes vomits. It is really frusturating because we are trying to get the calories in her. It seems like she might take alittle food and then if you put anything else on her high chair she looks at it and gags and then throws up everything she just ate. You put her in her highchair and she gags, you put a bib on her and she gags again. They did take her off of the pectin for her digestion problems could that be why this is getting worse? Even if you boulbos feed her she will gag. Has anyone else has any experience with this? She is going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully we will get some answers. She is losing weight now and we need to find out if this is just a stage she is going thur or is it something else. She just had her first birthday and was doing well with weight gain. It is almost like she is mental about food....I don't know.


My granddaughter Grayson gags all the time. One of the twins was that way with her food or medicines. We were used to it with Lainey who doesn't have CF but with Grayson it seems to be more of a concern. It is getting so bad that even if she sees someone else eating she gags and sometimes vomits. It is really frusturating because we are trying to get the calories in her. It seems like she might take alittle food and then if you put anything else on her high chair she looks at it and gags and then throws up everything she just ate. You put her in her highchair and she gags, you put a bib on her and she gags again. They did take her off of the pectin for her digestion problems could that be why this is getting worse? Even if you boulbos feed her she will gag. Has anyone else has any experience with this? She is going to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully we will get some answers. She is losing weight now and we need to find out if this is just a stage she is going thur or is it something else. She just had her first birthday and was doing well with weight gain. It is almost like she is mental about food....I don't know.


It may very well be a psychological association with food and you may have to work with her through feeding therapy. It may also be reflux that is not under control -- though the way you describe it, it sounds like it happens in relation to eating, not digesting, so I'm not sure. DEFINITELY discuss with the CF team - they will likely be eager to get to the bottom of this since this kind of issue can really hinder her growth and strength.


It may very well be a psychological association with food and you may have to work with her through feeding therapy. It may also be reflux that is not under control -- though the way you describe it, it sounds like it happens in relation to eating, not digesting, so I'm not sure. DEFINITELY discuss with the CF team - they will likely be eager to get to the bottom of this since this kind of issue can really hinder her growth and strength.


It may very well be a psychological association with food and you may have to work with her through feeding therapy. It may also be reflux that is not under control -- though the way you describe it, it sounds like it happens in relation to eating, not digesting, so I'm not sure. DEFINITELY discuss with the CF team - they will likely be eager to get to the bottom of this since this kind of issue can really hinder her growth and strength.


It may very well be a psychological association with food and you may have to work with her through feeding therapy. It may also be reflux that is not under control -- though the way you describe it, it sounds like it happens in relation to eating, not digesting, so I'm not sure. DEFINITELY discuss with the CF team - they will likely be eager to get to the bottom of this since this kind of issue can really hinder her growth and strength.


It may very well be a psychological association with food and you may have to work with her through feeding therapy. It may also be reflux that is not under control -- though the way you describe it, it sounds like it happens in relation to eating, not digesting, so I'm not sure. DEFINITELY discuss with the CF team - they will likely be eager to get to the bottom of this since this kind of issue can really hinder her growth and strength.


New member
Ellie didn't tolerate solids until recently....she couldn't handle even the smallest bite of stage 1 baby food without gagging/vomiting and she's almost a year old! As crazy at it sounds, I actually ate some of her food in front of her and that turned a corner in terms of her and solids. If mommy can eat it, she can, too! Yummy! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did mention it to her nutritionist and she simply seemed stumped. The only thing I got from her is that it wasn't CF-related given that Ellie doesn't have reflux and stools a normal amount. We've been quite frustrated with her lack of interest in's been a slow processs, but I think we're getting there....


New member
Ellie didn't tolerate solids until recently....she couldn't handle even the smallest bite of stage 1 baby food without gagging/vomiting and she's almost a year old! As crazy at it sounds, I actually ate some of her food in front of her and that turned a corner in terms of her and solids. If mommy can eat it, she can, too! Yummy! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did mention it to her nutritionist and she simply seemed stumped. The only thing I got from her is that it wasn't CF-related given that Ellie doesn't have reflux and stools a normal amount. We've been quite frustrated with her lack of interest in's been a slow processs, but I think we're getting there....


New member
Ellie didn't tolerate solids until recently....she couldn't handle even the smallest bite of stage 1 baby food without gagging/vomiting and she's almost a year old! As crazy at it sounds, I actually ate some of her food in front of her and that turned a corner in terms of her and solids. If mommy can eat it, she can, too! Yummy! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did mention it to her nutritionist and she simply seemed stumped. The only thing I got from her is that it wasn't CF-related given that Ellie doesn't have reflux and stools a normal amount. We've been quite frustrated with her lack of interest in's been a slow processs, but I think we're getting there....


New member
Ellie didn't tolerate solids until recently....she couldn't handle even the smallest bite of stage 1 baby food without gagging/vomiting and she's almost a year old! As crazy at it sounds, I actually ate some of her food in front of her and that turned a corner in terms of her and solids. If mommy can eat it, she can, too! Yummy! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did mention it to her nutritionist and she simply seemed stumped. The only thing I got from her is that it wasn't CF-related given that Ellie doesn't have reflux and stools a normal amount. We've been quite frustrated with her lack of interest in's been a slow processs, but I think we're getting there....


New member
Ellie didn't tolerate solids until recently....she couldn't handle even the smallest bite of stage 1 baby food without gagging/vomiting and she's almost a year old! As crazy at it sounds, I actually ate some of her food in front of her and that turned a corner in terms of her and solids. If mommy can eat it, she can, too! Yummy! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I did mention it to her nutritionist and she simply seemed stumped. The only thing I got from her is that it wasn't CF-related given that Ellie doesn't have reflux and stools a normal amount. We've been quite frustrated with her lack of interest in's been a slow processs, but I think we're getting there....


New member
In addition, we bottle feed her so frequently that we haven't really given her the "chance" to become hungry enough to try solids. I think that has also contributed to the problem.


New member
In addition, we bottle feed her so frequently that we haven't really given her the "chance" to become hungry enough to try solids. I think that has also contributed to the problem.


New member
In addition, we bottle feed her so frequently that we haven't really given her the "chance" to become hungry enough to try solids. I think that has also contributed to the problem.


New member
In addition, we bottle feed her so frequently that we haven't really given her the "chance" to become hungry enough to try solids. I think that has also contributed to the problem.


New member
In addition, we bottle feed her so frequently that we haven't really given her the "chance" to become hungry enough to try solids. I think that has also contributed to the problem.