
OK so I looked around and there was a forums abt this but the last post was in July, so I am tryg to do this for the first time start a topic, hope it goes though. I am exceriencing bad pain at the top of my stomach, I have been taking Prontix for yrs. slacked off my Creon but not back on track. The pain is lastg 2-3 days but I forgotto mention it to the Dr. 2 weeks ago casue I forgot and it was not happening. I have been using TUMS, Pepcid as well daily. Ice packs releive soem of the pain. Can anyone take me if they have had this and what helps? Please write... Pat women 55/MAC


OK so I looked around and there was a forums abt this but the last post was in July, so I am tryg to do this for the first time start a topic, hope it goes though. I am exceriencing bad pain at the top of my stomach, I have been taking Prontix for yrs. slacked off my Creon but not back on track. The pain is lastg 2-3 days but I forgotto mention it to the Dr. 2 weeks ago casue I forgot and it was not happening. I have been using TUMS, Pepcid as well daily. Ice packs releive soem of the pain. Can anyone take me if they have had this and what helps? Please write... Pat women 55/MAC


OK so I looked around and there was a forums abt this but the last post was in July, so I am tryg to do this for the first time start a topic, hope it goes though. I am exceriencing bad pain at the top of my stomach, I have been taking Prontix for yrs. slacked off my Creon but not back on track. The pain is lastg 2-3 days but I forgotto mention it to the Dr. 2 weeks ago casue I forgot and it was not happening. I have been using TUMS, Pepcid as well daily. Ice packs releive soem of the pain. Can anyone take me if they have had this and what helps? Please write... Pat women 55/MAC


New member
Are you positive the pain in from acid reflux? It kind of sounds like the pain I have when I have a bowel blockage.


New member
Are you positive the pain in from acid reflux? It kind of sounds like the pain I have when I have a bowel blockage.


New member
Are you positive the pain in from acid reflux? It kind of sounds like the pain I have when I have a bowel blockage.


Thank You Sarabeth, I looked back in a old journal, I used to keep better notes, now hardly ever make a entry. I had this similar pain 3-4yrs ago and went for tests and xrays and they diagnosed a BB, withthe acif reflux I ckd in with the doctor today and will see her next week. If I am not too personal what works for you. I drink prune juice ever morning and it works, but maybe I am having a blockage. I use mirlax occassionally but not faithfully? Can you share?

Pat women 55/CF-Mac/staph


Thank You Sarabeth, I looked back in a old journal, I used to keep better notes, now hardly ever make a entry. I had this similar pain 3-4yrs ago and went for tests and xrays and they diagnosed a BB, withthe acif reflux I ckd in with the doctor today and will see her next week. If I am not too personal what works for you. I drink prune juice ever morning and it works, but maybe I am having a blockage. I use mirlax occassionally but not faithfully? Can you share?

Pat women 55/CF-Mac/staph


Thank You Sarabeth, I looked back in a old journal, I used to keep better notes, now hardly ever make a entry. I had this similar pain 3-4yrs ago and went for tests and xrays and they diagnosed a BB, withthe acif reflux I ckd in with the doctor today and will see her next week. If I am not too personal what works for you. I drink prune juice ever morning and it works, but maybe I am having a blockage. I use mirlax occassionally but not faithfully? Can you share?
<br />
<br />Pat women 55/CF-Mac/staph


Active member
I had/have something like this currently. I've had BBs in the past-this does not feel like that. (for me) With my BBs I'm not moving bowels, or they are very small. I'm severely bloated and in constant pain in my lower abdomen.
Currently, I'm having pain in my upper stomach, and mild bloating. The pain comes right after a meal-about once a day or every other day. My history is that about 3 months ago I switched to Creon after being on Pancrease (which was briefly unavailable). I was on Creon for 6 weeks approx. Thats when the pain started, except that during the Creon and right after I went back on Pancrease-the pain was terrible. As I've been on Pancr again its slowly improved.
My CT (I get a routine abdomen Ct every year) showed that I have lots of stool-but not a specified blockage.
So I started Miralax 2x a day. Prune juice and lots of fluids-something that is too often overlooked.
I also have reflux, but I dont know if its related or not. Could be a combination of the two.


Active member
I had/have something like this currently. I've had BBs in the past-this does not feel like that. (for me) With my BBs I'm not moving bowels, or they are very small. I'm severely bloated and in constant pain in my lower abdomen.
Currently, I'm having pain in my upper stomach, and mild bloating. The pain comes right after a meal-about once a day or every other day. My history is that about 3 months ago I switched to Creon after being on Pancrease (which was briefly unavailable). I was on Creon for 6 weeks approx. Thats when the pain started, except that during the Creon and right after I went back on Pancrease-the pain was terrible. As I've been on Pancr again its slowly improved.
My CT (I get a routine abdomen Ct every year) showed that I have lots of stool-but not a specified blockage.
So I started Miralax 2x a day. Prune juice and lots of fluids-something that is too often overlooked.
I also have reflux, but I dont know if its related or not. Could be a combination of the two.


Active member
I had/have something like this currently. I've had BBs in the past-this does not feel like that. (for me) With my BBs I'm not moving bowels, or they are very small. I'm severely bloated and in constant pain in my lower abdomen.
<br />Currently, I'm having pain in my upper stomach, and mild bloating. The pain comes right after a meal-about once a day or every other day. My history is that about 3 months ago I switched to Creon after being on Pancrease (which was briefly unavailable). I was on Creon for 6 weeks approx. Thats when the pain started, except that during the Creon and right after I went back on Pancrease-the pain was terrible. As I've been on Pancr again its slowly improved.
<br />My CT (I get a routine abdomen Ct every year) showed that I have lots of stool-but not a specified blockage.
<br />So I started Miralax 2x a day. Prune juice and lots of fluids-something that is too often overlooked.
<br />I also have reflux, but I dont know if its related or not. Could be a combination of the two.


New member
I have a similar problem . I have GERDS and now cant have a bowel movement with out taking Miralax 3 x a day. Have a abdominal ct scan a colonoscopy which I was sure was fix the problem but everything looked great in my colon the GI doc said. So still taking the Miralax 3 x a day . I feel really bloated if I eat big meal . I have been trying to eat small meals but that is hard if it is something I really like . Oh well I think the doc's look at like your 45 and lucky to still be here


New member
I have a similar problem . I have GERDS and now cant have a bowel movement with out taking Miralax 3 x a day. Have a abdominal ct scan a colonoscopy which I was sure was fix the problem but everything looked great in my colon the GI doc said. So still taking the Miralax 3 x a day . I feel really bloated if I eat big meal . I have been trying to eat small meals but that is hard if it is something I really like . Oh well I think the doc's look at like your 45 and lucky to still be here


New member
I have a similar problem . I have GERDS and now cant have a bowel movement with out taking Miralax 3 x a day. Have a abdominal ct scan a colonoscopy which I was sure was fix the problem but everything looked great in my colon the GI doc said. So still taking the Miralax 3 x a day . I feel really bloated if I eat big meal . I have been trying to eat small meals but that is hard if it is something I really like . Oh well I think the doc's look at like your 45 and lucky to still be here


New member
Could be an ulcer caused by H Pylori. Especially if the pain is way up in your stomach, and antacids relieve it temporarily. Google it. In any case, you should probably see a gastroenterologist.


New member
Could be an ulcer caused by H Pylori. Especially if the pain is way up in your stomach, and antacids relieve it temporarily. Google it. In any case, you should probably see a gastroenterologist.


New member
Could be an ulcer caused by H Pylori. Especially if the pain is way up in your stomach, and antacids relieve it temporarily. Google it. In any case, you should probably see a gastroenterologist.


New member
I usually take ibuprofen when my stomach hurts, although that's probably not good for a stomach ache and I drink Miralax for a few days. Last time I ended up in the hospital drinking go-lytely which was terrible by the way lol. I'm also on prilosec and zantac for GERD, so maybe the GERD has something to do with the BBs.


New member
I usually take ibuprofen when my stomach hurts, although that's probably not good for a stomach ache and I drink Miralax for a few days. Last time I ended up in the hospital drinking go-lytely which was terrible by the way lol. I'm also on prilosec and zantac for GERD, so maybe the GERD has something to do with the BBs.