Getting a Diagnosis- But NOT CF


New member
My son ate like a horse and didn't gain weight. The only possible answer that our ped could give us was CF. After a neg sweat test at Johns Hopkins I decided that we were branching out.

I was told by countless doctors that he was fine, but a 1 yr old at 15lbs is NOT fine- especially when he can eat 2 cheeseburgers from McD's.

I saw a mama comment on a forum once that if it wasn't CF, what could it be and someone else said that no one ever comes back to give clues.

So I swore to myself that if I got an answer I'd come back and post it. Well, I got an answer about my son and I'm passing it along- hopefully it will help someone else.

"Modern" medicine failed us, so we decided to turn to a homeopath who is very well respected and highly recommended. We explained everything, gave her the blood tests and she said this:

1) Something is wrong with his thyroid
2) He's clearly not digesting properly
3) He's likely hypoglycemic
4) Maybe something else, which she readily admitted to not knowing, but would think about and study more.
(it always impresses me when those in the medical field admit that they don't know- means they're admitting they're human)

Well modern medicine does not deal with nor treat hypoglycemia so she will give him herbs to help that. Also, his thyriod was checked and appeared to be normal but she explained that what might be "normal" for one is not always normal for another and if he continues to stress out his thyriod, it will eventually get to the point where tests will show it to be a problem (like at age 40 when the condition normally gets diagnosed), but that she wasn't going to "treat" his thyroid, just his digestion which would aid all of it.

She gave him a powdered form of several veggies and roots to mix into a drink for him and a homeopathic digestive enzyme. I took all the things to my son's ped, who said that they couldn't hurt and he'd heard of them and said "Let's try it her way".

It worked. My son has gotten up to the 5th% in the last 3 months, from being almost 2lbs below the zero percentile (in other words about 6.5lbs). We can't fake results like this, because he's only 20 months old. He's eating less and he's pickier about what he eats- he's also more comfortable in his own skin.

Now, instead of 2 cheeseburgers, he's only eating 3/4th of one.

So this has nothing, at all, to do with CF but it does because that's where this started and a lot of worried parents come here, trying to find answers. I was one of them.

I hope this can help someone else out in figuring out what is wrong with them.


New member
My son ate like a horse and didn't gain weight. The only possible answer that our ped could give us was CF. After a neg sweat test at Johns Hopkins I decided that we were branching out.

I was told by countless doctors that he was fine, but a 1 yr old at 15lbs is NOT fine- especially when he can eat 2 cheeseburgers from McD's.

I saw a mama comment on a forum once that if it wasn't CF, what could it be and someone else said that no one ever comes back to give clues.

So I swore to myself that if I got an answer I'd come back and post it. Well, I got an answer about my son and I'm passing it along- hopefully it will help someone else.

"Modern" medicine failed us, so we decided to turn to a homeopath who is very well respected and highly recommended. We explained everything, gave her the blood tests and she said this:

1) Something is wrong with his thyroid
2) He's clearly not digesting properly
3) He's likely hypoglycemic
4) Maybe something else, which she readily admitted to not knowing, but would think about and study more.
(it always impresses me when those in the medical field admit that they don't know- means they're admitting they're human)

Well modern medicine does not deal with nor treat hypoglycemia so she will give him herbs to help that. Also, his thyriod was checked and appeared to be normal but she explained that what might be "normal" for one is not always normal for another and if he continues to stress out his thyriod, it will eventually get to the point where tests will show it to be a problem (like at age 40 when the condition normally gets diagnosed), but that she wasn't going to "treat" his thyroid, just his digestion which would aid all of it.

She gave him a powdered form of several veggies and roots to mix into a drink for him and a homeopathic digestive enzyme. I took all the things to my son's ped, who said that they couldn't hurt and he'd heard of them and said "Let's try it her way".

It worked. My son has gotten up to the 5th% in the last 3 months, from being almost 2lbs below the zero percentile (in other words about 6.5lbs). We can't fake results like this, because he's only 20 months old. He's eating less and he's pickier about what he eats- he's also more comfortable in his own skin.

Now, instead of 2 cheeseburgers, he's only eating 3/4th of one.

So this has nothing, at all, to do with CF but it does because that's where this started and a lot of worried parents come here, trying to find answers. I was one of them.

I hope this can help someone else out in figuring out what is wrong with them.


New member
My son ate like a horse and didn't gain weight. The only possible answer that our ped could give us was CF. After a neg sweat test at Johns Hopkins I decided that we were branching out.

I was told by countless doctors that he was fine, but a 1 yr old at 15lbs is NOT fine- especially when he can eat 2 cheeseburgers from McD's.

I saw a mama comment on a forum once that if it wasn't CF, what could it be and someone else said that no one ever comes back to give clues.

So I swore to myself that if I got an answer I'd come back and post it. Well, I got an answer about my son and I'm passing it along- hopefully it will help someone else.

"Modern" medicine failed us, so we decided to turn to a homeopath who is very well respected and highly recommended. We explained everything, gave her the blood tests and she said this:

1) Something is wrong with his thyroid
2) He's clearly not digesting properly
3) He's likely hypoglycemic
4) Maybe something else, which she readily admitted to not knowing, but would think about and study more.
(it always impresses me when those in the medical field admit that they don't know- means they're admitting they're human)

Well modern medicine does not deal with nor treat hypoglycemia so she will give him herbs to help that. Also, his thyriod was checked and appeared to be normal but she explained that what might be "normal" for one is not always normal for another and if he continues to stress out his thyriod, it will eventually get to the point where tests will show it to be a problem (like at age 40 when the condition normally gets diagnosed), but that she wasn't going to "treat" his thyroid, just his digestion which would aid all of it.

She gave him a powdered form of several veggies and roots to mix into a drink for him and a homeopathic digestive enzyme. I took all the things to my son's ped, who said that they couldn't hurt and he'd heard of them and said "Let's try it her way".

It worked. My son has gotten up to the 5th% in the last 3 months, from being almost 2lbs below the zero percentile (in other words about 6.5lbs). We can't fake results like this, because he's only 20 months old. He's eating less and he's pickier about what he eats- he's also more comfortable in his own skin.

Now, instead of 2 cheeseburgers, he's only eating 3/4th of one.

So this has nothing, at all, to do with CF but it does because that's where this started and a lot of worried parents come here, trying to find answers. I was one of them.

I hope this can help someone else out in figuring out what is wrong with them.


New member
My son ate like a horse and didn't gain weight. The only possible answer that our ped could give us was CF. After a neg sweat test at Johns Hopkins I decided that we were branching out.

I was told by countless doctors that he was fine, but a 1 yr old at 15lbs is NOT fine- especially when he can eat 2 cheeseburgers from McD's.

I saw a mama comment on a forum once that if it wasn't CF, what could it be and someone else said that no one ever comes back to give clues.

So I swore to myself that if I got an answer I'd come back and post it. Well, I got an answer about my son and I'm passing it along- hopefully it will help someone else.

"Modern" medicine failed us, so we decided to turn to a homeopath who is very well respected and highly recommended. We explained everything, gave her the blood tests and she said this:

1) Something is wrong with his thyroid
2) He's clearly not digesting properly
3) He's likely hypoglycemic
4) Maybe something else, which she readily admitted to not knowing, but would think about and study more.
(it always impresses me when those in the medical field admit that they don't know- means they're admitting they're human)

Well modern medicine does not deal with nor treat hypoglycemia so she will give him herbs to help that. Also, his thyriod was checked and appeared to be normal but she explained that what might be "normal" for one is not always normal for another and if he continues to stress out his thyriod, it will eventually get to the point where tests will show it to be a problem (like at age 40 when the condition normally gets diagnosed), but that she wasn't going to "treat" his thyroid, just his digestion which would aid all of it.

She gave him a powdered form of several veggies and roots to mix into a drink for him and a homeopathic digestive enzyme. I took all the things to my son's ped, who said that they couldn't hurt and he'd heard of them and said "Let's try it her way".

It worked. My son has gotten up to the 5th% in the last 3 months, from being almost 2lbs below the zero percentile (in other words about 6.5lbs). We can't fake results like this, because he's only 20 months old. He's eating less and he's pickier about what he eats- he's also more comfortable in his own skin.

Now, instead of 2 cheeseburgers, he's only eating 3/4th of one.

So this has nothing, at all, to do with CF but it does because that's where this started and a lot of worried parents come here, trying to find answers. I was one of them.

I hope this can help someone else out in figuring out what is wrong with them.


New member
My son ate like a horse and didn't gain weight. The only possible answer that our ped could give us was CF. After a neg sweat test at Johns Hopkins I decided that we were branching out.
<br />
<br />I was told by countless doctors that he was fine, but a 1 yr old at 15lbs is NOT fine- especially when he can eat 2 cheeseburgers from McD's.
<br />
<br />I saw a mama comment on a forum once that if it wasn't CF, what could it be and someone else said that no one ever comes back to give clues.
<br />
<br />So I swore to myself that if I got an answer I'd come back and post it. Well, I got an answer about my son and I'm passing it along- hopefully it will help someone else.
<br />
<br />"Modern" medicine failed us, so we decided to turn to a homeopath who is very well respected and highly recommended. We explained everything, gave her the blood tests and she said this:
<br />
<br />1) Something is wrong with his thyroid
<br />2) He's clearly not digesting properly
<br />3) He's likely hypoglycemic
<br />4) Maybe something else, which she readily admitted to not knowing, but would think about and study more.
<br />(it always impresses me when those in the medical field admit that they don't know- means they're admitting they're human)
<br />
<br />Well modern medicine does not deal with nor treat hypoglycemia so she will give him herbs to help that. Also, his thyriod was checked and appeared to be normal but she explained that what might be "normal" for one is not always normal for another and if he continues to stress out his thyriod, it will eventually get to the point where tests will show it to be a problem (like at age 40 when the condition normally gets diagnosed), but that she wasn't going to "treat" his thyroid, just his digestion which would aid all of it.
<br />
<br />She gave him a powdered form of several veggies and roots to mix into a drink for him and a homeopathic digestive enzyme. I took all the things to my son's ped, who said that they couldn't hurt and he'd heard of them and said "Let's try it her way".
<br />
<br />It worked. My son has gotten up to the 5th% in the last 3 months, from being almost 2lbs below the zero percentile (in other words about 6.5lbs). We can't fake results like this, because he's only 20 months old. He's eating less and he's pickier about what he eats- he's also more comfortable in his own skin.
<br />
<br />Now, instead of 2 cheeseburgers, he's only eating 3/4th of one.
<br />
<br />So this has nothing, at all, to do with CF but it does because that's where this started and a lot of worried parents come here, trying to find answers. I was one of them.
<br />
<br />I hope this can help someone else out in figuring out what is wrong with them.


New member
Did you say that he's had a 1500 mutation genetic test?

There are many CFer's who have negative sweat tests but test positive on a genetic test.


New member
Did you say that he's had a 1500 mutation genetic test?

There are many CFer's who have negative sweat tests but test positive on a genetic test.


New member
Did you say that he's had a 1500 mutation genetic test?

There are many CFer's who have negative sweat tests but test positive on a genetic test.


New member
Did you say that he's had a 1500 mutation genetic test?

There are many CFer's who have negative sweat tests but test positive on a genetic test.


New member
Did you say that he's had a 1500 mutation genetic test?
<br />
<br />There are many CFer's who have negative sweat tests but test positive on a genetic test.


New member
He had no other symptoms of CF except for eating a lot and not gaining weight. If the herbs and digestive enzymes hadn't worked then I'd be back to getting the genetic test, but overall the thyroid made more sense and he had lots of symptoms that pointed towards that, but because he's still a baby, it's not something that a ped is going to be looking for- so I don't think he needs the genetic test.

But, if signs point that way, I'll take him for the genetic test (thankfully Hopkins is only 15 minutes from me).

But he's gaining a lot of weight, and he seems to feel better, so I think that this is the solution, or as close as we're going to get right now.



New member
He had no other symptoms of CF except for eating a lot and not gaining weight. If the herbs and digestive enzymes hadn't worked then I'd be back to getting the genetic test, but overall the thyroid made more sense and he had lots of symptoms that pointed towards that, but because he's still a baby, it's not something that a ped is going to be looking for- so I don't think he needs the genetic test.

But, if signs point that way, I'll take him for the genetic test (thankfully Hopkins is only 15 minutes from me).

But he's gaining a lot of weight, and he seems to feel better, so I think that this is the solution, or as close as we're going to get right now.



New member
He had no other symptoms of CF except for eating a lot and not gaining weight. If the herbs and digestive enzymes hadn't worked then I'd be back to getting the genetic test, but overall the thyroid made more sense and he had lots of symptoms that pointed towards that, but because he's still a baby, it's not something that a ped is going to be looking for- so I don't think he needs the genetic test.

But, if signs point that way, I'll take him for the genetic test (thankfully Hopkins is only 15 minutes from me).

But he's gaining a lot of weight, and he seems to feel better, so I think that this is the solution, or as close as we're going to get right now.



New member
He had no other symptoms of CF except for eating a lot and not gaining weight. If the herbs and digestive enzymes hadn't worked then I'd be back to getting the genetic test, but overall the thyroid made more sense and he had lots of symptoms that pointed towards that, but because he's still a baby, it's not something that a ped is going to be looking for- so I don't think he needs the genetic test.

But, if signs point that way, I'll take him for the genetic test (thankfully Hopkins is only 15 minutes from me).

But he's gaining a lot of weight, and he seems to feel better, so I think that this is the solution, or as close as we're going to get right now.



New member
He had no other symptoms of CF except for eating a lot and not gaining weight. If the herbs and digestive enzymes hadn't worked then I'd be back to getting the genetic test, but overall the thyroid made more sense and he had lots of symptoms that pointed towards that, but because he's still a baby, it's not something that a ped is going to be looking for- so I don't think he needs the genetic test.
<br />
<br />But, if signs point that way, I'll take him for the genetic test (thankfully Hopkins is only 15 minutes from me).
<br />
<br />But he's gaining a lot of weight, and he seems to feel better, so I think that this is the solution, or as close as we're going to get right now.
<br />
<br />Thoughts?


New member
Genetic test is just a blood test - seems logical to rule CF out since it's such a simple test.

Some CFer's only present with digestive issues until later in life, then lungs become involved.

Take care.


New member
Genetic test is just a blood test - seems logical to rule CF out since it's such a simple test.

Some CFer's only present with digestive issues until later in life, then lungs become involved.

Take care.


New member
Genetic test is just a blood test - seems logical to rule CF out since it's such a simple test.

Some CFer's only present with digestive issues until later in life, then lungs become involved.

Take care.


New member
Genetic test is just a blood test - seems logical to rule CF out since it's such a simple test.

Some CFer's only present with digestive issues until later in life, then lungs become involved.

Take care.


New member
Genetic test is just a blood test - seems logical to rule CF out since it's such a simple test.
<br />
<br />Some CFer's only present with digestive issues until later in life, then lungs become involved.
<br />
<br />Take care.