Hi Khristina,
I've been taking Oral GSH ( Glutathione) for about 4 years now. Having hemoptysis problems and cepacia make inhaling it not a good option, so i decided to use it orally. The first thing i noticed a day or two after taking it was, i started to have my energy that i uised to have before i got cepacia. Having cepacia always made me so tired all the time and after work i would come home and just veg for hours . After starting GSH i would come home and go outside and start working in my garden, cleaning , washing the car, whatever. After a while i noticed i wasnt getting sick as often and when i did , it wasnt as severe. I have not seen any bad things about it at all in me, except for the cost, but its worth it. I started taking it slowly as is recommended, and worked up to the dosage for my weight within a month. I was taking 3600 to 4000mg. per day with 500.mg vitamin C each dose. AFter being on it a few years i started to take less because of the cost, and i am now on 2000 - 2500mg. per day ( with the vit.c of coarse) I am including some links about GSH, and also where i get it.... I get it online from IHERB.com
The links for info on GSH
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/search?invocationType=bottomsearchbox.%2Faol%2Fjsp%2Fsearch.jsp&query=glutathione+and+cystic+fibrosis&x=30&y=7
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://members.tripod.com/uvicf/research/glutathione.htm