

New member
I too have posted on this topic in the past. I took them for close to a year. I found it beneficial to the digestion. I was able to reduce and basically elimate digestive enzymes. I believe glyconutrients do boost the immune system. However, there is an ingredient in the ambrotose that can increase mucus production. I can't remember what it was but I can remember being more congested while taking the products. I do think they won't really hurt you, and I know of some people (not with cf) who it has helped. And I have heard on the internet of people who it has helped who do have cf. A good friend of our families believes it has cured his cancer.

The big problem is that they recommend you take large amounts of the products and it is REALLY expensive. I was paying 200-300 dollars a month and I decided since it was only really helping my digestion, that I would be better served going back to pancreatic was much cheaper.

Oh, and contrary to what some have said, I think you can get most if not all of the glynconutrients in health food stores. A lot of the stuff they recommend you take, in addition to the ambrotose, is definitely found in health food stores: powdered veggies, pro-biotics etc..


New member
I too have posted on this topic in the past. I took them for close to a year. I found it beneficial to the digestion. I was able to reduce and basically elimate digestive enzymes. I believe glyconutrients do boost the immune system. However, there is an ingredient in the ambrotose that can increase mucus production. I can't remember what it was but I can remember being more congested while taking the products. I do think they won't really hurt you, and I know of some people (not with cf) who it has helped. And I have heard on the internet of people who it has helped who do have cf. A good friend of our families believes it has cured his cancer.

The big problem is that they recommend you take large amounts of the products and it is REALLY expensive. I was paying 200-300 dollars a month and I decided since it was only really helping my digestion, that I would be better served going back to pancreatic was much cheaper.

Oh, and contrary to what some have said, I think you can get most if not all of the glynconutrients in health food stores. A lot of the stuff they recommend you take, in addition to the ambrotose, is definitely found in health food stores: powdered veggies, pro-biotics etc..


New member
I too have posted on this topic in the past. I took them for close to a year. I found it beneficial to the digestion. I was able to reduce and basically elimate digestive enzymes. I believe glyconutrients do boost the immune system. However, there is an ingredient in the ambrotose that can increase mucus production. I can't remember what it was but I can remember being more congested while taking the products. I do think they won't really hurt you, and I know of some people (not with cf) who it has helped. And I have heard on the internet of people who it has helped who do have cf. A good friend of our families believes it has cured his cancer.

The big problem is that they recommend you take large amounts of the products and it is REALLY expensive. I was paying 200-300 dollars a month and I decided since it was only really helping my digestion, that I would be better served going back to pancreatic was much cheaper.

Oh, and contrary to what some have said, I think you can get most if not all of the glynconutrients in health food stores. A lot of the stuff they recommend you take, in addition to the ambrotose, is definitely found in health food stores: powdered veggies, pro-biotics etc..


New member
I too have posted on this topic in the past. I took them for close to a year. I found it beneficial to the digestion. I was able to reduce and basically elimate digestive enzymes. I believe glyconutrients do boost the immune system. However, there is an ingredient in the ambrotose that can increase mucus production. I can't remember what it was but I can remember being more congested while taking the products. I do think they won't really hurt you, and I know of some people (not with cf) who it has helped. And I have heard on the internet of people who it has helped who do have cf. A good friend of our families believes it has cured his cancer.

The big problem is that they recommend you take large amounts of the products and it is REALLY expensive. I was paying 200-300 dollars a month and I decided since it was only really helping my digestion, that I would be better served going back to pancreatic was much cheaper.

Oh, and contrary to what some have said, I think you can get most if not all of the glynconutrients in health food stores. A lot of the stuff they recommend you take, in addition to the ambrotose, is definitely found in health food stores: powdered veggies, pro-biotics etc..


New member
I too have posted on this topic in the past. I took them for close to a year. I found it beneficial to the digestion. I was able to reduce and basically elimate digestive enzymes. I believe glyconutrients do boost the immune system. However, there is an ingredient in the ambrotose that can increase mucus production. I can't remember what it was but I can remember being more congested while taking the products. I do think they won't really hurt you, and I know of some people (not with cf) who it has helped. And I have heard on the internet of people who it has helped who do have cf. A good friend of our families believes it has cured his cancer.
<br />
<br />The big problem is that they recommend you take large amounts of the products and it is REALLY expensive. I was paying 200-300 dollars a month and I decided since it was only really helping my digestion, that I would be better served going back to pancreatic was much cheaper.
<br />
<br />Oh, and contrary to what some have said, I think you can get most if not all of the glynconutrients in health food stores. A lot of the stuff they recommend you take, in addition to the ambrotose, is definitely found in health food stores: powdered veggies, pro-biotics etc..


New member
This topic comes up every once in a while. Do a search of the website for all of the previous posts.

I saw a piece on 20/20 about glyconutrients a while ago and posted on it. Here's the link, <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://forums.cysticfibrosis.c...key=y&keyword1=20%2F20</a>


New member
This topic comes up every once in a while. Do a search of the website for all of the previous posts.

I saw a piece on 20/20 about glyconutrients a while ago and posted on it. Here's the link, <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://forums.cysticfibrosis.c...key=y&keyword1=20%2F20</a>


New member
This topic comes up every once in a while. Do a search of the website for all of the previous posts.

I saw a piece on 20/20 about glyconutrients a while ago and posted on it. Here's the link, <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://forums.cysticfibrosis.c...key=y&keyword1=20%2F20</a>


New member
This topic comes up every once in a while. Do a search of the website for all of the previous posts.

I saw a piece on 20/20 about glyconutrients a while ago and posted on it. Here's the link, <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://forums.cysticfibrosis.c...key=y&keyword1=20%2F20</a>


New member
This topic comes up every once in a while. Do a search of the website for all of the previous posts.
<br />
<br />I saw a piece on 20/20 about glyconutrients a while ago and posted on it. Here's the link, <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://forums.cysticfibrosis.c...key=y&keyword1=20%2F20</a>


New member
I use glycontrients. I have found they have the strongest positive impact when taken with both sea salt and coconut oil. For me and my son with CF, the combination of the three has made a big difference. He is no longer on them because he is well. I am still working on clearing up the mess from not getting diagnosed until I was nearly 36.


New member
I use glycontrients. I have found they have the strongest positive impact when taken with both sea salt and coconut oil. For me and my son with CF, the combination of the three has made a big difference. He is no longer on them because he is well. I am still working on clearing up the mess from not getting diagnosed until I was nearly 36.


New member
I use glycontrients. I have found they have the strongest positive impact when taken with both sea salt and coconut oil. For me and my son with CF, the combination of the three has made a big difference. He is no longer on them because he is well. I am still working on clearing up the mess from not getting diagnosed until I was nearly 36.


New member
I use glycontrients. I have found they have the strongest positive impact when taken with both sea salt and coconut oil. For me and my son with CF, the combination of the three has made a big difference. He is no longer on them because he is well. I am still working on clearing up the mess from not getting diagnosed until I was nearly 36.


New member
I use glycontrients. I have found they have the strongest positive impact when taken with both sea salt and coconut oil. For me and my son with CF, the combination of the three has made a big difference. He is no longer on them because he is well. I am still working on clearing up the mess from not getting diagnosed until I was nearly 36.