Going Back to work after Mat leave.


New member
I'm a first time mom and my son who is now almost 10 months has CF. My question is for all you other moms out there with a child or children with Cf, did Cf affect your decision on going back to work? I'm very worried to leave my son with a babysitter. I'm worried that if I leave him with someone else he wont get the things he needs in a day done or things given to him when he needs them( vitamins,antacid right amount of enzymes). Am I being to paranoid? How did the rest of you deal with this ? My son has never been looked after by anyone but me and my husband not even close family. So I'm thinking of going back to work part time, this way me and my husband can look after our son and not need a babysitter.


New member
I'm a first time mom and my son who is now almost 10 months has CF. My question is for all you other moms out there with a child or children with Cf, did Cf affect your decision on going back to work? I'm very worried to leave my son with a babysitter. I'm worried that if I leave him with someone else he wont get the things he needs in a day done or things given to him when he needs them( vitamins,antacid right amount of enzymes). Am I being to paranoid? How did the rest of you deal with this ? My son has never been looked after by anyone but me and my husband not even close family. So I'm thinking of going back to work part time, this way me and my husband can look after our son and not need a babysitter.


New member
I'm a first time mom and my son who is now almost 10 months has CF. My question is for all you other moms out there with a child or children with Cf, did Cf affect your decision on going back to work? I'm very worried to leave my son with a babysitter. I'm worried that if I leave him with someone else he wont get the things he needs in a day done or things given to him when he needs them( vitamins,antacid right amount of enzymes). Am I being to paranoid? How did the rest of you deal with this ? My son has never been looked after by anyone but me and my husband not even close family. So I'm thinking of going back to work part time, this way me and my husband can look after our son and not need a babysitter.


New member
I'm a first time mom and my son who is now almost 10 months has CF. My question is for all you other moms out there with a child or children with Cf, did Cf affect your decision on going back to work? I'm very worried to leave my son with a babysitter. I'm worried that if I leave him with someone else he wont get the things he needs in a day done or things given to him when he needs them( vitamins,antacid right amount of enzymes). Am I being to paranoid? How did the rest of you deal with this ? My son has never been looked after by anyone but me and my husband not even close family. So I'm thinking of going back to work part time, this way me and my husband can look after our son and not need a babysitter.


New member
<br />I'm a first time mom and my son who is now almost 10 months has CF. My question is for all you other moms out there with a child or children with Cf, did Cf affect your decision on going back to work? I'm very worried to leave my son with a babysitter. I'm worried that if I leave him with someone else he wont get the things he needs in a day done or things given to him when he needs them( vitamins,antacid right amount of enzymes). Am I being to paranoid? How did the rest of you deal with this ? My son has never been looked after by anyone but me and my husband not even close family. So I'm thinking of going back to work part time, this way me and my husband can look after our son and not need a babysitter.


New member
you will find a million different answers to this question!!! and people will tend to be very strong in their opinions...for me....my cf doc advised absolutley no daycare, at least for the first year. there have been a few other posts previously like this one...you may want to check out the responces to those...good luck!! you need to do what you think is best for your family, you will know it in your heart.


New member
you will find a million different answers to this question!!! and people will tend to be very strong in their opinions...for me....my cf doc advised absolutley no daycare, at least for the first year. there have been a few other posts previously like this one...you may want to check out the responces to those...good luck!! you need to do what you think is best for your family, you will know it in your heart.


New member
you will find a million different answers to this question!!! and people will tend to be very strong in their opinions...for me....my cf doc advised absolutley no daycare, at least for the first year. there have been a few other posts previously like this one...you may want to check out the responces to those...good luck!! you need to do what you think is best for your family, you will know it in your heart.


New member
you will find a million different answers to this question!!! and people will tend to be very strong in their opinions...for me....my cf doc advised absolutley no daycare, at least for the first year. there have been a few other posts previously like this one...you may want to check out the responces to those...good luck!! you need to do what you think is best for your family, you will know it in your heart.


New member
you will find a million different answers to this question!!! and people will tend to be very strong in their opinions...for me....my cf doc advised absolutley no daycare, at least for the first year. there have been a few other posts previously like this one...you may want to check out the responces to those...good luck!! you need to do what you think is best for your family, you will know it in your heart.


Staff member
With every milestone, every step -- I've worried. His first birthday party -- again worried about the enzyme issue. Sunday school, even going to a friend or grandparents for the evening when we've had meetings.

DS did go to daycare and the only medication they've ever had to give him, other than tylenol drops once or twice is his enzymes. Otherwise treatments and meds were all handled at home. And I bombarded them with information about enzymes, germ control, etc. One thing I did stress was without enzymes, he would have very nasty diapers -- liquid poo, worse than the once in a while Poop up the back. Bleah. They were excellent about enzymes -- in fact in his 5 1/2 years of daycare they never once missed enzymes until a month ago -- and called in a panic 'cuz I apparently put the fear of god into them. And it was FINE because he didn't eat much if anything with fat in it.

We did think long and hard about the daycare issue and it was by no means an easy decision. We researched daycares, made sure we found one that was very conscientious about cleanliness, letting us know if there were any bugs going around and we did speak with our doctor about it too, who was on board with it provided the baby room was separated from the general population...


Staff member
With every milestone, every step -- I've worried. His first birthday party -- again worried about the enzyme issue. Sunday school, even going to a friend or grandparents for the evening when we've had meetings.

DS did go to daycare and the only medication they've ever had to give him, other than tylenol drops once or twice is his enzymes. Otherwise treatments and meds were all handled at home. And I bombarded them with information about enzymes, germ control, etc. One thing I did stress was without enzymes, he would have very nasty diapers -- liquid poo, worse than the once in a while Poop up the back. Bleah. They were excellent about enzymes -- in fact in his 5 1/2 years of daycare they never once missed enzymes until a month ago -- and called in a panic 'cuz I apparently put the fear of god into them. And it was FINE because he didn't eat much if anything with fat in it.

We did think long and hard about the daycare issue and it was by no means an easy decision. We researched daycares, made sure we found one that was very conscientious about cleanliness, letting us know if there were any bugs going around and we did speak with our doctor about it too, who was on board with it provided the baby room was separated from the general population...


Staff member
With every milestone, every step -- I've worried. His first birthday party -- again worried about the enzyme issue. Sunday school, even going to a friend or grandparents for the evening when we've had meetings.

DS did go to daycare and the only medication they've ever had to give him, other than tylenol drops once or twice is his enzymes. Otherwise treatments and meds were all handled at home. And I bombarded them with information about enzymes, germ control, etc. One thing I did stress was without enzymes, he would have very nasty diapers -- liquid poo, worse than the once in a while Poop up the back. Bleah. They were excellent about enzymes -- in fact in his 5 1/2 years of daycare they never once missed enzymes until a month ago -- and called in a panic 'cuz I apparently put the fear of god into them. And it was FINE because he didn't eat much if anything with fat in it.

We did think long and hard about the daycare issue and it was by no means an easy decision. We researched daycares, made sure we found one that was very conscientious about cleanliness, letting us know if there were any bugs going around and we did speak with our doctor about it too, who was on board with it provided the baby room was separated from the general population...


Staff member
With every milestone, every step -- I've worried. His first birthday party -- again worried about the enzyme issue. Sunday school, even going to a friend or grandparents for the evening when we've had meetings.

DS did go to daycare and the only medication they've ever had to give him, other than tylenol drops once or twice is his enzymes. Otherwise treatments and meds were all handled at home. And I bombarded them with information about enzymes, germ control, etc. One thing I did stress was without enzymes, he would have very nasty diapers -- liquid poo, worse than the once in a while Poop up the back. Bleah. They were excellent about enzymes -- in fact in his 5 1/2 years of daycare they never once missed enzymes until a month ago -- and called in a panic 'cuz I apparently put the fear of god into them. And it was FINE because he didn't eat much if anything with fat in it.

We did think long and hard about the daycare issue and it was by no means an easy decision. We researched daycares, made sure we found one that was very conscientious about cleanliness, letting us know if there were any bugs going around and we did speak with our doctor about it too, who was on board with it provided the baby room was separated from the general population...


Staff member
With every milestone, every step -- I've worried. His first birthday party -- again worried about the enzyme issue. Sunday school, even going to a friend or grandparents for the evening when we've had meetings.
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<br />DS did go to daycare and the only medication they've ever had to give him, other than tylenol drops once or twice is his enzymes. Otherwise treatments and meds were all handled at home. And I bombarded them with information about enzymes, germ control, etc. One thing I did stress was without enzymes, he would have very nasty diapers -- liquid poo, worse than the once in a while Poop up the back. Bleah. They were excellent about enzymes -- in fact in his 5 1/2 years of daycare they never once missed enzymes until a month ago -- and called in a panic 'cuz I apparently put the fear of god into them. And it was FINE because he didn't eat much if anything with fat in it.
<br />
<br />We did think long and hard about the daycare issue and it was by no means an easy decision. We researched daycares, made sure we found one that was very conscientious about cleanliness, letting us know if there were any bugs going around and we did speak with our doctor about it too, who was on board with it provided the baby room was separated from the general population...


Like Liza, I never had daycare do anything other than enzymes. All other treatments were done at home.

My older daughter didn't go to daycare until she was about 18 months old, but only b/c the two grandmas babysat her for me. It was then that I realized she really needed to be around other little kids. Grandmas were great to have, but they sure could spoil her fast, lol! My younger one started daycare at 6 months old, only b/c of one of the grandma's going back to work part time and one needed to care for her parents.

I remember telling both sets of grandparents that I did not want to know if my girls said their first word, rolled over, sat up, walked...all those firsts... I wanted to see it on my own and THINK it was the first time they did it. So, that was my rule, don't tell me about it! Don't ruin for me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

You need to do what is best for your family and for what you think you can handle. My girls have, for the most part, been VERY healthy and daycare did not cause them to get sick any more than any other child. Even to this day they do not get sick very often. If they were sick all the time, maybe I would had stayed home with them. But their CF dr. said it was fine to send them to daycare, so I did.


Like Liza, I never had daycare do anything other than enzymes. All other treatments were done at home.

My older daughter didn't go to daycare until she was about 18 months old, but only b/c the two grandmas babysat her for me. It was then that I realized she really needed to be around other little kids. Grandmas were great to have, but they sure could spoil her fast, lol! My younger one started daycare at 6 months old, only b/c of one of the grandma's going back to work part time and one needed to care for her parents.

I remember telling both sets of grandparents that I did not want to know if my girls said their first word, rolled over, sat up, walked...all those firsts... I wanted to see it on my own and THINK it was the first time they did it. So, that was my rule, don't tell me about it! Don't ruin for me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

You need to do what is best for your family and for what you think you can handle. My girls have, for the most part, been VERY healthy and daycare did not cause them to get sick any more than any other child. Even to this day they do not get sick very often. If they were sick all the time, maybe I would had stayed home with them. But their CF dr. said it was fine to send them to daycare, so I did.


Like Liza, I never had daycare do anything other than enzymes. All other treatments were done at home.

My older daughter didn't go to daycare until she was about 18 months old, but only b/c the two grandmas babysat her for me. It was then that I realized she really needed to be around other little kids. Grandmas were great to have, but they sure could spoil her fast, lol! My younger one started daycare at 6 months old, only b/c of one of the grandma's going back to work part time and one needed to care for her parents.

I remember telling both sets of grandparents that I did not want to know if my girls said their first word, rolled over, sat up, walked...all those firsts... I wanted to see it on my own and THINK it was the first time they did it. So, that was my rule, don't tell me about it! Don't ruin for me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

You need to do what is best for your family and for what you think you can handle. My girls have, for the most part, been VERY healthy and daycare did not cause them to get sick any more than any other child. Even to this day they do not get sick very often. If they were sick all the time, maybe I would had stayed home with them. But their CF dr. said it was fine to send them to daycare, so I did.


Like Liza, I never had daycare do anything other than enzymes. All other treatments were done at home.

My older daughter didn't go to daycare until she was about 18 months old, but only b/c the two grandmas babysat her for me. It was then that I realized she really needed to be around other little kids. Grandmas were great to have, but they sure could spoil her fast, lol! My younger one started daycare at 6 months old, only b/c of one of the grandma's going back to work part time and one needed to care for her parents.

I remember telling both sets of grandparents that I did not want to know if my girls said their first word, rolled over, sat up, walked...all those firsts... I wanted to see it on my own and THINK it was the first time they did it. So, that was my rule, don't tell me about it! Don't ruin for me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

You need to do what is best for your family and for what you think you can handle. My girls have, for the most part, been VERY healthy and daycare did not cause them to get sick any more than any other child. Even to this day they do not get sick very often. If they were sick all the time, maybe I would had stayed home with them. But their CF dr. said it was fine to send them to daycare, so I did.


Like Liza, I never had daycare do anything other than enzymes. All other treatments were done at home.
<br />
<br />My older daughter didn't go to daycare until she was about 18 months old, but only b/c the two grandmas babysat her for me. It was then that I realized she really needed to be around other little kids. Grandmas were great to have, but they sure could spoil her fast, lol! My younger one started daycare at 6 months old, only b/c of one of the grandma's going back to work part time and one needed to care for her parents.
<br />
<br />I remember telling both sets of grandparents that I did not want to know if my girls said their first word, rolled over, sat up, walked...all those firsts... I wanted to see it on my own and THINK it was the first time they did it. So, that was my rule, don't tell me about it! Don't ruin for me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />You need to do what is best for your family and for what you think you can handle. My girls have, for the most part, been VERY healthy and daycare did not cause them to get sick any more than any other child. Even to this day they do not get sick very often. If they were sick all the time, maybe I would had stayed home with them. But their CF dr. said it was fine to send them to daycare, so I did.
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