Hi Lauren,
I was on the pill for 8 years to keep an ovarian cyst from forming on my left ovary. I first got one when I was 13. Then, I ended going on and off of the pill for another 2 years until I ended up staying on it. I hated being on the pill. Imagine being 13, 14, 15 and having to sit in the GYN doctor's office and wait your turn to be seen. I felt dirty. People would always stare at me like "Was I pregnant?" "Does she have an STD?" I couldn't come off the pill though, or my periods would last 2 weeks, and I'd have to use the bathroom every 2 hours. The pain with each period was terrible. I would miss a lot of school.
Anyway, my husband and I are trying to conceive since last August 2005. I stopped the pill June 2005 after about 8 years. So far we aren't pregnant. It's really disappointing every month to get a period when you really don't want one. My OB doctor says that the pill won't effect my fertility. Neither will the history of the ovarian cyst. I know that when I discontinued using the pill that the next two months my periods were off. After that, I was fine. And thank God, no cyst has reformed. I am supposed to be fertile, but it is taking me a while to conceive. I'm kind of surprised. I know it can take longer, but even as a teen off the pill, I was always regular cycle. Just heavier and more painful. Now, I have been regular since August and no luck. It's really disappointing. I just hope my health continues to be as good as it is.
Jennifer 24 w/CF