Going off birth control


New member
Been on the evil stuff for 11 years and I'm ready to get off of it but not quite ready to start trying to get pregnant. Anyone have experience with long time bc pill use? Any experiences I can expect when getting off of it?

Here's a book I picked up <b>Your fertility signals. Using them to achieve or avoid pregnancy, naturally</b> by Merryl Winstein
I've heard good things about it.


New member
Been on the evil stuff for 11 years and I'm ready to get off of it but not quite ready to start trying to get pregnant. Anyone have experience with long time bc pill use? Any experiences I can expect when getting off of it?

Here's a book I picked up <b>Your fertility signals. Using them to achieve or avoid pregnancy, naturally</b> by Merryl Winstein
I've heard good things about it.


New member
You might also want to check out <A href="http://www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama/female_fertility">www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama/female_fertility</A>. There are some recommendations for determining what your body is doing and some other resources.


New member
You might also want to check out <A href="http://www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama/female_fertility">www.geocities.com/MurrensNatureMama/female_fertility</A>. There are some recommendations for determining what your body is doing and some other resources.


New member
Holly, I've enjoyed your site a few times. I definitely will be using it for a source of information. I found the saliva test for ovulation (I think it was?) very fascinating. How have you been feeling?


New member
Holly, I've enjoyed your site a few times. I definitely will be using it for a source of information. I found the saliva test for ovulation (I think it was?) very fascinating. How have you been feeling?


New member
I don't have CF, our child does. I'd been on bc pills since the age of 19, when DH and I decided to start a family in my mid-30s. The doctor told us to use protection until first regular cycle. I think mainly 'cuz they want you on prenatals to prevent neural tube defects before you even start trying to get pregnant --- standard practice. He also warned us that it might take awhile -- up to a year to conceive. The first year we really didn't try -- didn't try to figure out ovulation or anything. Just left things to chance. Once I did figure out my cycle, I conceived that month.


New member
I don't have CF, our child does. I'd been on bc pills since the age of 19, when DH and I decided to start a family in my mid-30s. The doctor told us to use protection until first regular cycle. I think mainly 'cuz they want you on prenatals to prevent neural tube defects before you even start trying to get pregnant --- standard practice. He also warned us that it might take awhile -- up to a year to conceive. The first year we really didn't try -- didn't try to figure out ovulation or anything. Just left things to chance. Once I did figure out my cycle, I conceived that month.


New member
Hi Lauren,

I was on the pill for 8 years to keep an ovarian cyst from forming on my left ovary. I first got one when I was 13. Then, I ended going on and off of the pill for another 2 years until I ended up staying on it. I hated being on the pill. Imagine being 13, 14, 15 and having to sit in the GYN doctor's office and wait your turn to be seen. I felt dirty. People would always stare at me like "Was I pregnant?" "Does she have an STD?" I couldn't come off the pill though, or my periods would last 2 weeks, and I'd have to use the bathroom every 2 hours. The pain with each period was terrible. I would miss a lot of school.

Anyway, my husband and I are trying to conceive since last August 2005. I stopped the pill June 2005 after about 8 years. So far we aren't pregnant. It's really disappointing every month to get a period when you really don't want one. My OB doctor says that the pill won't effect my fertility. Neither will the history of the ovarian cyst. I know that when I discontinued using the pill that the next two months my periods were off. After that, I was fine. And thank God, no cyst has reformed. I am supposed to be fertile, but it is taking me a while to conceive. I'm kind of surprised. I know it can take longer, but even as a teen off the pill, I was always regular cycle. Just heavier and more painful. Now, I have been regular since August and no luck. It's really disappointing. I just hope my health continues to be as good as it is.

Jennifer 24 w/CF


New member
Hi Lauren,

I was on the pill for 8 years to keep an ovarian cyst from forming on my left ovary. I first got one when I was 13. Then, I ended going on and off of the pill for another 2 years until I ended up staying on it. I hated being on the pill. Imagine being 13, 14, 15 and having to sit in the GYN doctor's office and wait your turn to be seen. I felt dirty. People would always stare at me like "Was I pregnant?" "Does she have an STD?" I couldn't come off the pill though, or my periods would last 2 weeks, and I'd have to use the bathroom every 2 hours. The pain with each period was terrible. I would miss a lot of school.

Anyway, my husband and I are trying to conceive since last August 2005. I stopped the pill June 2005 after about 8 years. So far we aren't pregnant. It's really disappointing every month to get a period when you really don't want one. My OB doctor says that the pill won't effect my fertility. Neither will the history of the ovarian cyst. I know that when I discontinued using the pill that the next two months my periods were off. After that, I was fine. And thank God, no cyst has reformed. I am supposed to be fertile, but it is taking me a while to conceive. I'm kind of surprised. I know it can take longer, but even as a teen off the pill, I was always regular cycle. Just heavier and more painful. Now, I have been regular since August and no luck. It's really disappointing. I just hope my health continues to be as good as it is.

Jennifer 24 w/CF


New member
HOw long does it usually take your system to get off the pill? I've been on and off the pill for a total of almost 7 years now, and have been on the pill straight for the past 2 years. My boyfriend and I are planning on trying to conceive this summer/fall (once we find out if he is a carrier or not), and I'm just wondering how long it usually takes to get out of your system? Am I looking at a year to get out of my system, and then possibly another year trying to conceive? Waiting too long is my worry - as I want to start trying ASAP.


New member
HOw long does it usually take your system to get off the pill? I've been on and off the pill for a total of almost 7 years now, and have been on the pill straight for the past 2 years. My boyfriend and I are planning on trying to conceive this summer/fall (once we find out if he is a carrier or not), and I'm just wondering how long it usually takes to get out of your system? Am I looking at a year to get out of my system, and then possibly another year trying to conceive? Waiting too long is my worry - as I want to start trying ASAP.


New member
It's usually out of your system right away and you can get pregnant right away. But the doctors usually recommend waiting at least a month or until you get a regular cycle is so you can start taking vitamins and also so you know when you're pregnant.


New member
It's usually out of your system right away and you can get pregnant right away. But the doctors usually recommend waiting at least a month or until you get a regular cycle is so you can start taking vitamins and also so you know when you're pregnant.


New member
Hiya Liz

My advice is there is absolutely no need to wait that long at all. I had my first daughter when I was 29 years old. After she was born, I had a year off the pill then went back on it for a couple of months, then off it for one month 2 get it out of my system and fell pregnant again with my second daughter. My advice is don't wait just go for it!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Hiya Liz

My advice is there is absolutely no need to wait that long at all. I had my first daughter when I was 29 years old. After she was born, I had a year off the pill then went back on it for a couple of months, then off it for one month 2 get it out of my system and fell pregnant again with my second daughter. My advice is don't wait just go for it!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Good to know that there isn't a long waiting period for the pill to be out of your system. My boyfriend and I have talked about me going off the pill, and we decided that we wouldn't until we've paid off a couple of debts - get ourselves in a better financial state. I was just worried about how long it would take to get out of my system, but if its out pretty much right away, then I won't worry too much.


New member
Good to know that there isn't a long waiting period for the pill to be out of your system. My boyfriend and I have talked about me going off the pill, and we decided that we wouldn't until we've paid off a couple of debts - get ourselves in a better financial state. I was just worried about how long it would take to get out of my system, but if its out pretty much right away, then I won't worry too much.