

New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFTEAMA</b></i>

This is not an issue. Yes I do have cystic fibrosis I have an atypical case of CF. I was dx as a young teen. This is not unsual. I take treatments everyday 2x day to keep my lungs at the best they can be. I also have CVID this is an immune issue. I get sick with severe infection fast. I have had MRSA 4 times on my skin. and a blood infection I also have Anemia and pre-cancerous cells from to many x-rays. I have had x-rays since birth for congenital hip issues.

And yes I have DF508 and M470V so my case is different from the norm. I do not and have never be dx with Munchausen Syndrome. It is a serious illness of the mind and I have seen a women with it at the docs once. She would keep saying that her babys feet where swelling. when they where not. She was quite mentally impaired and was putting her baby in danger! However, I do have Asbergers Syndrome with a very high IQ. and this can make is hard for me to talk and say whats on my mind sometimes.

I was dx with CF at our U center. My docs I have now have been talking to the U. About my care. Now becuase I have CVID and CF things get very very hard to work with. with CVID everything can make you sick. I hope it is clear now what I am saying.

Due to the illnesses I have not done any of the rites of passage that everyone does.

I do not drive

I do not go to school

and I do not have a job.

I never could graduate from high school

But I want to be a gentic doctor.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Again, this is what I and many others were talking about. You have stated in many other posts that YOUR mutations are DDF508 yet here you are saying they are DF508 and M470V. Some of your posts say you have Bronchiectasis and some say you don't. Your one post says your FEV1 is over 100% yet you claim that your normal is 40-50%. I'm sorry but there is NO way in h*ll that your normal is that low and yet you blew a 121% FEV1. This is why we are having a hard time helping you and believing you, because you are contradicting yourself. You need to be straight with us and stop telling differeing stories. I assume we are to think that this latest post is the "correct" info for you? And if so then you need to see a CF center ASAP because all the issues with your FEV1 dropping from 120%-40% should be immediate red flags for you to be admitted. And if you have a high IQ congrats, but use it. And quite frankly that statement that you have a high IQ and that is why you can't communicate sounds like a textbook reply (I've seen it stated many times in Psych books that higher IQ individuals have a hard time communicating). And can you please explain to us how you couldn't go to school? Home schooling and tutors are available and how on earth did the US gov't NOT allow you to go to school? Yet you have access to the internet regularly which means you aren't dirt poor which would allow you to fall through the educational cracks.

I'm sorry if this post comes off as rude but quite frankly I'm tired of your b*tching posts and all the things that don't add up. It's taking away from people who have real issues. And if you really do have CF and have all these terrible problems, then I'm sorry for this post.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFTEAMA</b></i>

This is not an issue. Yes I do have cystic fibrosis I have an atypical case of CF. I was dx as a young teen. This is not unsual. I take treatments everyday 2x day to keep my lungs at the best they can be. I also have CVID this is an immune issue. I get sick with severe infection fast. I have had MRSA 4 times on my skin. and a blood infection I also have Anemia and pre-cancerous cells from to many x-rays. I have had x-rays since birth for congenital hip issues.

And yes I have DF508 and M470V so my case is different from the norm. I do not and have never be dx with Munchausen Syndrome. It is a serious illness of the mind and I have seen a women with it at the docs once. She would keep saying that her babys feet where swelling. when they where not. She was quite mentally impaired and was putting her baby in danger! However, I do have Asbergers Syndrome with a very high IQ. and this can make is hard for me to talk and say whats on my mind sometimes.

I was dx with CF at our U center. My docs I have now have been talking to the U. About my care. Now becuase I have CVID and CF things get very very hard to work with. with CVID everything can make you sick. I hope it is clear now what I am saying.

Due to the illnesses I have not done any of the rites of passage that everyone does.

I do not drive

I do not go to school

and I do not have a job.

I never could graduate from high school

But I want to be a gentic doctor.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Again, this is what I and many others were talking about. You have stated in many other posts that YOUR mutations are DDF508 yet here you are saying they are DF508 and M470V. Some of your posts say you have Bronchiectasis and some say you don't. Your one post says your FEV1 is over 100% yet you claim that your normal is 40-50%. I'm sorry but there is NO way in h*ll that your normal is that low and yet you blew a 121% FEV1. This is why we are having a hard time helping you and believing you, because you are contradicting yourself. You need to be straight with us and stop telling differeing stories. I assume we are to think that this latest post is the "correct" info for you? And if so then you need to see a CF center ASAP because all the issues with your FEV1 dropping from 120%-40% should be immediate red flags for you to be admitted. And if you have a high IQ congrats, but use it. And quite frankly that statement that you have a high IQ and that is why you can't communicate sounds like a textbook reply (I've seen it stated many times in Psych books that higher IQ individuals have a hard time communicating). And can you please explain to us how you couldn't go to school? Home schooling and tutors are available and how on earth did the US gov't NOT allow you to go to school? Yet you have access to the internet regularly which means you aren't dirt poor which would allow you to fall through the educational cracks.

I'm sorry if this post comes off as rude but quite frankly I'm tired of your b*tching posts and all the things that don't add up. It's taking away from people who have real issues. And if you really do have CF and have all these terrible problems, then I'm sorry for this post.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFTEAMA</b></i>

This is not an issue. Yes I do have cystic fibrosis I have an atypical case of CF. I was dx as a young teen. This is not unsual. I take treatments everyday 2x day to keep my lungs at the best they can be. I also have CVID this is an immune issue. I get sick with severe infection fast. I have had MRSA 4 times on my skin. and a blood infection I also have Anemia and pre-cancerous cells from to many x-rays. I have had x-rays since birth for congenital hip issues.

And yes I have DF508 and M470V so my case is different from the norm. I do not and have never be dx with Munchausen Syndrome. It is a serious illness of the mind and I have seen a women with it at the docs once. She would keep saying that her babys feet where swelling. when they where not. She was quite mentally impaired and was putting her baby in danger! However, I do have Asbergers Syndrome with a very high IQ. and this can make is hard for me to talk and say whats on my mind sometimes.

I was dx with CF at our U center. My docs I have now have been talking to the U. About my care. Now becuase I have CVID and CF things get very very hard to work with. with CVID everything can make you sick. I hope it is clear now what I am saying.

Due to the illnesses I have not done any of the rites of passage that everyone does.

I do not drive

I do not go to school

and I do not have a job.

I never could graduate from high school

But I want to be a gentic doctor.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Again, this is what I and many others were talking about. You have stated in many other posts that YOUR mutations are DDF508 yet here you are saying they are DF508 and M470V. Some of your posts say you have Bronchiectasis and some say you don't. Your one post says your FEV1 is over 100% yet you claim that your normal is 40-50%. I'm sorry but there is NO way in h*ll that your normal is that low and yet you blew a 121% FEV1. This is why we are having a hard time helping you and believing you, because you are contradicting yourself. You need to be straight with us and stop telling differeing stories. I assume we are to think that this latest post is the "correct" info for you? And if so then you need to see a CF center ASAP because all the issues with your FEV1 dropping from 120%-40% should be immediate red flags for you to be admitted. And if you have a high IQ congrats, but use it. And quite frankly that statement that you have a high IQ and that is why you can't communicate sounds like a textbook reply (I've seen it stated many times in Psych books that higher IQ individuals have a hard time communicating). And can you please explain to us how you couldn't go to school? Home schooling and tutors are available and how on earth did the US gov't NOT allow you to go to school? Yet you have access to the internet regularly which means you aren't dirt poor which would allow you to fall through the educational cracks.

I'm sorry if this post comes off as rude but quite frankly I'm tired of your b*tching posts and all the things that don't add up. It's taking away from people who have real issues. And if you really do have CF and have all these terrible problems, then I'm sorry for this post.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFTEAMA</b></i>

This is not an issue. Yes I do have cystic fibrosis I have an atypical case of CF. I was dx as a young teen. This is not unsual. I take treatments everyday 2x day to keep my lungs at the best they can be. I also have CVID this is an immune issue. I get sick with severe infection fast. I have had MRSA 4 times on my skin. and a blood infection I also have Anemia and pre-cancerous cells from to many x-rays. I have had x-rays since birth for congenital hip issues.

And yes I have DF508 and M470V so my case is different from the norm. I do not and have never be dx with Munchausen Syndrome. It is a serious illness of the mind and I have seen a women with it at the docs once. She would keep saying that her babys feet where swelling. when they where not. She was quite mentally impaired and was putting her baby in danger! However, I do have Asbergers Syndrome with a very high IQ. and this can make is hard for me to talk and say whats on my mind sometimes.

I was dx with CF at our U center. My docs I have now have been talking to the U. About my care. Now becuase I have CVID and CF things get very very hard to work with. with CVID everything can make you sick. I hope it is clear now what I am saying.

Due to the illnesses I have not done any of the rites of passage that everyone does.

I do not drive

I do not go to school

and I do not have a job.

I never could graduate from high school

But I want to be a gentic doctor.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote>

Again, this is what I and many others were talking about. You have stated in many other posts that YOUR mutations are DDF508 yet here you are saying they are DF508 and M470V. Some of your posts say you have Bronchiectasis and some say you don't. Your one post says your FEV1 is over 100% yet you claim that your normal is 40-50%. I'm sorry but there is NO way in h*ll that your normal is that low and yet you blew a 121% FEV1. This is why we are having a hard time helping you and believing you, because you are contradicting yourself. You need to be straight with us and stop telling differeing stories. I assume we are to think that this latest post is the "correct" info for you? And if so then you need to see a CF center ASAP because all the issues with your FEV1 dropping from 120%-40% should be immediate red flags for you to be admitted. And if you have a high IQ congrats, but use it. And quite frankly that statement that you have a high IQ and that is why you can't communicate sounds like a textbook reply (I've seen it stated many times in Psych books that higher IQ individuals have a hard time communicating). And can you please explain to us how you couldn't go to school? Home schooling and tutors are available and how on earth did the US gov't NOT allow you to go to school? Yet you have access to the internet regularly which means you aren't dirt poor which would allow you to fall through the educational cracks.

I'm sorry if this post comes off as rude but quite frankly I'm tired of your b*tching posts and all the things that don't add up. It's taking away from people who have real issues. And if you really do have CF and have all these terrible problems, then I'm sorry for this post.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFTEAMA</b></i>
<br />
<br />This is not an issue. Yes I do have cystic fibrosis I have an atypical case of CF. I was dx as a young teen. This is not unsual. I take treatments everyday 2x day to keep my lungs at the best they can be. I also have CVID this is an immune issue. I get sick with severe infection fast. I have had MRSA 4 times on my skin. and a blood infection I also have Anemia and pre-cancerous cells from to many x-rays. I have had x-rays since birth for congenital hip issues.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />And yes I have DF508 and M470V so my case is different from the norm. I do not and have never be dx with Munchausen Syndrome. It is a serious illness of the mind and I have seen a women with it at the docs once. She would keep saying that her babys feet where swelling. when they where not. She was quite mentally impaired and was putting her baby in danger! However, I do have Asbergers Syndrome with a very high IQ. and this can make is hard for me to talk and say whats on my mind sometimes.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I was dx with CF at our U center. My docs I have now have been talking to the U. About my care. Now becuase I have CVID and CF things get very very hard to work with. with CVID everything can make you sick. I hope it is clear now what I am saying.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Due to the illnesses I have not done any of the rites of passage that everyone does.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I do not drive
<br />
<br />I do not go to school
<br />
<br />and I do not have a job.
<br />
<br />I never could graduate from high school
<br />
<br />But I want to be a gentic doctor.<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"></end quote>
<br />
<br />
<br />Again, this is what I and many others were talking about. You have stated in many other posts that YOUR mutations are DDF508 yet here you are saying they are DF508 and M470V. Some of your posts say you have Bronchiectasis and some say you don't. Your one post says your FEV1 is over 100% yet you claim that your normal is 40-50%. I'm sorry but there is NO way in h*ll that your normal is that low and yet you blew a 121% FEV1. This is why we are having a hard time helping you and believing you, because you are contradicting yourself. You need to be straight with us and stop telling differeing stories. I assume we are to think that this latest post is the "correct" info for you? And if so then you need to see a CF center ASAP because all the issues with your FEV1 dropping from 120%-40% should be immediate red flags for you to be admitted. And if you have a high IQ congrats, but use it. And quite frankly that statement that you have a high IQ and that is why you can't communicate sounds like a textbook reply (I've seen it stated many times in Psych books that higher IQ individuals have a hard time communicating). And can you please explain to us how you couldn't go to school? Home schooling and tutors are available and how on earth did the US gov't NOT allow you to go to school? Yet you have access to the internet regularly which means you aren't dirt poor which would allow you to fall through the educational cracks.
<br />
<br />I'm sorry if this post comes off as rude but quite frankly I'm tired of your b*tching posts and all the things that don't add up. It's taking away from people who have real issues. And if you really do have CF and have all these terrible problems, then I'm sorry for this post.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>purplemartin</b></i>

Did CFTEAMA change her screen name again......just curious as the above post says goodbye and posted by fancymushroom</end quote></div>

No i think it would change on all of her posts


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>purplemartin</b></i>

Did CFTEAMA change her screen name again......just curious as the above post says goodbye and posted by fancymushroom</end quote></div>

No i think it would change on all of her posts


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>purplemartin</b></i>

Did CFTEAMA change her screen name again......just curious as the above post says goodbye and posted by fancymushroom</end quote></div>

No i think it would change on all of her posts


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>purplemartin</b></i>

Did CFTEAMA change her screen name again......just curious as the above post says goodbye and posted by fancymushroom</end quote>

No i think it would change on all of her posts


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>purplemartin</b></i>
<br />
<br />Did CFTEAMA change her screen name again......just curious as the above post says goodbye and posted by fancymushroom</end quote>
<br />
<br />
<br />No i think it would change on all of her posts
<br />