Well some good news is that they sent Grayson home on inhaled steriods. So no stay this time. Thank the Lord! Exercise is a great idea and both of us have started taking a zumba class at the YMCA on 2 nights a week and Pappy watches the girls. She has my personality and wants to plan everything out ahead of time. With CF we are totally out of our zone. I think she is going to the doctor to see if maybe he can give her a low dose of something. She was on something when Grayson was first born and couldn't take it because it made her feel funny. I think letting her call me to cry and complain is the best I can do for her, other then taking the girls for her from time to time. Someone told her that Grayson is going to be this way for the rest of her life and she just better get used to it. Of course that was a male and wasn't what she wanted to hear or needed to hear. Venting is good if the listener just doesn't say anything. LOL I think she actually needs to talk to someone in her same position, someone who would understand what she is going through. I am looking for a support group for her.