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Our son was born last August 17th with meconium illius also. He was born in one hospital and then transfered to another a couple days later. There they ran test and found they meconium illius. Three days later the surgery to fix his tummy...We waited three long weeks, and had the reconnection. That's when we found out his fecal elaste test came back. That when we were introduced to the world of CF. The CF doc came right over and taught the nurse and my husband and I about enzymes along with everything else. Over that weekend we did all are grieving....on the Monday morning. I got the call to come room in with my baby. I had him all alone with no machines for the 1st time. I stayed up all night with the nurses, and the next morning I was taught how to give him his CPT. I remember asking over and over how soon after his reconnection can we take him home. I got the same answer as soon is he is tolerating feeds, and on demand. He started off with pedialyte, and then onto pregestimil. So, it was a week after reconnection that we got to take him home. My husband said after they found out that he had CF...."Trust me they want him out there bad as you do"......I think there might of been some truth to that now..I'm sorry it's taking so long......I remember being so angry and frustrated...It kills you that you have little control.....It will get better!