

New member
Wow, I agree with Bjoern89 completely. If taking care of yourself and exercising were all it took, a lot of my friends would still be alive, and I would be dead long ago. Sorry, Enzo, that's not how CF works. Some will live to be 60, but there are still children dying of CF everyday. It's hard to be grateful for that. To Sean, I understand how frustrating it is to hear how we should be thankful/grateful, how CF makes us who we are, how we should live our lives because of it blah blah blah. I know I would have been damn cool without CF, CF sucks. We are trying to cure this disease, no? A disease that causes pain, suffering, and heartache for so many is not something I will ever be grateful for. I sure as hell don't go around telling people with other diseases to be grateful. People need to think about what they are saying/implying when they say that, and how they might feel if it was them or there children with this disease.


New member

I have CF too, and I do understand how difficult it can be, especially when you are feeling down about having this disease, to hear someone say that they're grateful to have it. I tend to be more grateful towards the innovations and strides that medicine has come in order to keeping us all seeing another year that we never thought we would. I'm 25 and when I was diagnosed at 4 months old, my parents were told I wouldn't live to my 3rd birthday. Every year since age 3 I am grateful to see each new day. But like you, there are many times that I get angry that I can't depend on the guarantee of seeing every day for 60+ years like most other people can. One of the biggest lessons in having CF is the realization that most people do take advantage of the fact that they know they'll be able to earn their Social Security checks when they turn 65. We with CF are not so sure. We kind of live in this state of permanent limbo that can drive you crazy sometimes!

The best insight that I can offer is to take that lesson and consider yourself wiser beyond your years. Just like many responses have said so far, take advantage of those days that you forget you have CF. Be grateful for each new day that we wake up to see instead of envious of the others who just take advantage of it. Sometimes the grass seems greener on the other side. I would rather consider myself wiser beyond my 25 years, but that is just my perogative. I hope this message finds you well.


New member

I have CF too, and I do understand how difficult it can be, especially when you are feeling down about having this disease, to hear someone say that they're grateful to have it. I tend to be more grateful towards the innovations and strides that medicine has come in order to keeping us all seeing another year that we never thought we would. I'm 25 and when I was diagnosed at 4 months old, my parents were told I wouldn't live to my 3rd birthday. Every year since age 3 I am grateful to see each new day. But like you, there are many times that I get angry that I can't depend on the guarantee of seeing every day for 60+ years like most other people can. One of the biggest lessons in having CF is the realization that most people do take advantage of the fact that they know they'll be able to earn their Social Security checks when they turn 65. We with CF are not so sure. We kind of live in this state of permanent limbo that can drive you crazy sometimes!

The best insight that I can offer is to take that lesson and consider yourself wiser beyond your years. Just like many responses have said so far, take advantage of those days that you forget you have CF. Be grateful for each new day that we wake up to see instead of envious of the others who just take advantage of it. Sometimes the grass seems greener on the other side. I would rather consider myself wiser beyond my 25 years, but that is just my perogative. I hope this message finds you well.


New member
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<br />I have CF too, and I do understand how difficult it can be, especially when you are feeling down about having this disease, to hear someone say that they're grateful to have it. I tend to be more grateful towards the innovations and strides that medicine has come in order to keeping us all seeing another year that we never thought we would. I'm 25 and when I was diagnosed at 4 months old, my parents were told I wouldn't live to my 3rd birthday. Every year since age 3 I am grateful to see each new day. But like you, there are many times that I get angry that I can't depend on the guarantee of seeing every day for 60+ years like most other people can. One of the biggest lessons in having CF is the realization that most people do take advantage of the fact that they know they'll be able to earn their Social Security checks when they turn 65. We with CF are not so sure. We kind of live in this state of permanent limbo that can drive you crazy sometimes!
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<br />The best insight that I can offer is to take that lesson and consider yourself wiser beyond your years. Just like many responses have said so far, take advantage of those days that you forget you have CF. Be grateful for each new day that we wake up to see instead of envious of the others who just take advantage of it. Sometimes the grass seems greener on the other side. I would rather consider myself wiser beyond my 25 years, but that is just my perogative. I hope this message finds you well.
Sean, I completely get what you're saying and quite frankly I'm relieved someone else feels this way too. I have CF and it's been killing me, I've been depressed for so long. It irritates me so much when people go on and on about how "grateful" they are, or all this "God intented it" crap. Quite honestly, if God/Jesus loved you you wouldn't be "given" a disease. But anyways, I feel exactly the same way as you and I'm relieved SOMEONE is on the same page as me.

And, Enzo231103, everything you just said is crap. If someone's sick and dying, the worst thing you can do is say it's his/her fault. What really p-ssed me off is your line about "don't play this poor me junk." Did it ever occur to you that that is the absolute WORST thing you can say and it's so insensitive and shallow? You can't go around saying crap like that because you never know when that may just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just recently a so-called "friend" of mine went off on a rant like yours, telling me to stop "feeling sorry for myself," blah blah blah. She really had some nerve saying that, considering she doesn't even have any sort of disease. And call me pathetic if you want, but it pushed me over the edge and I'd be dead right now if I had just had the guts to cut a little deeper. Thoughtless words like that can cost lives. And it's not stupid, it's serious. So next time, maybe you should THINK before you open your mouth. thank you and have a nice day.
Sean, I completely get what you're saying and quite frankly I'm relieved someone else feels this way too. I have CF and it's been killing me, I've been depressed for so long. It irritates me so much when people go on and on about how "grateful" they are, or all this "God intented it" crap. Quite honestly, if God/Jesus loved you you wouldn't be "given" a disease. But anyways, I feel exactly the same way as you and I'm relieved SOMEONE is on the same page as me.

And, Enzo231103, everything you just said is crap. If someone's sick and dying, the worst thing you can do is say it's his/her fault. What really p-ssed me off is your line about "don't play this poor me junk." Did it ever occur to you that that is the absolute WORST thing you can say and it's so insensitive and shallow? You can't go around saying crap like that because you never know when that may just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just recently a so-called "friend" of mine went off on a rant like yours, telling me to stop "feeling sorry for myself," blah blah blah. She really had some nerve saying that, considering she doesn't even have any sort of disease. And call me pathetic if you want, but it pushed me over the edge and I'd be dead right now if I had just had the guts to cut a little deeper. Thoughtless words like that can cost lives. And it's not stupid, it's serious. So next time, maybe you should THINK before you open your mouth. thank you and have a nice day.
Sean, I completely get what you're saying and quite frankly I'm relieved someone else feels this way too. I have CF and it's been killing me, I've been depressed for so long. It irritates me so much when people go on and on about how "grateful" they are, or all this "God intented it" crap. Quite honestly, if God/Jesus loved you you wouldn't be "given" a disease. But anyways, I feel exactly the same way as you and I'm relieved SOMEONE is on the same page as me.
<br />
<br />And, Enzo231103, everything you just said is crap. If someone's sick and dying, the worst thing you can do is say it's his/her fault. What really p-ssed me off is your line about "don't play this poor me junk." Did it ever occur to you that that is the absolute WORST thing you can say and it's so insensitive and shallow? You can't go around saying crap like that because you never know when that may just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just recently a so-called "friend" of mine went off on a rant like yours, telling me to stop "feeling sorry for myself," blah blah blah. She really had some nerve saying that, considering she doesn't even have any sort of disease. And call me pathetic if you want, but it pushed me over the edge and I'd be dead right now if I had just had the guts to cut a little deeper. Thoughtless words like that can cost lives. And it's not stupid, it's serious. So next time, maybe you should THINK before you open your mouth. thank you and have a nice day.


New member
Sean, I think I understand what you are feeling. It is very often that I get just pissed and angry at CF and the fact that I have CF. The crazy thing is that then, I start to feel guilty because I think I should be "grateful" for everything I have. I try to feel grateful, but then I get even more pissed, because don't I have a right to be pissed and angry. The truth is, CF just plain SUCKS, and we all have the right to be angry sometimes. Hopefully, we can just offset those times with times that we are happy with other things in our lives. Another important thing is to not be in denial of CF because we are so mad at our situation. I hope you understand that you aren't alone in this thinking, and that CF is very difficult to deal with both physically and emotionally. I am 23 years old, and I am still trying to deal with it, and probably always will struggle.

Marisa RN, 23w/CF


New member
Sean, I think I understand what you are feeling. It is very often that I get just pissed and angry at CF and the fact that I have CF. The crazy thing is that then, I start to feel guilty because I think I should be "grateful" for everything I have. I try to feel grateful, but then I get even more pissed, because don't I have a right to be pissed and angry. The truth is, CF just plain SUCKS, and we all have the right to be angry sometimes. Hopefully, we can just offset those times with times that we are happy with other things in our lives. Another important thing is to not be in denial of CF because we are so mad at our situation. I hope you understand that you aren't alone in this thinking, and that CF is very difficult to deal with both physically and emotionally. I am 23 years old, and I am still trying to deal with it, and probably always will struggle.

Marisa RN, 23w/CF


New member
Sean, I think I understand what you are feeling. It is very often that I get just pissed and angry at CF and the fact that I have CF. The crazy thing is that then, I start to feel guilty because I think I should be "grateful" for everything I have. I try to feel grateful, but then I get even more pissed, because don't I have a right to be pissed and angry. The truth is, CF just plain SUCKS, and we all have the right to be angry sometimes. Hopefully, we can just offset those times with times that we are happy with other things in our lives. Another important thing is to not be in denial of CF because we are so mad at our situation. I hope you understand that you aren't alone in this thinking, and that CF is very difficult to deal with both physically and emotionally. I am 23 years old, and I am still trying to deal with it, and probably always will struggle.
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<br />Marisa RN, 23w/CF