Had a Fertility Consult Today


New member
For those who may not know, my husband and I are on our 7th cycle TTC. I have been charting, checking cervical mucus, using OPKs, and taking mucinex. I do have EWCM, although I <i>think</i> it's thicker than it should be. I have ovulated every cycle since going off the pill, and my cycles are 25-32 days long.

We just got back from the fertility consultation with my OB/GYN. I <i>really</i> like her. She looked at my charts and said that, because I am ovulating, our next step would likely be IUI, and she referred us to an RE.

However, she also said that she did some quick research and found that only 20% of women with CF have fertility issues, and part of those issues are caused by women not ovulating due to lack of nutrition - which is not my problem. So there is an ever lower probability of me having fertility issues caused by CF. What do you think about this? Does it sound correct to you?

She also said we could wait until the 1 year mark to see an RE. She said, if I was 36, she would be telling us to see an RE now, and, if I was 22, she would be telling us to wait 6 more months. But, because I am in between those ages, we can go anytime between now and a year of TTC.

So, DH and I are now trying to figure out what we want to do. We definitely don't want to wait 6 more months. But we may wait a few more. Any advice on what we should do?



New member
For those who may not know, my husband and I are on our 7th cycle TTC. I have been charting, checking cervical mucus, using OPKs, and taking mucinex. I do have EWCM, although I <i>think</i> it's thicker than it should be. I have ovulated every cycle since going off the pill, and my cycles are 25-32 days long.

We just got back from the fertility consultation with my OB/GYN. I <i>really</i> like her. She looked at my charts and said that, because I am ovulating, our next step would likely be IUI, and she referred us to an RE.

However, she also said that she did some quick research and found that only 20% of women with CF have fertility issues, and part of those issues are caused by women not ovulating due to lack of nutrition - which is not my problem. So there is an ever lower probability of me having fertility issues caused by CF. What do you think about this? Does it sound correct to you?

She also said we could wait until the 1 year mark to see an RE. She said, if I was 36, she would be telling us to see an RE now, and, if I was 22, she would be telling us to wait 6 more months. But, because I am in between those ages, we can go anytime between now and a year of TTC.

So, DH and I are now trying to figure out what we want to do. We definitely don't want to wait 6 more months. But we may wait a few more. Any advice on what we should do?



New member
For those who may not know, my husband and I are on our 7th cycle TTC. I have been charting, checking cervical mucus, using OPKs, and taking mucinex. I do have EWCM, although I <i>think</i> it's thicker than it should be. I have ovulated every cycle since going off the pill, and my cycles are 25-32 days long.

We just got back from the fertility consultation with my OB/GYN. I <i>really</i> like her. She looked at my charts and said that, because I am ovulating, our next step would likely be IUI, and she referred us to an RE.

However, she also said that she did some quick research and found that only 20% of women with CF have fertility issues, and part of those issues are caused by women not ovulating due to lack of nutrition - which is not my problem. So there is an ever lower probability of me having fertility issues caused by CF. What do you think about this? Does it sound correct to you?

She also said we could wait until the 1 year mark to see an RE. She said, if I was 36, she would be telling us to see an RE now, and, if I was 22, she would be telling us to wait 6 more months. But, because I am in between those ages, we can go anytime between now and a year of TTC.

So, DH and I are now trying to figure out what we want to do. We definitely don't want to wait 6 more months. But we may wait a few more. Any advice on what we should do?



New member
For those who may not know, my husband and I are on our 7th cycle TTC. I have been charting, checking cervical mucus, using OPKs, and taking mucinex. I do have EWCM, although I <i>think</i> it's thicker than it should be. I have ovulated every cycle since going off the pill, and my cycles are 25-32 days long.

We just got back from the fertility consultation with my OB/GYN. I <i>really</i> like her. She looked at my charts and said that, because I am ovulating, our next step would likely be IUI, and she referred us to an RE.

However, she also said that she did some quick research and found that only 20% of women with CF have fertility issues, and part of those issues are caused by women not ovulating due to lack of nutrition - which is not my problem. So there is an ever lower probability of me having fertility issues caused by CF. What do you think about this? Does it sound correct to you?

She also said we could wait until the 1 year mark to see an RE. She said, if I was 36, she would be telling us to see an RE now, and, if I was 22, she would be telling us to wait 6 more months. But, because I am in between those ages, we can go anytime between now and a year of TTC.

So, DH and I are now trying to figure out what we want to do. We definitely don't want to wait 6 more months. But we may wait a few more. Any advice on what we should do?



New member
For those who may not know, my husband and I are on our 7th cycle TTC. I have been charting, checking cervical mucus, using OPKs, and taking mucinex. I do have EWCM, although I <i>think</i> it's thicker than it should be. I have ovulated every cycle since going off the pill, and my cycles are 25-32 days long.
<br />
<br />We just got back from the fertility consultation with my OB/GYN. I <i>really</i> like her. She looked at my charts and said that, because I am ovulating, our next step would likely be IUI, and she referred us to an RE.
<br />
<br />However, she also said that she did some quick research and found that only 20% of women with CF have fertility issues, and part of those issues are caused by women not ovulating due to lack of nutrition - which is not my problem. So there is an ever lower probability of me having fertility issues caused by CF. What do you think about this? Does it sound correct to you?
<br />
<br />She also said we could wait until the 1 year mark to see an RE. She said, if I was 36, she would be telling us to see an RE now, and, if I was 22, she would be telling us to wait 6 more months. But, because I am in between those ages, we can go anytime between now and a year of TTC.
<br />
<br />So, DH and I are now trying to figure out what we want to do. We definitely don't want to wait 6 more months. But we may wait a few more. Any advice on what we should do?
<br />
<br />TIA!


New member
usually, if you've been charting for 6 months and trying, I'd get to see the RE sooner, the year mark is usually for people that haven't been charting and can't prove that they're ovulating, etc...

I guess it all boils down to how hard you want to try and how much you want a baby! Being over 30, I'd get in as soon as I could if it were something that could help me out. Good luck!


New member
usually, if you've been charting for 6 months and trying, I'd get to see the RE sooner, the year mark is usually for people that haven't been charting and can't prove that they're ovulating, etc...

I guess it all boils down to how hard you want to try and how much you want a baby! Being over 30, I'd get in as soon as I could if it were something that could help me out. Good luck!


New member
usually, if you've been charting for 6 months and trying, I'd get to see the RE sooner, the year mark is usually for people that haven't been charting and can't prove that they're ovulating, etc...

I guess it all boils down to how hard you want to try and how much you want a baby! Being over 30, I'd get in as soon as I could if it were something that could help me out. Good luck!


New member
usually, if you've been charting for 6 months and trying, I'd get to see the RE sooner, the year mark is usually for people that haven't been charting and can't prove that they're ovulating, etc...

I guess it all boils down to how hard you want to try and how much you want a baby! Being over 30, I'd get in as soon as I could if it were something that could help me out. Good luck!


New member
usually, if you've been charting for 6 months and trying, I'd get to see the RE sooner, the year mark is usually for people that haven't been charting and can't prove that they're ovulating, etc...
<br />
<br />I guess it all boils down to how hard you want to try and how much you want a baby! Being over 30, I'd get in as soon as I could if it were something that could help me out. Good luck!


New member
I would call the RE and see when their next new patient appointment is. The first time we were TTC and made an appointment to see the RE, the wait was several months. Once we were established patients, TTC #2 was fast because we did not have to wait for a new patient appointment. The wait time for a new patient appointment may help you decide what you want to do.
Have you had an HSG test done yet? My OB ordered that test. The RE we saw would have ordered it had my OB not already done so. I got pg with baby #1 naturally the cycle of my HSG test - after 14 months of TTC. The test showed my tubes to be open. I think the process of putting the catheter through my cervical mucus may have opened things up just enough to do the trick.
We did IUI to get pg with our second daughter. We had made an IUI plan with the RE while TTC #1. Since we got pg on our own the first time we did not need the IUI plan but we did use the same plan for TTC #2. We did natural IUI after 6 months of TTC on our own with charting and OPK. We got pg our first IUI cycle. I think just getting beyond that cervical mucus made all the difference.
Good luck!


New member
I would call the RE and see when their next new patient appointment is. The first time we were TTC and made an appointment to see the RE, the wait was several months. Once we were established patients, TTC #2 was fast because we did not have to wait for a new patient appointment. The wait time for a new patient appointment may help you decide what you want to do.
Have you had an HSG test done yet? My OB ordered that test. The RE we saw would have ordered it had my OB not already done so. I got pg with baby #1 naturally the cycle of my HSG test - after 14 months of TTC. The test showed my tubes to be open. I think the process of putting the catheter through my cervical mucus may have opened things up just enough to do the trick.
We did IUI to get pg with our second daughter. We had made an IUI plan with the RE while TTC #1. Since we got pg on our own the first time we did not need the IUI plan but we did use the same plan for TTC #2. We did natural IUI after 6 months of TTC on our own with charting and OPK. We got pg our first IUI cycle. I think just getting beyond that cervical mucus made all the difference.
Good luck!


New member
I would call the RE and see when their next new patient appointment is. The first time we were TTC and made an appointment to see the RE, the wait was several months. Once we were established patients, TTC #2 was fast because we did not have to wait for a new patient appointment. The wait time for a new patient appointment may help you decide what you want to do.
Have you had an HSG test done yet? My OB ordered that test. The RE we saw would have ordered it had my OB not already done so. I got pg with baby #1 naturally the cycle of my HSG test - after 14 months of TTC. The test showed my tubes to be open. I think the process of putting the catheter through my cervical mucus may have opened things up just enough to do the trick.
We did IUI to get pg with our second daughter. We had made an IUI plan with the RE while TTC #1. Since we got pg on our own the first time we did not need the IUI plan but we did use the same plan for TTC #2. We did natural IUI after 6 months of TTC on our own with charting and OPK. We got pg our first IUI cycle. I think just getting beyond that cervical mucus made all the difference.
Good luck!


New member
I would call the RE and see when their next new patient appointment is. The first time we were TTC and made an appointment to see the RE, the wait was several months. Once we were established patients, TTC #2 was fast because we did not have to wait for a new patient appointment. The wait time for a new patient appointment may help you decide what you want to do.
Have you had an HSG test done yet? My OB ordered that test. The RE we saw would have ordered it had my OB not already done so. I got pg with baby #1 naturally the cycle of my HSG test - after 14 months of TTC. The test showed my tubes to be open. I think the process of putting the catheter through my cervical mucus may have opened things up just enough to do the trick.
We did IUI to get pg with our second daughter. We had made an IUI plan with the RE while TTC #1. Since we got pg on our own the first time we did not need the IUI plan but we did use the same plan for TTC #2. We did natural IUI after 6 months of TTC on our own with charting and OPK. We got pg our first IUI cycle. I think just getting beyond that cervical mucus made all the difference.
Good luck!


New member
I would call the RE and see when their next new patient appointment is. The first time we were TTC and made an appointment to see the RE, the wait was several months. Once we were established patients, TTC #2 was fast because we did not have to wait for a new patient appointment. The wait time for a new patient appointment may help you decide what you want to do.
<br />Have you had an HSG test done yet? My OB ordered that test. The RE we saw would have ordered it had my OB not already done so. I got pg with baby #1 naturally the cycle of my HSG test - after 14 months of TTC. The test showed my tubes to be open. I think the process of putting the catheter through my cervical mucus may have opened things up just enough to do the trick.
<br />We did IUI to get pg with our second daughter. We had made an IUI plan with the RE while TTC #1. Since we got pg on our own the first time we did not need the IUI plan but we did use the same plan for TTC #2. We did natural IUI after 6 months of TTC on our own with charting and OPK. We got pg our first IUI cycle. I think just getting beyond that cervical mucus made all the difference.
<br />Good luck!


New member

I would definately agree to setup an appointment with an RE. For Jake and I it took close to 3 months.

Really, the choice is yours about it you want to go any further already for not. There are many CF'ers that took nearly 1 year to conceive so I wouldn't say that it won't happen just yet. I only know a few that actually got pregnant within 3 months...

Another word of caution...You spoke about your charts showing a clear temperature shift with ovulation. Well, that doesn't carry too much weight to me because my charts had a clear dip on Day 15. Day 16, they would be at coverline again. Day 17, my temp would rise. I thought I ovulated. My charts were beautiful and like clockwork. Also, I tested positive on ovulation tests.

My RE's never really held value to any of my charts. When the bloodwork and ultrasound came back as PCOS they explained how with PCOS these things happen.

I'm not saying you have PCOS, but I wouldn't take it off the table until you have bloodwork and an ultrasound done by a RE. Also, the tube test may offer answers.

Six months later, I was told that I didn't have PCOS so who knows...All I know for sure was I tried for 3 years too long...I wish I sought help sooner. I wish I acted immediately upon diagnosis. The longer it took; the less my husband was interested. I wish I hadn't waited to lose more lung function. I was also foolish to think that I would rescue two foster children and create the 'perfect family'. I have lots of regrets...

If I were you I would setup an appointment with an RE. In the meantime, I would keep doing what I was doing. By then you could be TTC for 9 or 10 months. At that point, I would feel confident to 'move on'. I'm glad I didn't at 6 months but wish I did by 12 months.

Just don't take anything off the table nor dwell on what's on. I know it's hard, but you don't want TTC to become an issue...


New member

I would definately agree to setup an appointment with an RE. For Jake and I it took close to 3 months.

Really, the choice is yours about it you want to go any further already for not. There are many CF'ers that took nearly 1 year to conceive so I wouldn't say that it won't happen just yet. I only know a few that actually got pregnant within 3 months...

Another word of caution...You spoke about your charts showing a clear temperature shift with ovulation. Well, that doesn't carry too much weight to me because my charts had a clear dip on Day 15. Day 16, they would be at coverline again. Day 17, my temp would rise. I thought I ovulated. My charts were beautiful and like clockwork. Also, I tested positive on ovulation tests.

My RE's never really held value to any of my charts. When the bloodwork and ultrasound came back as PCOS they explained how with PCOS these things happen.

I'm not saying you have PCOS, but I wouldn't take it off the table until you have bloodwork and an ultrasound done by a RE. Also, the tube test may offer answers.

Six months later, I was told that I didn't have PCOS so who knows...All I know for sure was I tried for 3 years too long...I wish I sought help sooner. I wish I acted immediately upon diagnosis. The longer it took; the less my husband was interested. I wish I hadn't waited to lose more lung function. I was also foolish to think that I would rescue two foster children and create the 'perfect family'. I have lots of regrets...

If I were you I would setup an appointment with an RE. In the meantime, I would keep doing what I was doing. By then you could be TTC for 9 or 10 months. At that point, I would feel confident to 'move on'. I'm glad I didn't at 6 months but wish I did by 12 months.

Just don't take anything off the table nor dwell on what's on. I know it's hard, but you don't want TTC to become an issue...


New member

I would definately agree to setup an appointment with an RE. For Jake and I it took close to 3 months.

Really, the choice is yours about it you want to go any further already for not. There are many CF'ers that took nearly 1 year to conceive so I wouldn't say that it won't happen just yet. I only know a few that actually got pregnant within 3 months...

Another word of caution...You spoke about your charts showing a clear temperature shift with ovulation. Well, that doesn't carry too much weight to me because my charts had a clear dip on Day 15. Day 16, they would be at coverline again. Day 17, my temp would rise. I thought I ovulated. My charts were beautiful and like clockwork. Also, I tested positive on ovulation tests.

My RE's never really held value to any of my charts. When the bloodwork and ultrasound came back as PCOS they explained how with PCOS these things happen.

I'm not saying you have PCOS, but I wouldn't take it off the table until you have bloodwork and an ultrasound done by a RE. Also, the tube test may offer answers.

Six months later, I was told that I didn't have PCOS so who knows...All I know for sure was I tried for 3 years too long...I wish I sought help sooner. I wish I acted immediately upon diagnosis. The longer it took; the less my husband was interested. I wish I hadn't waited to lose more lung function. I was also foolish to think that I would rescue two foster children and create the 'perfect family'. I have lots of regrets...

If I were you I would setup an appointment with an RE. In the meantime, I would keep doing what I was doing. By then you could be TTC for 9 or 10 months. At that point, I would feel confident to 'move on'. I'm glad I didn't at 6 months but wish I did by 12 months.

Just don't take anything off the table nor dwell on what's on. I know it's hard, but you don't want TTC to become an issue...


New member

I would definately agree to setup an appointment with an RE. For Jake and I it took close to 3 months.

Really, the choice is yours about it you want to go any further already for not. There are many CF'ers that took nearly 1 year to conceive so I wouldn't say that it won't happen just yet. I only know a few that actually got pregnant within 3 months...

Another word of caution...You spoke about your charts showing a clear temperature shift with ovulation. Well, that doesn't carry too much weight to me because my charts had a clear dip on Day 15. Day 16, they would be at coverline again. Day 17, my temp would rise. I thought I ovulated. My charts were beautiful and like clockwork. Also, I tested positive on ovulation tests.

My RE's never really held value to any of my charts. When the bloodwork and ultrasound came back as PCOS they explained how with PCOS these things happen.

I'm not saying you have PCOS, but I wouldn't take it off the table until you have bloodwork and an ultrasound done by a RE. Also, the tube test may offer answers.

Six months later, I was told that I didn't have PCOS so who knows...All I know for sure was I tried for 3 years too long...I wish I sought help sooner. I wish I acted immediately upon diagnosis. The longer it took; the less my husband was interested. I wish I hadn't waited to lose more lung function. I was also foolish to think that I would rescue two foster children and create the 'perfect family'. I have lots of regrets...

If I were you I would setup an appointment with an RE. In the meantime, I would keep doing what I was doing. By then you could be TTC for 9 or 10 months. At that point, I would feel confident to 'move on'. I'm glad I didn't at 6 months but wish I did by 12 months.

Just don't take anything off the table nor dwell on what's on. I know it's hard, but you don't want TTC to become an issue...


New member
<br />
<br />I would definately agree to setup an appointment with an RE. For Jake and I it took close to 3 months.
<br />
<br />Really, the choice is yours about it you want to go any further already for not. There are many CF'ers that took nearly 1 year to conceive so I wouldn't say that it won't happen just yet. I only know a few that actually got pregnant within 3 months...
<br />
<br />Another word of caution...You spoke about your charts showing a clear temperature shift with ovulation. Well, that doesn't carry too much weight to me because my charts had a clear dip on Day 15. Day 16, they would be at coverline again. Day 17, my temp would rise. I thought I ovulated. My charts were beautiful and like clockwork. Also, I tested positive on ovulation tests.
<br />
<br />My RE's never really held value to any of my charts. When the bloodwork and ultrasound came back as PCOS they explained how with PCOS these things happen.
<br />
<br />I'm not saying you have PCOS, but I wouldn't take it off the table until you have bloodwork and an ultrasound done by a RE. Also, the tube test may offer answers.
<br />
<br />Six months later, I was told that I didn't have PCOS so who knows...All I know for sure was I tried for 3 years too long...I wish I sought help sooner. I wish I acted immediately upon diagnosis. The longer it took; the less my husband was interested. I wish I hadn't waited to lose more lung function. I was also foolish to think that I would rescue two foster children and create the 'perfect family'. I have lots of regrets...
<br />
<br />If I were you I would setup an appointment with an RE. In the meantime, I would keep doing what I was doing. By then you could be TTC for 9 or 10 months. At that point, I would feel confident to 'move on'. I'm glad I didn't at 6 months but wish I did by 12 months.
<br />
<br />Just don't take anything off the table nor dwell on what's on. I know it's hard, but you don't want TTC to become an issue...