Has anyone been accused of having an eating disorder


New member
In high school my friends went to the social worker and told them that I had an eating disorder. Then they confronted me about it in front of all these people and it was horrible. They even knew about CF and still thought it! The social worker called my mom and then that whole summer I had to tell her what I ate and if I went out to dinner or something she thought I was just saying that to miss a meal. Very bad situation.

BUT what I really wanted to tell you is that I just told my boss about CF on Friday. I am going to be getting a PICC line in Novemeber and although I am not going to miss work or do any medicine at work I wanted her to be aware. I also have been told not to say anything to bosses so I was really nervous. I told her that it would not affect my performance and that it does not interfere with my job. She was very understanding and told me that it wouldn't have changed her mind about hiring me.

I can't believe someone would "tattle" on you to your principal. that is just pathetic. I am so sorry about that. But maybe you should tell her. Honestly, as long as it is a big school and the school itself isn't paying for your insurance then I bet she would be understanding. You might just have to prove yourself a little more but in the end it just might be less stressful if she knew.

Good luck!!


New member
P.S. We really do always have the same issues....its starting to scare me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
P.S. We really do always have the same issues....its starting to scare me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
P.S. We really do always have the same issues....its starting to scare me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hiya. *raises hand* I'm a proud 120 pounds and I still get told I
look like I disapear when I turn sideways. My doctors ask Every
visit if i'm "trying to lose weight" if I'm "eating
regularly and balanced meals"  Drives me insane.<br>
As for work, I told my boss. Kinda hard not to for me, cause I wear
a face mask during work. (I'm a tutor and so I'm around multiple
people a foot away from their face. Helps me to say healthier by a
whole lot). I Honestly thought he wasn't going to hire me because
of it. (A, the disease and B, the face mask)  but I got the
job and he's offered me hour increases. I hope and wish that
this is how your boss would react.<br>
I think it's rude and inconsiderate and cowardly for whoever that
POS was to go and tell your boss their unsupported assumption.
Hang in there. We're all here for ya.<br>
Be well.<br>


New member
Hiya. *raises hand* I'm a proud 120 pounds and I still get told I
look like I disapear when I turn sideways. My doctors ask Every
visit if i'm "trying to lose weight" if I'm "eating
regularly and balanced meals"  Drives me insane.<br>
As for work, I told my boss. Kinda hard not to for me, cause I wear
a face mask during work. (I'm a tutor and so I'm around multiple
people a foot away from their face. Helps me to say healthier by a
whole lot). I Honestly thought he wasn't going to hire me because
of it. (A, the disease and B, the face mask)  but I got the
job and he's offered me hour increases. I hope and wish that
this is how your boss would react.<br>
I think it's rude and inconsiderate and cowardly for whoever that
POS was to go and tell your boss their unsupported assumption.
Hang in there. We're all here for ya.<br>
Be well.<br>


New member
Hiya. *raises hand* I'm a proud 120 pounds and I still get told I
look like I disapear when I turn sideways. My doctors ask Every
visit if i'm "trying to lose weight" if I'm "eating
regularly and balanced meals"  Drives me insane.<br>
As for work, I told my boss. Kinda hard not to for me, cause I wear
a face mask during work. (I'm a tutor and so I'm around multiple
people a foot away from their face. Helps me to say healthier by a
whole lot). I Honestly thought he wasn't going to hire me because
of it. (A, the disease and B, the face mask)  but I got the
job and he's offered me hour increases. I hope and wish that
this is how your boss would react.<br>
I think it's rude and inconsiderate and cowardly for whoever that
POS was to go and tell your boss their unsupported assumption.
Hang in there. We're all here for ya.<br>
Be well.<br>


New member
My gynecologist (not my regular, but someone else from the group) wanted me to go to counseling. During my worst health last year when my weight was so low I was having problems with my period. When I went to him to make sure it wasnt any more then my weight loss (I was overdue for a checkup anyway) he said that even with CF this amount of weight loss wasnt normal. I was like....when you show me a certificate or other proof of more knowledge in CF then we will discuss it more. I was so pissed. I havent been back. BTW my problem with my periods was from the weight loss & my weight went back up.


New member
My gynecologist (not my regular, but someone else from the group) wanted me to go to counseling. During my worst health last year when my weight was so low I was having problems with my period. When I went to him to make sure it wasnt any more then my weight loss (I was overdue for a checkup anyway) he said that even with CF this amount of weight loss wasnt normal. I was like....when you show me a certificate or other proof of more knowledge in CF then we will discuss it more. I was so pissed. I havent been back. BTW my problem with my periods was from the weight loss & my weight went back up.


New member
My gynecologist (not my regular, but someone else from the group) wanted me to go to counseling. During my worst health last year when my weight was so low I was having problems with my period. When I went to him to make sure it wasnt any more then my weight loss (I was overdue for a checkup anyway) he said that even with CF this amount of weight loss wasnt normal. I was like....when you show me a certificate or other proof of more knowledge in CF then we will discuss it more. I was so pissed. I havent been back. BTW my problem with my periods was from the weight loss & my weight went back up.


New member
in the uk everyone is too fat or too thin , there doesn't seem to be much middle ground!!! before joe was diagnosed i used to think VERY skinny people MUST be anorexic<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> i don't now<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> i try to hold off judging anybody by their weight. it does seem to be more acceptable to tell strangers to eat more than to tell them to eat less. weird!


New member
in the uk everyone is too fat or too thin , there doesn't seem to be much middle ground!!! before joe was diagnosed i used to think VERY skinny people MUST be anorexic<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> i don't now<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> i try to hold off judging anybody by their weight. it does seem to be more acceptable to tell strangers to eat more than to tell them to eat less. weird!


New member
in the uk everyone is too fat or too thin , there doesn't seem to be much middle ground!!! before joe was diagnosed i used to think VERY skinny people MUST be anorexic<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> i don't now<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> i try to hold off judging anybody by their weight. it does seem to be more acceptable to tell strangers to eat more than to tell them to eat less. weird!


New member
I don't have CF, but was always very thin (and tall) in high school. People would say I was anorexic and I hated it. I would go home from school and eat and eat and eat, but never gained much weight. I even wrote into Seventeen magazine when I was like 16 asking for advice. I drank carnation instant breakfast shakes with meals too.
After high school I guess my metabolism slowed down and I gained a few, and even more after having my son. But I know what it's like to be accused of having an eating disorder when its the furthest thing from the truth, its embarrassing and it makes you even more self-conscious and it sucks.


New member
I don't have CF, but was always very thin (and tall) in high school. People would say I was anorexic and I hated it. I would go home from school and eat and eat and eat, but never gained much weight. I even wrote into Seventeen magazine when I was like 16 asking for advice. I drank carnation instant breakfast shakes with meals too.
After high school I guess my metabolism slowed down and I gained a few, and even more after having my son. But I know what it's like to be accused of having an eating disorder when its the furthest thing from the truth, its embarrassing and it makes you even more self-conscious and it sucks.


New member
I don't have CF, but was always very thin (and tall) in high school. People would say I was anorexic and I hated it. I would go home from school and eat and eat and eat, but never gained much weight. I even wrote into Seventeen magazine when I was like 16 asking for advice. I drank carnation instant breakfast shakes with meals too.
After high school I guess my metabolism slowed down and I gained a few, and even more after having my son. But I know what it's like to be accused of having an eating disorder when its the furthest thing from the truth, its embarrassing and it makes you even more self-conscious and it sucks.


New member

Yes. This is all too familiar. I'm not that tall, I'm about 5'6, but for some reason people get the impression that I'm way taller. People at school would come up to me and whisper 'What's your secret? How do you lose weight so quickly? Are you...bulimic?"

I have a tiny tiny bone structure anyway, so weighing 115 at 5'6 makes me just a bit bigger than your average hollywood starlet (which, in my opinion, is WAY TOO FRIKKIN SKINNY). The whole "Omigod, you must wear a size 24 jeans", "Omigod look at your legs! They're SO perfect!" (THey're like TWIGS, PEOPLE).

What is with this culture? It's SICK. SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK.

I am now 135 and SO happy with how I look. I actually have curves. I have cellulite on my butt for the first time in my life. When I stand normally my thighs touch at the top. And of course, while my docs and my parents and husband are going "you look GREAT! This is such a healthy weight for you!", people are going "Have you stopped running? Are you pregnant?"




New member

Yes. This is all too familiar. I'm not that tall, I'm about 5'6, but for some reason people get the impression that I'm way taller. People at school would come up to me and whisper 'What's your secret? How do you lose weight so quickly? Are you...bulimic?"

I have a tiny tiny bone structure anyway, so weighing 115 at 5'6 makes me just a bit bigger than your average hollywood starlet (which, in my opinion, is WAY TOO FRIKKIN SKINNY). The whole "Omigod, you must wear a size 24 jeans", "Omigod look at your legs! They're SO perfect!" (THey're like TWIGS, PEOPLE).

What is with this culture? It's SICK. SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK.

I am now 135 and SO happy with how I look. I actually have curves. I have cellulite on my butt for the first time in my life. When I stand normally my thighs touch at the top. And of course, while my docs and my parents and husband are going "you look GREAT! This is such a healthy weight for you!", people are going "Have you stopped running? Are you pregnant?"




New member

Yes. This is all too familiar. I'm not that tall, I'm about 5'6, but for some reason people get the impression that I'm way taller. People at school would come up to me and whisper 'What's your secret? How do you lose weight so quickly? Are you...bulimic?"

I have a tiny tiny bone structure anyway, so weighing 115 at 5'6 makes me just a bit bigger than your average hollywood starlet (which, in my opinion, is WAY TOO FRIKKIN SKINNY). The whole "Omigod, you must wear a size 24 jeans", "Omigod look at your legs! They're SO perfect!" (THey're like TWIGS, PEOPLE).

What is with this culture? It's SICK. SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK.

I am now 135 and SO happy with how I look. I actually have curves. I have cellulite on my butt for the first time in my life. When I stand normally my thighs touch at the top. And of course, while my docs and my parents and husband are going "you look GREAT! This is such a healthy weight for you!", people are going "Have you stopped running? Are you pregnant?"




New member
I have actually just started gaining weight and keeping it on. I laughed yesterday when a friend asked me if I got a new bra. This is funny because I have always been very small in the chest area and that is the one place I am gaining my weight. My bras actually fit. It is a nice feeling.
