In high school my friends went to the social worker and told them that I had an eating disorder. Then they confronted me about it in front of all these people and it was horrible. They even knew about CF and still thought it! The social worker called my mom and then that whole summer I had to tell her what I ate and if I went out to dinner or something she thought I was just saying that to miss a meal. Very bad situation.
BUT what I really wanted to tell you is that I just told my boss about CF on Friday. I am going to be getting a PICC line in Novemeber and although I am not going to miss work or do any medicine at work I wanted her to be aware. I also have been told not to say anything to bosses so I was really nervous. I told her that it would not affect my performance and that it does not interfere with my job. She was very understanding and told me that it wouldn't have changed her mind about hiring me.
I can't believe someone would "tattle" on you to your principal. that is just pathetic. I am so sorry about that. But maybe you should tell her. Honestly, as long as it is a big school and the school itself isn't paying for your insurance then I bet she would be understanding. You might just have to prove yourself a little more but in the end it just might be less stressful if she knew.
Good luck!!
BUT what I really wanted to tell you is that I just told my boss about CF on Friday. I am going to be getting a PICC line in Novemeber and although I am not going to miss work or do any medicine at work I wanted her to be aware. I also have been told not to say anything to bosses so I was really nervous. I told her that it would not affect my performance and that it does not interfere with my job. She was very understanding and told me that it wouldn't have changed her mind about hiring me.
I can't believe someone would "tattle" on you to your principal. that is just pathetic. I am so sorry about that. But maybe you should tell her. Honestly, as long as it is a big school and the school itself isn't paying for your insurance then I bet she would be understanding. You might just have to prove yourself a little more but in the end it just might be less stressful if she knew.
Good luck!!