Has anyone been accused of having an eating disorder


New member
Hey all, OK..so at my new job I have been busting my A** trying to
do well and make a good impression. I teach kids. Well, last week
my principal called me into her office to talk to me about a
personal matter. Turns out that some one actually had the nerve to
go tell her I was "throwing up" in the bathroom everyday.
I was baffled and confused and I told her that they probably heard
me coughing in the bathroom.  I explained that I have asthma
like symptoms (didn't want her to know about the CF just yet)
because of my respiratory issue. I explained that I sometimes have
coughing fits and I don't like to have them in front of other
people or the students, because I don't want to scare them and it's
embarrassing.  I said I would get a docs. note if she wanted
me to to prove that I have this issue and she said no, that it was
ok and she just wanted to make sure I was ok and it there were any
issue that I needed help with.  I said no and I understood how
someone might think because of my thinness and coughing in the
bathroom that I might have an eating disorder. BUT I told her if
they had taken the time to walk into the bathroom they would have
seen me coughing and not inside a stall throwing up. I usually
don't even go into the stall.  <br>
Why on earth did this POS person go to my boss with such an
accusation and not to me first!  ugghhh...anyone ever had this
problem? Do you tell your boss about the CF. I have always been
warned not to, since they might think that I am not capable of
meeting the demands of the job or view me as the "teacher with
CF" or  whatever. I know they cannot specify my disease
is the reason for termination, but it can always be hidden. They
can say I didn't do well as a teacher.  I don't want to do
anything to jeopardize being asked next year (I am on a one- year
contract). I cant' have people be thinking this because I as a
teacher I am a role model for kids.<br>
I am so tired of dealing with the BS this disease causes me! As if
just living with it and trying to stay alive isn't enough.


New member
Hey all, OK..so at my new job I have been busting my A** trying to
do well and make a good impression. I teach kids. Well, last week
my principal called me into her office to talk to me about a
personal matter. Turns out that some one actually had the nerve to
go tell her I was "throwing up" in the bathroom everyday.
I was baffled and confused and I told her that they probably heard
me coughing in the bathroom.  I explained that I have asthma
like symptoms (didn't want her to know about the CF just yet)
because of my respiratory issue. I explained that I sometimes have
coughing fits and I don't like to have them in front of other
people or the students, because I don't want to scare them and it's
embarrassing.  I said I would get a docs. note if she wanted
me to to prove that I have this issue and she said no, that it was
ok and she just wanted to make sure I was ok and it there were any
issue that I needed help with.  I said no and I understood how
someone might think because of my thinness and coughing in the
bathroom that I might have an eating disorder. BUT I told her if
they had taken the time to walk into the bathroom they would have
seen me coughing and not inside a stall throwing up. I usually
don't even go into the stall.  <br>
Why on earth did this POS person go to my boss with such an
accusation and not to me first!  ugghhh...anyone ever had this
problem? Do you tell your boss about the CF. I have always been
warned not to, since they might think that I am not capable of
meeting the demands of the job or view me as the "teacher with
CF" or  whatever. I know they cannot specify my disease
is the reason for termination, but it can always be hidden. They
can say I didn't do well as a teacher.  I don't want to do
anything to jeopardize being asked next year (I am on a one- year
contract). I cant' have people be thinking this because I as a
teacher I am a role model for kids.<br>
I am so tired of dealing with the BS this disease causes me! As if
just living with it and trying to stay alive isn't enough.


New member
Hey all, OK..so at my new job I have been busting my A** trying to
do well and make a good impression. I teach kids. Well, last week
my principal called me into her office to talk to me about a
personal matter. Turns out that some one actually had the nerve to
go tell her I was "throwing up" in the bathroom everyday.
I was baffled and confused and I told her that they probably heard
me coughing in the bathroom.  I explained that I have asthma
like symptoms (didn't want her to know about the CF just yet)
because of my respiratory issue. I explained that I sometimes have
coughing fits and I don't like to have them in front of other
people or the students, because I don't want to scare them and it's
embarrassing.  I said I would get a docs. note if she wanted
me to to prove that I have this issue and she said no, that it was
ok and she just wanted to make sure I was ok and it there were any
issue that I needed help with.  I said no and I understood how
someone might think because of my thinness and coughing in the
bathroom that I might have an eating disorder. BUT I told her if
they had taken the time to walk into the bathroom they would have
seen me coughing and not inside a stall throwing up. I usually
don't even go into the stall.  <br>
Why on earth did this POS person go to my boss with such an
accusation and not to me first!  ugghhh...anyone ever had this
problem? Do you tell your boss about the CF. I have always been
warned not to, since they might think that I am not capable of
meeting the demands of the job or view me as the "teacher with
CF" or  whatever. I know they cannot specify my disease
is the reason for termination, but it can always be hidden. They
can say I didn't do well as a teacher.  I don't want to do
anything to jeopardize being asked next year (I am on a one- year
contract). I cant' have people be thinking this because I as a
teacher I am a role model for kids.<br>
I am so tired of dealing with the BS this disease causes me! As if
just living with it and trying to stay alive isn't enough.


New member
I have never had anyone in a work situation ask me if I had an eating disorder or imply that they thought I had an eating disorder.

I have however had my doctors --- My CF docs at that -- accuse me of this when I was younger before I was diagnosed with CFRD. I was losing weight associated with the CFRD and they thought it was because I was becoming aorexic or had body/weight issues.

I have also had random people make comments to me about how I do not eat much or I need to eat more. One in particular pissed me off. I was waiting in line one morning at Burger King for some Cinni Minis. I had been at a friends all night for a party and got up early to go home and because they 1 had NO food for breakfast and 2 I needed to go home to do meds. I stopped at the BK and while I was waiting in line this man standing next to me goes - You don't eat much do you? I was stunned. I said Wha..? Meanwhile I looked hagard as I had rolled out of bed just in time to beat the end of breakfast serving time lol and thrown on clothes. He said ya know being skinny isn't all its cracked up to be - you should really eat more. I just stood there and then replied with I could eat you under a table ... let me know when you want to take me up on that challenge *****. He just stood there mouth hanging open .. I ordered my cinniminis and was on my way.

People are just ignorant sometimes - try not to let it get to you. I think because there is so much junk to eat and so many people are over weight anymore that they tend to look at someone that is small and think they are trying so hard to be that way. People don't take the time to think hey it may be a medical condition that the person has no control over.

I also get the .. what do you weigh 100lbs soaking wet comment alot. I HATE THAT .. cause I weigh 108-110 usually lol (I know sooo much more - but to ME that 10 lbs is huge).

Hopefully you won't have any issues with that again. As for telling your boss about CF. I can understand you wanting to wait and so long as your health can afford it I probably would. If you find that you are feeling sick or what have you or that you may need some special accomodation I would let someone know. I have never had a problem with a job and my boss knowing of CF - never been fired or anything like that. I would imagine that so long as you are a diligent and determined employee that any school would be happy to have you, but that may be wishful thinking on my part.

Take Care,


New member
I have never had anyone in a work situation ask me if I had an eating disorder or imply that they thought I had an eating disorder.

I have however had my doctors --- My CF docs at that -- accuse me of this when I was younger before I was diagnosed with CFRD. I was losing weight associated with the CFRD and they thought it was because I was becoming aorexic or had body/weight issues.

I have also had random people make comments to me about how I do not eat much or I need to eat more. One in particular pissed me off. I was waiting in line one morning at Burger King for some Cinni Minis. I had been at a friends all night for a party and got up early to go home and because they 1 had NO food for breakfast and 2 I needed to go home to do meds. I stopped at the BK and while I was waiting in line this man standing next to me goes - You don't eat much do you? I was stunned. I said Wha..? Meanwhile I looked hagard as I had rolled out of bed just in time to beat the end of breakfast serving time lol and thrown on clothes. He said ya know being skinny isn't all its cracked up to be - you should really eat more. I just stood there and then replied with I could eat you under a table ... let me know when you want to take me up on that challenge *****. He just stood there mouth hanging open .. I ordered my cinniminis and was on my way.

People are just ignorant sometimes - try not to let it get to you. I think because there is so much junk to eat and so many people are over weight anymore that they tend to look at someone that is small and think they are trying so hard to be that way. People don't take the time to think hey it may be a medical condition that the person has no control over.

I also get the .. what do you weigh 100lbs soaking wet comment alot. I HATE THAT .. cause I weigh 108-110 usually lol (I know sooo much more - but to ME that 10 lbs is huge).

Hopefully you won't have any issues with that again. As for telling your boss about CF. I can understand you wanting to wait and so long as your health can afford it I probably would. If you find that you are feeling sick or what have you or that you may need some special accomodation I would let someone know. I have never had a problem with a job and my boss knowing of CF - never been fired or anything like that. I would imagine that so long as you are a diligent and determined employee that any school would be happy to have you, but that may be wishful thinking on my part.

Take Care,


New member
I have never had anyone in a work situation ask me if I had an eating disorder or imply that they thought I had an eating disorder.

I have however had my doctors --- My CF docs at that -- accuse me of this when I was younger before I was diagnosed with CFRD. I was losing weight associated with the CFRD and they thought it was because I was becoming aorexic or had body/weight issues.

I have also had random people make comments to me about how I do not eat much or I need to eat more. One in particular pissed me off. I was waiting in line one morning at Burger King for some Cinni Minis. I had been at a friends all night for a party and got up early to go home and because they 1 had NO food for breakfast and 2 I needed to go home to do meds. I stopped at the BK and while I was waiting in line this man standing next to me goes - You don't eat much do you? I was stunned. I said Wha..? Meanwhile I looked hagard as I had rolled out of bed just in time to beat the end of breakfast serving time lol and thrown on clothes. He said ya know being skinny isn't all its cracked up to be - you should really eat more. I just stood there and then replied with I could eat you under a table ... let me know when you want to take me up on that challenge *****. He just stood there mouth hanging open .. I ordered my cinniminis and was on my way.

People are just ignorant sometimes - try not to let it get to you. I think because there is so much junk to eat and so many people are over weight anymore that they tend to look at someone that is small and think they are trying so hard to be that way. People don't take the time to think hey it may be a medical condition that the person has no control over.

I also get the .. what do you weigh 100lbs soaking wet comment alot. I HATE THAT .. cause I weigh 108-110 usually lol (I know sooo much more - but to ME that 10 lbs is huge).

Hopefully you won't have any issues with that again. As for telling your boss about CF. I can understand you wanting to wait and so long as your health can afford it I probably would. If you find that you are feeling sick or what have you or that you may need some special accomodation I would let someone know. I have never had a problem with a job and my boss knowing of CF - never been fired or anything like that. I would imagine that so long as you are a diligent and determined employee that any school would be happy to have you, but that may be wishful thinking on my part.

Take Care,


New member
I've had plenty of people comment on my weight. They are critical of me and my eating habits, even family. In college a classmate within my program, who knew I had CF, asked me which eating disorder was my forte. Super insulting and of course I replied that duh, no eating disorder - remember CF. They blew me off as if I used my CF to cover for an eating disorder. Our program was within the medical school - you'd think that those involved in healthcare would understand more readily. Idiots - It sucks and my weight has made me super self conscious. I am actually a pretty healthy weight - 116, 5'2" - so I can only imagine how much worse it is for others on this site that have a little less weight than desired. I've had to remind some of my in-laws..... you know, incurable diseases aren't as great s they appear. People just suck sometimes!

Chantel - I am not sure how understanding the teaching world is in regards to CF, but I've always told my managers about my healthcare. Mainly so they would understand my coughing and also if I call in sick from work with just a mild cold - I usually prefer not to wait until it is horribly necessary to stay home. It is alwasy uncomfortable to tell people, but I am glad once they know. Sorry I don't have too much more advice/ experience. Good luck -


New member
I've had plenty of people comment on my weight. They are critical of me and my eating habits, even family. In college a classmate within my program, who knew I had CF, asked me which eating disorder was my forte. Super insulting and of course I replied that duh, no eating disorder - remember CF. They blew me off as if I used my CF to cover for an eating disorder. Our program was within the medical school - you'd think that those involved in healthcare would understand more readily. Idiots - It sucks and my weight has made me super self conscious. I am actually a pretty healthy weight - 116, 5'2" - so I can only imagine how much worse it is for others on this site that have a little less weight than desired. I've had to remind some of my in-laws..... you know, incurable diseases aren't as great s they appear. People just suck sometimes!

Chantel - I am not sure how understanding the teaching world is in regards to CF, but I've always told my managers about my healthcare. Mainly so they would understand my coughing and also if I call in sick from work with just a mild cold - I usually prefer not to wait until it is horribly necessary to stay home. It is alwasy uncomfortable to tell people, but I am glad once they know. Sorry I don't have too much more advice/ experience. Good luck -


New member
I've had plenty of people comment on my weight. They are critical of me and my eating habits, even family. In college a classmate within my program, who knew I had CF, asked me which eating disorder was my forte. Super insulting and of course I replied that duh, no eating disorder - remember CF. They blew me off as if I used my CF to cover for an eating disorder. Our program was within the medical school - you'd think that those involved in healthcare would understand more readily. Idiots - It sucks and my weight has made me super self conscious. I am actually a pretty healthy weight - 116, 5'2" - so I can only imagine how much worse it is for others on this site that have a little less weight than desired. I've had to remind some of my in-laws..... you know, incurable diseases aren't as great s they appear. People just suck sometimes!

Chantel - I am not sure how understanding the teaching world is in regards to CF, but I've always told my managers about my healthcare. Mainly so they would understand my coughing and also if I call in sick from work with just a mild cold - I usually prefer not to wait until it is horribly necessary to stay home. It is alwasy uncomfortable to tell people, but I am glad once they know. Sorry I don't have too much more advice/ experience. Good luck -


New member
Wow, that really sucks. I haven't had anyone outright do something
like that, but there is  this one crazy lady at work that
POUNDS!!" from across the room every time she sees me. Very
embarrassing. I think the next time she asks me  what my
"secret" is I will respond with  "I have a lung
disease. "


New member
Wow, that really sucks. I haven't had anyone outright do something
like that, but there is  this one crazy lady at work that
POUNDS!!" from across the room every time she sees me. Very
embarrassing. I think the next time she asks me  what my
"secret" is I will respond with  "I have a lung
disease. "


New member
Wow, that really sucks. I haven't had anyone outright do something
like that, but there is  this one crazy lady at work that
POUNDS!!" from across the room every time she sees me. Very
embarrassing. I think the next time she asks me  what my
"secret" is I will respond with  "I have a lung
disease. "


New member
No, I haven't b/c I'm a tad overweight, which is fine in case I catch a bad bug or can't gain pregnancy weight-I weigh 130 on a heavy day. I'd love to lose 5 pounds-but its very hard for me to, I've tried it all. I think its my enzyme intake, too much. anyhoo-

But, I've experienced the reverse of what you're talking about!! In my hubby's family everyone is naturally thin-average size 0-2. I'm a 6. I've had well meant but dumb remarks like-'oh you look like you dropped a few lbs, hope it stays off, you look great.' Or friends who know I have cf that have said-'you lost weight, you look good.' My hubby's fam are health concious people, into fitness and stuff which is good, but staying size 2 is too important to them. It makes me uncomfortable to be around them mostly in bathing suit season.-They make remarks about not being able to wear a 2 piece suit anymore b/c of gaining 2 lbs, and here I am laying right next to them thinking 'well we both know I look heavier than you, so what must you think of me in my suit?'

People should be more careful and understanding sometimes. If I can't or don't chose to be 115 lbs for health reasons, don't look at me like I'm a tub. Use your brain. Maybe there's more important things in my life than looking like Gisele Bundchen. (granted, just want to tell the universe-I do want to lose weight!) In hand with that goes if you are thin with cf and needing weight-why don't people just learn to close their mouth sometimes?


New member
No, I haven't b/c I'm a tad overweight, which is fine in case I catch a bad bug or can't gain pregnancy weight-I weigh 130 on a heavy day. I'd love to lose 5 pounds-but its very hard for me to, I've tried it all. I think its my enzyme intake, too much. anyhoo-

But, I've experienced the reverse of what you're talking about!! In my hubby's family everyone is naturally thin-average size 0-2. I'm a 6. I've had well meant but dumb remarks like-'oh you look like you dropped a few lbs, hope it stays off, you look great.' Or friends who know I have cf that have said-'you lost weight, you look good.' My hubby's fam are health concious people, into fitness and stuff which is good, but staying size 2 is too important to them. It makes me uncomfortable to be around them mostly in bathing suit season.-They make remarks about not being able to wear a 2 piece suit anymore b/c of gaining 2 lbs, and here I am laying right next to them thinking 'well we both know I look heavier than you, so what must you think of me in my suit?'

People should be more careful and understanding sometimes. If I can't or don't chose to be 115 lbs for health reasons, don't look at me like I'm a tub. Use your brain. Maybe there's more important things in my life than looking like Gisele Bundchen. (granted, just want to tell the universe-I do want to lose weight!) In hand with that goes if you are thin with cf and needing weight-why don't people just learn to close their mouth sometimes?


New member
No, I haven't b/c I'm a tad overweight, which is fine in case I catch a bad bug or can't gain pregnancy weight-I weigh 130 on a heavy day. I'd love to lose 5 pounds-but its very hard for me to, I've tried it all. I think its my enzyme intake, too much. anyhoo-

But, I've experienced the reverse of what you're talking about!! In my hubby's family everyone is naturally thin-average size 0-2. I'm a 6. I've had well meant but dumb remarks like-'oh you look like you dropped a few lbs, hope it stays off, you look great.' Or friends who know I have cf that have said-'you lost weight, you look good.' My hubby's fam are health concious people, into fitness and stuff which is good, but staying size 2 is too important to them. It makes me uncomfortable to be around them mostly in bathing suit season.-They make remarks about not being able to wear a 2 piece suit anymore b/c of gaining 2 lbs, and here I am laying right next to them thinking 'well we both know I look heavier than you, so what must you think of me in my suit?'

People should be more careful and understanding sometimes. If I can't or don't chose to be 115 lbs for health reasons, don't look at me like I'm a tub. Use your brain. Maybe there's more important things in my life than looking like Gisele Bundchen. (granted, just want to tell the universe-I do want to lose weight!) In hand with that goes if you are thin with cf and needing weight-why don't people just learn to close their mouth sometimes?


New member
I've had strangers think that I had an eating disorder, or friends will comment on how skinny I am and if I'm eating. Before I was diagnosed with CFRD, my doctors thought I was anorexic, despite the fact that I was eating all the time, and told them that something was wrong with me, that I needed to be tested for diabetes (my mum and I had researched it before I was diagnosed). I hate the fact that people seem to think its ok to make negative comments about how skinny someone is. Like my friends will grab my arms and say 'look how skinny you are, put some weight on!'. You would never see someone walk up to an overweight person and say 'oh you're so fat, you should lose some weight.'. I hate being told how skinny I look all the time. I think this is the main reason that I have such issues with my body. No matter how much weight I put on (I could be 130), I still think that I look too skinny.


New member
I've had strangers think that I had an eating disorder, or friends will comment on how skinny I am and if I'm eating. Before I was diagnosed with CFRD, my doctors thought I was anorexic, despite the fact that I was eating all the time, and told them that something was wrong with me, that I needed to be tested for diabetes (my mum and I had researched it before I was diagnosed). I hate the fact that people seem to think its ok to make negative comments about how skinny someone is. Like my friends will grab my arms and say 'look how skinny you are, put some weight on!'. You would never see someone walk up to an overweight person and say 'oh you're so fat, you should lose some weight.'. I hate being told how skinny I look all the time. I think this is the main reason that I have such issues with my body. No matter how much weight I put on (I could be 130), I still think that I look too skinny.


New member
I've had strangers think that I had an eating disorder, or friends will comment on how skinny I am and if I'm eating. Before I was diagnosed with CFRD, my doctors thought I was anorexic, despite the fact that I was eating all the time, and told them that something was wrong with me, that I needed to be tested for diabetes (my mum and I had researched it before I was diagnosed). I hate the fact that people seem to think its ok to make negative comments about how skinny someone is. Like my friends will grab my arms and say 'look how skinny you are, put some weight on!'. You would never see someone walk up to an overweight person and say 'oh you're so fat, you should lose some weight.'. I hate being told how skinny I look all the time. I think this is the main reason that I have such issues with my body. No matter how much weight I put on (I could be 130), I still think that I look too skinny.


New member
In high school my friends went to the social worker and told them that I had an eating disorder. Then they confronted me about it in front of all these people and it was horrible. They even knew about CF and still thought it! The social worker called my mom and then that whole summer I had to tell her what I ate and if I went out to dinner or something she thought I was just saying that to miss a meal. Very bad situation.

BUT what I really wanted to tell you is that I just told my boss about CF on Friday. I am going to be getting a PICC line in Novemeber and although I am not going to miss work or do any medicine at work I wanted her to be aware. I also have been told not to say anything to bosses so I was really nervous. I told her that it would not affect my performance and that it does not interfere with my job. She was very understanding and told me that it wouldn't have changed her mind about hiring me.

I can't believe someone would "tattle" on you to your principal. that is just pathetic. I am so sorry about that. But maybe you should tell her. Honestly, as long as it is a big school and the school itself isn't paying for your insurance then I bet she would be understanding. You might just have to prove yourself a little more but in the end it just might be less stressful if she knew.

Good luck!!


New member
In high school my friends went to the social worker and told them that I had an eating disorder. Then they confronted me about it in front of all these people and it was horrible. They even knew about CF and still thought it! The social worker called my mom and then that whole summer I had to tell her what I ate and if I went out to dinner or something she thought I was just saying that to miss a meal. Very bad situation.

BUT what I really wanted to tell you is that I just told my boss about CF on Friday. I am going to be getting a PICC line in Novemeber and although I am not going to miss work or do any medicine at work I wanted her to be aware. I also have been told not to say anything to bosses so I was really nervous. I told her that it would not affect my performance and that it does not interfere with my job. She was very understanding and told me that it wouldn't have changed her mind about hiring me.

I can't believe someone would "tattle" on you to your principal. that is just pathetic. I am so sorry about that. But maybe you should tell her. Honestly, as long as it is a big school and the school itself isn't paying for your insurance then I bet she would be understanding. You might just have to prove yourself a little more but in the end it just might be less stressful if she knew.

Good luck!!