Has she had any xrays or anything to show whether or not she has any blockages, problems with her intestines, etc in there? Or is this dr purely going by an opinion or thinking he 'feels poop' when he pokes at her tummy, in this situation?
Too many kids have run into real trouble with obstructions, blockages, all kinds of scary stuff and I would want to have some solid facts here, I think, before continually going with stool softeners, laxatives, etc that have clearly not been working over quite a long period of of use. This kind of situation can turn into an emergency if it's not properly handled.
I like the idea of trying the MCT's. Also; has she tried any of the other really high-calorie supplements, like Scandishakes (600 calories per cup) or Scandical (35 cal per tb); Carnation makes a very high calorie drink as well.
I agree with your concerns about the staining. Any kind of bowel accident at school at her age can set up a BAD situation; kids can be very cruel. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
Too many kids have run into real trouble with obstructions, blockages, all kinds of scary stuff and I would want to have some solid facts here, I think, before continually going with stool softeners, laxatives, etc that have clearly not been working over quite a long period of of use. This kind of situation can turn into an emergency if it's not properly handled.
I like the idea of trying the MCT's. Also; has she tried any of the other really high-calorie supplements, like Scandishakes (600 calories per cup) or Scandical (35 cal per tb); Carnation makes a very high calorie drink as well.
I agree with your concerns about the staining. Any kind of bowel accident at school at her age can set up a BAD situation; kids can be very cruel. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">