We usually increase CPT/vest from 3 to 4 times a day, sometimes increase the amount of time we beat him. If his nose is icky, we'll do sinus rinses. And we've been told by his CF doctor to learn his cough -- if he coughs, the doctor wants us to call him and he'll prescribe an antibiotic accordingly. If it doesn't clear up within a certain amount of time, then we're supposed to call him and/or arrange a clinic visit. His doctor is 3 1/2 hours drive from home. Usually the ABX clear up the cough; however, when he was about a year old he'd had a nasty sinus infection -- us being new parents thought it was the norm for kids -- yucky nose throughout the winter. And his doctor wanted to be rid of it once and for all so as to not go into his lungs and prescribed augmentin for a MONTH! Nasty diaper issues, but it got rid of it.