Having more children


New member
My daughter was born October 28, 2008, on October 30 we found out that she had a meconium ileus. November 7th we got the positive CF results back. We were blindsighted. There has been no history of CF in either family. We had always planned on having more children and now I am torn. I love my daughter so much and even if we had done the amnio it would have in no way changed anything. But now, knowing what I know and living through a few weeks of hell in the NICU I don't know if I can take the chances and conceive naturally again. I know this is a personal decision between my husband and I but I was wondering how other people felt about having more children after knowing that there is a 25% chance of your child having CF.

Also, for those who have CF what are your feelings on PGD. I would hate for my daughter to feel like she is a burden so much so that we did a special procedure to make sure we didn't have another affected child.

Sorry about the rambling post, it is 0245 and I am exhausted!


New member
My daughter was born October 28, 2008, on October 30 we found out that she had a meconium ileus. November 7th we got the positive CF results back. We were blindsighted. There has been no history of CF in either family. We had always planned on having more children and now I am torn. I love my daughter so much and even if we had done the amnio it would have in no way changed anything. But now, knowing what I know and living through a few weeks of hell in the NICU I don't know if I can take the chances and conceive naturally again. I know this is a personal decision between my husband and I but I was wondering how other people felt about having more children after knowing that there is a 25% chance of your child having CF.

Also, for those who have CF what are your feelings on PGD. I would hate for my daughter to feel like she is a burden so much so that we did a special procedure to make sure we didn't have another affected child.

Sorry about the rambling post, it is 0245 and I am exhausted!


New member
My daughter was born October 28, 2008, on October 30 we found out that she had a meconium ileus. November 7th we got the positive CF results back. We were blindsighted. There has been no history of CF in either family. We had always planned on having more children and now I am torn. I love my daughter so much and even if we had done the amnio it would have in no way changed anything. But now, knowing what I know and living through a few weeks of hell in the NICU I don't know if I can take the chances and conceive naturally again. I know this is a personal decision between my husband and I but I was wondering how other people felt about having more children after knowing that there is a 25% chance of your child having CF.

Also, for those who have CF what are your feelings on PGD. I would hate for my daughter to feel like she is a burden so much so that we did a special procedure to make sure we didn't have another affected child.

Sorry about the rambling post, it is 0245 and I am exhausted!


New member
My daughter was born October 28, 2008, on October 30 we found out that she had a meconium ileus. November 7th we got the positive CF results back. We were blindsighted. There has been no history of CF in either family. We had always planned on having more children and now I am torn. I love my daughter so much and even if we had done the amnio it would have in no way changed anything. But now, knowing what I know and living through a few weeks of hell in the NICU I don't know if I can take the chances and conceive naturally again. I know this is a personal decision between my husband and I but I was wondering how other people felt about having more children after knowing that there is a 25% chance of your child having CF.

Also, for those who have CF what are your feelings on PGD. I would hate for my daughter to feel like she is a burden so much so that we did a special procedure to make sure we didn't have another affected child.

Sorry about the rambling post, it is 0245 and I am exhausted!


New member
My daughter was born October 28, 2008, on October 30 we found out that she had a meconium ileus. November 7th we got the positive CF results back. We were blindsighted. There has been no history of CF in either family. We had always planned on having more children and now I am torn. I love my daughter so much and even if we had done the amnio it would have in no way changed anything. But now, knowing what I know and living through a few weeks of hell in the NICU I don't know if I can take the chances and conceive naturally again. I know this is a personal decision between my husband and I but I was wondering how other people felt about having more children after knowing that there is a 25% chance of your child having CF.
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<br />Also, for those who have CF what are your feelings on PGD. I would hate for my daughter to feel like she is a burden so much so that we did a special procedure to make sure we didn't have another affected child.
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<br />Sorry about the rambling post, it is 0245 and I am exhausted!


Hi Josephine. We were also blindsighted when our firstborn was diagnosed. We would not take the chance so we used IVF/PGD. It was one of the best decisions we've ever made. We now have Gavin, 19 months who is healthy. Yes, it was expensive. Yes, it was emotionally draining. But so is having a child with CF. I'll post more info when I have time. Check out genesisgenetics.com



Hi Josephine. We were also blindsighted when our firstborn was diagnosed. We would not take the chance so we used IVF/PGD. It was one of the best decisions we've ever made. We now have Gavin, 19 months who is healthy. Yes, it was expensive. Yes, it was emotionally draining. But so is having a child with CF. I'll post more info when I have time. Check out genesisgenetics.com



Hi Josephine. We were also blindsighted when our firstborn was diagnosed. We would not take the chance so we used IVF/PGD. It was one of the best decisions we've ever made. We now have Gavin, 19 months who is healthy. Yes, it was expensive. Yes, it was emotionally draining. But so is having a child with CF. I'll post more info when I have time. Check out genesisgenetics.com



Hi Josephine. We were also blindsighted when our firstborn was diagnosed. We would not take the chance so we used IVF/PGD. It was one of the best decisions we've ever made. We now have Gavin, 19 months who is healthy. Yes, it was expensive. Yes, it was emotionally draining. But so is having a child with CF. I'll post more info when I have time. Check out genesisgenetics.com



Hi Josephine. We were also blindsighted when our firstborn was diagnosed. We would not take the chance so we used IVF/PGD. It was one of the best decisions we've ever made. We now have Gavin, 19 months who is healthy. Yes, it was expensive. Yes, it was emotionally draining. But so is having a child with CF. I'll post more info when I have time. Check out genesisgenetics.com
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<br />Megan


New member
Hi Joshepinesmommy,

I know where your coming from. I had always wanted two children, but after my first childs diagnosis, and the reality of the disease settled in, I put having more children out of my mind. I did not want to take that chance of having another child with CF. Then after he was no longer a baby, I started feeling that I did not want him to grow up an only child and not have a sibling to confide in. Prehaps it was a little part selfish on my part too, that I could not imagine being alone without a child if CF was to take his life young, so I started really wanting another child. So we used IVF, to decrease the odds as much as possible that my second child would not have CF.

But that still did not mean I don't struggle with things at times about what I did. While I was pregnant, I would think, well I went to these measures to less the chance of having a child with CF, but what if they were born with Downs or some other disease. And then as you said, it has always crossed my mind, that how would my child with CF feel about himself knowing that measures were taken to attempt to avoid having another child with CF.

I did not want to have another child with CF knowing the risks of cross contamination and would not be able to give always give my full self to two children with CF, if one was really sick.

But really for me, it was the fact that I could prob never fully live with myself if I had another child and they had CF, knowing that I knew there was a real good chance that they would be born with CF. So that is what made my decision for me, not what I thought others would think, but it is a personal decision of what I could accept.


New member
Hi Joshepinesmommy,

I know where your coming from. I had always wanted two children, but after my first childs diagnosis, and the reality of the disease settled in, I put having more children out of my mind. I did not want to take that chance of having another child with CF. Then after he was no longer a baby, I started feeling that I did not want him to grow up an only child and not have a sibling to confide in. Prehaps it was a little part selfish on my part too, that I could not imagine being alone without a child if CF was to take his life young, so I started really wanting another child. So we used IVF, to decrease the odds as much as possible that my second child would not have CF.

But that still did not mean I don't struggle with things at times about what I did. While I was pregnant, I would think, well I went to these measures to less the chance of having a child with CF, but what if they were born with Downs or some other disease. And then as you said, it has always crossed my mind, that how would my child with CF feel about himself knowing that measures were taken to attempt to avoid having another child with CF.

I did not want to have another child with CF knowing the risks of cross contamination and would not be able to give always give my full self to two children with CF, if one was really sick.

But really for me, it was the fact that I could prob never fully live with myself if I had another child and they had CF, knowing that I knew there was a real good chance that they would be born with CF. So that is what made my decision for me, not what I thought others would think, but it is a personal decision of what I could accept.


New member
Hi Joshepinesmommy,

I know where your coming from. I had always wanted two children, but after my first childs diagnosis, and the reality of the disease settled in, I put having more children out of my mind. I did not want to take that chance of having another child with CF. Then after he was no longer a baby, I started feeling that I did not want him to grow up an only child and not have a sibling to confide in. Prehaps it was a little part selfish on my part too, that I could not imagine being alone without a child if CF was to take his life young, so I started really wanting another child. So we used IVF, to decrease the odds as much as possible that my second child would not have CF.

But that still did not mean I don't struggle with things at times about what I did. While I was pregnant, I would think, well I went to these measures to less the chance of having a child with CF, but what if they were born with Downs or some other disease. And then as you said, it has always crossed my mind, that how would my child with CF feel about himself knowing that measures were taken to attempt to avoid having another child with CF.

I did not want to have another child with CF knowing the risks of cross contamination and would not be able to give always give my full self to two children with CF, if one was really sick.

But really for me, it was the fact that I could prob never fully live with myself if I had another child and they had CF, knowing that I knew there was a real good chance that they would be born with CF. So that is what made my decision for me, not what I thought others would think, but it is a personal decision of what I could accept.


New member
Hi Joshepinesmommy,

I know where your coming from. I had always wanted two children, but after my first childs diagnosis, and the reality of the disease settled in, I put having more children out of my mind. I did not want to take that chance of having another child with CF. Then after he was no longer a baby, I started feeling that I did not want him to grow up an only child and not have a sibling to confide in. Prehaps it was a little part selfish on my part too, that I could not imagine being alone without a child if CF was to take his life young, so I started really wanting another child. So we used IVF, to decrease the odds as much as possible that my second child would not have CF.

But that still did not mean I don't struggle with things at times about what I did. While I was pregnant, I would think, well I went to these measures to less the chance of having a child with CF, but what if they were born with Downs or some other disease. And then as you said, it has always crossed my mind, that how would my child with CF feel about himself knowing that measures were taken to attempt to avoid having another child with CF.

I did not want to have another child with CF knowing the risks of cross contamination and would not be able to give always give my full self to two children with CF, if one was really sick.

But really for me, it was the fact that I could prob never fully live with myself if I had another child and they had CF, knowing that I knew there was a real good chance that they would be born with CF. So that is what made my decision for me, not what I thought others would think, but it is a personal decision of what I could accept.


New member
Hi Joshepinesmommy,
<br />
<br />I know where your coming from. I had always wanted two children, but after my first childs diagnosis, and the reality of the disease settled in, I put having more children out of my mind. I did not want to take that chance of having another child with CF. Then after he was no longer a baby, I started feeling that I did not want him to grow up an only child and not have a sibling to confide in. Prehaps it was a little part selfish on my part too, that I could not imagine being alone without a child if CF was to take his life young, so I started really wanting another child. So we used IVF, to decrease the odds as much as possible that my second child would not have CF.
<br />
<br />But that still did not mean I don't struggle with things at times about what I did. While I was pregnant, I would think, well I went to these measures to less the chance of having a child with CF, but what if they were born with Downs or some other disease. And then as you said, it has always crossed my mind, that how would my child with CF feel about himself knowing that measures were taken to attempt to avoid having another child with CF.
<br />
<br />I did not want to have another child with CF knowing the risks of cross contamination and would not be able to give always give my full self to two children with CF, if one was really sick.
<br />
<br />But really for me, it was the fact that I could prob never fully live with myself if I had another child and they had CF, knowing that I knew there was a real good chance that they would be born with CF. So that is what made my decision for me, not what I thought others would think, but it is a personal decision of what I could accept.


New member
My first was born with CF and we were also in shock. No family history of it. Later to find out my cousin, 30 yrs old, was trying to have a baby with his wife and couldn't get her pregnant. He was tested and found out he had CF at age 30 with no noticeable prior symptoms. I love kids and knew I had to take my chances and cannot afford to do any of the special ways...sorry, don't know enough about them/names. I am pregnant right now and hoping for the best. My first is 4 yrs old and very healthy. She is on the small side, but yet very active and healthy. Reading all these forums makes me sad to know that any of these problems could be mine at any time and I hope my daughter stays healthy. Having that cousin that has no symptoms, give me lots of hope for my daughter. She is alot of work though with all the meds and treatments and I can't imagine having another the same, but I love her to death and will love the next one the same. I am just praying this one is normal. I will have to deal with whatever comes my way. I hope you make the right choice for yourselves.


New member
My first was born with CF and we were also in shock. No family history of it. Later to find out my cousin, 30 yrs old, was trying to have a baby with his wife and couldn't get her pregnant. He was tested and found out he had CF at age 30 with no noticeable prior symptoms. I love kids and knew I had to take my chances and cannot afford to do any of the special ways...sorry, don't know enough about them/names. I am pregnant right now and hoping for the best. My first is 4 yrs old and very healthy. She is on the small side, but yet very active and healthy. Reading all these forums makes me sad to know that any of these problems could be mine at any time and I hope my daughter stays healthy. Having that cousin that has no symptoms, give me lots of hope for my daughter. She is alot of work though with all the meds and treatments and I can't imagine having another the same, but I love her to death and will love the next one the same. I am just praying this one is normal. I will have to deal with whatever comes my way. I hope you make the right choice for yourselves.


New member
My first was born with CF and we were also in shock. No family history of it. Later to find out my cousin, 30 yrs old, was trying to have a baby with his wife and couldn't get her pregnant. He was tested and found out he had CF at age 30 with no noticeable prior symptoms. I love kids and knew I had to take my chances and cannot afford to do any of the special ways...sorry, don't know enough about them/names. I am pregnant right now and hoping for the best. My first is 4 yrs old and very healthy. She is on the small side, but yet very active and healthy. Reading all these forums makes me sad to know that any of these problems could be mine at any time and I hope my daughter stays healthy. Having that cousin that has no symptoms, give me lots of hope for my daughter. She is alot of work though with all the meds and treatments and I can't imagine having another the same, but I love her to death and will love the next one the same. I am just praying this one is normal. I will have to deal with whatever comes my way. I hope you make the right choice for yourselves.


New member
My first was born with CF and we were also in shock. No family history of it. Later to find out my cousin, 30 yrs old, was trying to have a baby with his wife and couldn't get her pregnant. He was tested and found out he had CF at age 30 with no noticeable prior symptoms. I love kids and knew I had to take my chances and cannot afford to do any of the special ways...sorry, don't know enough about them/names. I am pregnant right now and hoping for the best. My first is 4 yrs old and very healthy. She is on the small side, but yet very active and healthy. Reading all these forums makes me sad to know that any of these problems could be mine at any time and I hope my daughter stays healthy. Having that cousin that has no symptoms, give me lots of hope for my daughter. She is alot of work though with all the meds and treatments and I can't imagine having another the same, but I love her to death and will love the next one the same. I am just praying this one is normal. I will have to deal with whatever comes my way. I hope you make the right choice for yourselves.


New member
My first was born with CF and we were also in shock. No family history of it. Later to find out my cousin, 30 yrs old, was trying to have a baby with his wife and couldn't get her pregnant. He was tested and found out he had CF at age 30 with no noticeable prior symptoms. I love kids and knew I had to take my chances and cannot afford to do any of the special ways...sorry, don't know enough about them/names. I am pregnant right now and hoping for the best. My first is 4 yrs old and very healthy. She is on the small side, but yet very active and healthy. Reading all these forums makes me sad to know that any of these problems could be mine at any time and I hope my daughter stays healthy. Having that cousin that has no symptoms, give me lots of hope for my daughter. She is alot of work though with all the meds and treatments and I can't imagine having another the same, but I love her to death and will love the next one the same. I am just praying this one is normal. I will have to deal with whatever comes my way. I hope you make the right choice for yourselves.