Hello im just in need of some advice? Not sure if its silly or not


New member
As far as i i know my parents have no cf well no symptoms anyway.
Does that make it completely impossible i dont have it?
22yrs old

Hello, basicly i was always a very active kid...
Used to wanna play football longer than most people would lol..
That was untill i hit about 16 and stoped playing football, used to play everyday...
I had no breathing problems... Infact i was so well i never ever had togo doctors! My mum never took me for checkups either...

So basicly after i stoped playing, my level of fitness droped considerably, i mean weakness of my body muscles..
Its hard to explain, im a very active person i always push myself to go that bit further.. It just seems my body isnt up to it no more...
Unless im doing constant exercise my body feels like one big ache especialy my neck/back n thighs my thighs go numb for no aparent reason i often wakeup with dead leg.
My muscles constantly ache even more when i have a cold and i have to do weights or somthing just to stretch them out it makes the ache go away, but leave me physically weak due to exercise.

I gain muscle and loose muscle as fast as i get it!
I dont have no fat on my body... im 8.5 stone
I dont get bruises?!? Almost as if the bruise cant get out or i bruise inside.
Id say i was hyper becuase i always do things fast and like to get things done fast everything has to be done fast, although not in annoyance way i dont talk hyper, more of an in general physical way, like i always run upstairs i cant walk up, although if im ill i usualy walk up.. and thats when i know somthings up with me LOL.

My forehead feels like it gonna explode 90% of the time unless im having fun and dont think about it.. feels like my brains out grown my skull... Ive had this for like ever since i can rememeber and i used to get shootingg pains in my skull where i wacked it when i was about 8 yrs old, these pains are exactly like the pains u get when u eat icecream real quick, i still get these pains even to this day, sometimes mild sometimes realy bad and there noway possible to think of anything while this pain is there beucase it husts alot n makes ya tilt ya head to try n get rid of it..
Gladly this doesnt happen that much now, over the last yr or so.
My face always feels numb and its realy annoying as it makes me push my cheek bones and play with my face to ease the pain, i have this also on my jaws too...
I grind my teeth when im asleep so i assumed maybe that was the cause for all them symptoms of pain on my face.

My nose even when i dont have a cold seems to be very sore. like a vessel or somthing, i believe it reforms every 2 weeks and then bursts, becuase i get a slight blood in my nose now en then, and that usualy soothes the pain in my nose and i do feel alot better... this causes me to always play with the top of my nose where the bone is becuase it relieves the pain

Last yr i had cold for 2 weeks went away 3 days and come back i then had it for another 2 weeks and this went on over and over... people said i worked to much but im not sure, and people at work always wonderd why i always had a cold.

My skin tastes salty..
I often cough n get white lil things come from my throate
Ive always told my mum why do i produce so much more mucus than everyone else.
I also have this salty stuff come up from my chest which seems clear but sometimes isnt, it blocks my throate up n if it starts to come up i have to regurgatate it becuase it causes me to choke n stuff because its very slimey n when it dont come up it just half comes out n half stays down makes me have problems.

When i cough i usualy cough so much becuase its so irritating tickerly that i end up choking on some flem from my stomache.

But i mean my thighs realy are getting weaker n weaker by the yr...
i dont think i can ride a bike without causing pain or straining them.. BUt i used to ride a bike everyday to work.. So i dunno why this is happening to me..

I had a lump in my neck removed at doctors when i was 19, they said it was a build up of sweat...

as for me going to the toilate, i dont remember me ever having diahria, its usualy normal, although ive always had a problem with remember to go no.2 lol dunno if thats bad or not lol

The last time i went to doctor i bloweed in a tube n she said i was fine becuase i could blow in the tube.
She said "Antiviral infection" and gave me amoxcillin..

After taking amoxcillin for 3 days, i felt very very good, pain free in many many places.

On my face n head all felt much better.

whenmy cold eventualy went, and i was off antibiotics my pains inmy nose cheeks jaw and head all started again, although i can bare it n thats how i have lived my life.

As for my throate well..
I get pain in my thoate from singing 2 songs..
THe pain always is in the same exactl place on the left side of my adams apple point, its like theres a ball that can be pushed in but always pokes back out, thats the area all around that thats always sore and sometimes when i get a cold it swaps sides, im guessing its a gland?

I realy do have alota problems dont i, although i think they all tie together.
oh almost forgot my wisdom teeth are comming through as well lol

I realy aint much of a talker due to all this pain ive lived with, i usualy do thingsto keep me occupied.

its hard telling people how much i go though, they think im just a hypercondriact or somthing.


New member
As far as i i know my parents have no cf well no symptoms anyway.
Does that make it completely impossible i dont have it?
22yrs old

Hello, basicly i was always a very active kid...
Used to wanna play football longer than most people would lol..
That was untill i hit about 16 and stoped playing football, used to play everyday...
I had no breathing problems... Infact i was so well i never ever had togo doctors! My mum never took me for checkups either...

So basicly after i stoped playing, my level of fitness droped considerably, i mean weakness of my body muscles..
Its hard to explain, im a very active person i always push myself to go that bit further.. It just seems my body isnt up to it no more...
Unless im doing constant exercise my body feels like one big ache especialy my neck/back n thighs my thighs go numb for no aparent reason i often wakeup with dead leg.
My muscles constantly ache even more when i have a cold and i have to do weights or somthing just to stretch them out it makes the ache go away, but leave me physically weak due to exercise.

I gain muscle and loose muscle as fast as i get it!
I dont have no fat on my body... im 8.5 stone
I dont get bruises?!? Almost as if the bruise cant get out or i bruise inside.
Id say i was hyper becuase i always do things fast and like to get things done fast everything has to be done fast, although not in annoyance way i dont talk hyper, more of an in general physical way, like i always run upstairs i cant walk up, although if im ill i usualy walk up.. and thats when i know somthings up with me LOL.

My forehead feels like it gonna explode 90% of the time unless im having fun and dont think about it.. feels like my brains out grown my skull... Ive had this for like ever since i can rememeber and i used to get shootingg pains in my skull where i wacked it when i was about 8 yrs old, these pains are exactly like the pains u get when u eat icecream real quick, i still get these pains even to this day, sometimes mild sometimes realy bad and there noway possible to think of anything while this pain is there beucase it husts alot n makes ya tilt ya head to try n get rid of it..
Gladly this doesnt happen that much now, over the last yr or so.
My face always feels numb and its realy annoying as it makes me push my cheek bones and play with my face to ease the pain, i have this also on my jaws too...
I grind my teeth when im asleep so i assumed maybe that was the cause for all them symptoms of pain on my face.

My nose even when i dont have a cold seems to be very sore. like a vessel or somthing, i believe it reforms every 2 weeks and then bursts, becuase i get a slight blood in my nose now en then, and that usualy soothes the pain in my nose and i do feel alot better... this causes me to always play with the top of my nose where the bone is becuase it relieves the pain

Last yr i had cold for 2 weeks went away 3 days and come back i then had it for another 2 weeks and this went on over and over... people said i worked to much but im not sure, and people at work always wonderd why i always had a cold.

My skin tastes salty..
I often cough n get white lil things come from my throate
Ive always told my mum why do i produce so much more mucus than everyone else.
I also have this salty stuff come up from my chest which seems clear but sometimes isnt, it blocks my throate up n if it starts to come up i have to regurgatate it becuase it causes me to choke n stuff because its very slimey n when it dont come up it just half comes out n half stays down makes me have problems.

When i cough i usualy cough so much becuase its so irritating tickerly that i end up choking on some flem from my stomache.

But i mean my thighs realy are getting weaker n weaker by the yr...
i dont think i can ride a bike without causing pain or straining them.. BUt i used to ride a bike everyday to work.. So i dunno why this is happening to me..

I had a lump in my neck removed at doctors when i was 19, they said it was a build up of sweat...

as for me going to the toilate, i dont remember me ever having diahria, its usualy normal, although ive always had a problem with remember to go no.2 lol dunno if thats bad or not lol

The last time i went to doctor i bloweed in a tube n she said i was fine becuase i could blow in the tube.
She said "Antiviral infection" and gave me amoxcillin..

After taking amoxcillin for 3 days, i felt very very good, pain free in many many places.

On my face n head all felt much better.

whenmy cold eventualy went, and i was off antibiotics my pains inmy nose cheeks jaw and head all started again, although i can bare it n thats how i have lived my life.

As for my throate well..
I get pain in my thoate from singing 2 songs..
THe pain always is in the same exactl place on the left side of my adams apple point, its like theres a ball that can be pushed in but always pokes back out, thats the area all around that thats always sore and sometimes when i get a cold it swaps sides, im guessing its a gland?

I realy do have alota problems dont i, although i think they all tie together.
oh almost forgot my wisdom teeth are comming through as well lol

I realy aint much of a talker due to all this pain ive lived with, i usualy do thingsto keep me occupied.

its hard telling people how much i go though, they think im just a hypercondriact or somthing.


New member
As far as i i know my parents have no cf well no symptoms anyway.
Does that make it completely impossible i dont have it?
22yrs old

Hello, basicly i was always a very active kid...
Used to wanna play football longer than most people would lol..
That was untill i hit about 16 and stoped playing football, used to play everyday...
I had no breathing problems... Infact i was so well i never ever had togo doctors! My mum never took me for checkups either...

So basicly after i stoped playing, my level of fitness droped considerably, i mean weakness of my body muscles..
Its hard to explain, im a very active person i always push myself to go that bit further.. It just seems my body isnt up to it no more...
Unless im doing constant exercise my body feels like one big ache especialy my neck/back n thighs my thighs go numb for no aparent reason i often wakeup with dead leg.
My muscles constantly ache even more when i have a cold and i have to do weights or somthing just to stretch them out it makes the ache go away, but leave me physically weak due to exercise.

I gain muscle and loose muscle as fast as i get it!
I dont have no fat on my body... im 8.5 stone
I dont get bruises?!? Almost as if the bruise cant get out or i bruise inside.
Id say i was hyper becuase i always do things fast and like to get things done fast everything has to be done fast, although not in annoyance way i dont talk hyper, more of an in general physical way, like i always run upstairs i cant walk up, although if im ill i usualy walk up.. and thats when i know somthings up with me LOL.

My forehead feels like it gonna explode 90% of the time unless im having fun and dont think about it.. feels like my brains out grown my skull... Ive had this for like ever since i can rememeber and i used to get shootingg pains in my skull where i wacked it when i was about 8 yrs old, these pains are exactly like the pains u get when u eat icecream real quick, i still get these pains even to this day, sometimes mild sometimes realy bad and there noway possible to think of anything while this pain is there beucase it husts alot n makes ya tilt ya head to try n get rid of it..
Gladly this doesnt happen that much now, over the last yr or so.
My face always feels numb and its realy annoying as it makes me push my cheek bones and play with my face to ease the pain, i have this also on my jaws too...
I grind my teeth when im asleep so i assumed maybe that was the cause for all them symptoms of pain on my face.

My nose even when i dont have a cold seems to be very sore. like a vessel or somthing, i believe it reforms every 2 weeks and then bursts, becuase i get a slight blood in my nose now en then, and that usualy soothes the pain in my nose and i do feel alot better... this causes me to always play with the top of my nose where the bone is becuase it relieves the pain

Last yr i had cold for 2 weeks went away 3 days and come back i then had it for another 2 weeks and this went on over and over... people said i worked to much but im not sure, and people at work always wonderd why i always had a cold.

My skin tastes salty..
I often cough n get white lil things come from my throate
Ive always told my mum why do i produce so much more mucus than everyone else.
I also have this salty stuff come up from my chest which seems clear but sometimes isnt, it blocks my throate up n if it starts to come up i have to regurgatate it becuase it causes me to choke n stuff because its very slimey n when it dont come up it just half comes out n half stays down makes me have problems.

When i cough i usualy cough so much becuase its so irritating tickerly that i end up choking on some flem from my stomache.

But i mean my thighs realy are getting weaker n weaker by the yr...
i dont think i can ride a bike without causing pain or straining them.. BUt i used to ride a bike everyday to work.. So i dunno why this is happening to me..

I had a lump in my neck removed at doctors when i was 19, they said it was a build up of sweat...

as for me going to the toilate, i dont remember me ever having diahria, its usualy normal, although ive always had a problem with remember to go no.2 lol dunno if thats bad or not lol

The last time i went to doctor i bloweed in a tube n she said i was fine becuase i could blow in the tube.
She said "Antiviral infection" and gave me amoxcillin..

After taking amoxcillin for 3 days, i felt very very good, pain free in many many places.

On my face n head all felt much better.

whenmy cold eventualy went, and i was off antibiotics my pains inmy nose cheeks jaw and head all started again, although i can bare it n thats how i have lived my life.

As for my throate well..
I get pain in my thoate from singing 2 songs..
THe pain always is in the same exactl place on the left side of my adams apple point, its like theres a ball that can be pushed in but always pokes back out, thats the area all around that thats always sore and sometimes when i get a cold it swaps sides, im guessing its a gland?

I realy do have alota problems dont i, although i think they all tie together.
oh almost forgot my wisdom teeth are comming through as well lol

I realy aint much of a talker due to all this pain ive lived with, i usualy do thingsto keep me occupied.

its hard telling people how much i go though, they think im just a hypercondriact or somthing.


New member
I dont know what i have, but somthing hasnt been right for like 10 yrs.

Its the fact i produce lots of mucus when im ill, i tasted my skin and its indeed salty.

do the problems i write about relate to cf?
Or make any sense to anyone what it could be.

Ive never realy had tests for anything wrong with me because as a kid i wasnt taken tot he dr's for checkups, as i was always ok.

The last time i was at dr's they prescribed me with amoxcillin antibiotics to cure what they called "antiviral infection"

The reason i went to the dr's is becuase everytime i breathed IN i had sharp pain where my heart is.

She tested my breathing out and i was ok aparently.
BUt to be honest that morning wasnt exactly whilst i was feeling that bad


New member
I dont know what i have, but somthing hasnt been right for like 10 yrs.

Its the fact i produce lots of mucus when im ill, i tasted my skin and its indeed salty.

do the problems i write about relate to cf?
Or make any sense to anyone what it could be.

Ive never realy had tests for anything wrong with me because as a kid i wasnt taken tot he dr's for checkups, as i was always ok.

The last time i was at dr's they prescribed me with amoxcillin antibiotics to cure what they called "antiviral infection"

The reason i went to the dr's is becuase everytime i breathed IN i had sharp pain where my heart is.

She tested my breathing out and i was ok aparently.
BUt to be honest that morning wasnt exactly whilst i was feeling that bad


New member
I dont know what i have, but somthing hasnt been right for like 10 yrs.

Its the fact i produce lots of mucus when im ill, i tasted my skin and its indeed salty.

do the problems i write about relate to cf?
Or make any sense to anyone what it could be.

Ive never realy had tests for anything wrong with me because as a kid i wasnt taken tot he dr's for checkups, as i was always ok.

The last time i was at dr's they prescribed me with amoxcillin antibiotics to cure what they called "antiviral infection"

The reason i went to the dr's is becuase everytime i breathed IN i had sharp pain where my heart is.

She tested my breathing out and i was ok aparently.
BUt to be honest that morning wasnt exactly whilst i was feeling that bad


New member
Some of the problems you mentioned do sound like CF, but there are also other things that it could be. The headaches could be caused for sinus infections. I get really bad headaches when I have a sinus infection. I had a surgery done on my sinuses, so the headaches don't come as often as they used to. The salty skin is kinda a red flag for CF. There are people on here who, like you, didn't really have any problems with CF when they were younger, therefore, they weren't diagnosed until they were adults. Your parents don't have to have CF for you to have it. They only have to be a carrier of the CF gene and carriers don't have symptoms of CF. If I were you, I'd request a sweat test.


New member
Some of the problems you mentioned do sound like CF, but there are also other things that it could be. The headaches could be caused for sinus infections. I get really bad headaches when I have a sinus infection. I had a surgery done on my sinuses, so the headaches don't come as often as they used to. The salty skin is kinda a red flag for CF. There are people on here who, like you, didn't really have any problems with CF when they were younger, therefore, they weren't diagnosed until they were adults. Your parents don't have to have CF for you to have it. They only have to be a carrier of the CF gene and carriers don't have symptoms of CF. If I were you, I'd request a sweat test.


New member
Some of the problems you mentioned do sound like CF, but there are also other things that it could be. The headaches could be caused for sinus infections. I get really bad headaches when I have a sinus infection. I had a surgery done on my sinuses, so the headaches don't come as often as they used to. The salty skin is kinda a red flag for CF. There are people on here who, like you, didn't really have any problems with CF when they were younger, therefore, they weren't diagnosed until they were adults. Your parents don't have to have CF for you to have it. They only have to be a carrier of the CF gene and carriers don't have symptoms of CF. If I were you, I'd request a sweat test.


New member
I don't know if you have CF or not, but it sounds like you might have an untreated sinus infection. They will cause both pressure and pain. Doctors tend to under estimate sinus infections, esp when the frontal sinuses are involved (they cause pain and pressure on the forehead). Please make sure you go to an "ear, nose, & throat specialist". Not a "regular" doctor.
When the body is fighting an infection it will often cause odd reactions to happen in the body.

Faith w/CF


New member
I don't know if you have CF or not, but it sounds like you might have an untreated sinus infection. They will cause both pressure and pain. Doctors tend to under estimate sinus infections, esp when the frontal sinuses are involved (they cause pain and pressure on the forehead). Please make sure you go to an "ear, nose, & throat specialist". Not a "regular" doctor.
When the body is fighting an infection it will often cause odd reactions to happen in the body.

Faith w/CF


New member
I don't know if you have CF or not, but it sounds like you might have an untreated sinus infection. They will cause both pressure and pain. Doctors tend to under estimate sinus infections, esp when the frontal sinuses are involved (they cause pain and pressure on the forehead). Please make sure you go to an "ear, nose, & throat specialist". Not a "regular" doctor.
When the body is fighting an infection it will often cause odd reactions to happen in the body.

Faith w/CF


New member
Thanks peperkitty becuase its odd becuase its not always there, theres times when i feel fine n think well why cant i always feel like this LOL

Becuase alot of the time it does cause all that pain on my face usualy everwhere at same time...


New member
Thanks peperkitty becuase its odd becuase its not always there, theres times when i feel fine n think well why cant i always feel like this LOL

Becuase alot of the time it does cause all that pain on my face usualy everwhere at same time...


New member
Thanks peperkitty becuase its odd becuase its not always there, theres times when i feel fine n think well why cant i always feel like this LOL

Becuase alot of the time it does cause all that pain on my face usualy everwhere at same time...


New member
CF can be a very tricky disease because it can manifest in so many ways, and not the same in everybody. My advice to you is that if you have had problems with your health for a long period of time (as you obviously have) then you should talk to a Dr. Here is a little info on cf to help you understand it better. Your parents don't have to have cf for you to have it. You have to inherit one defective gene from each parent to have cf. That means that each parent must be a carrier of the gene, but they do not have illness being a carrier. The best way to know for sure is a few simple tests. First there is a sweat chloride test. Just like the name implies, your sweat is checked for chloride levels. Certain levels indicate cf. The most definitive testing is a genetic test, but ask for a full panel test such as with Ambry genetics-they test for 1500 known mutations, some companies only test 35, 90, or something like that. If you don't have cf then you should talk to your doc about other possibilities. It is possible to have mild cf that goes undiagnosed until you are an adult. Hope you find the answers you are looking for and hope the info helps. Best of luck!!!


New member
CF can be a very tricky disease because it can manifest in so many ways, and not the same in everybody. My advice to you is that if you have had problems with your health for a long period of time (as you obviously have) then you should talk to a Dr. Here is a little info on cf to help you understand it better. Your parents don't have to have cf for you to have it. You have to inherit one defective gene from each parent to have cf. That means that each parent must be a carrier of the gene, but they do not have illness being a carrier. The best way to know for sure is a few simple tests. First there is a sweat chloride test. Just like the name implies, your sweat is checked for chloride levels. Certain levels indicate cf. The most definitive testing is a genetic test, but ask for a full panel test such as with Ambry genetics-they test for 1500 known mutations, some companies only test 35, 90, or something like that. If you don't have cf then you should talk to your doc about other possibilities. It is possible to have mild cf that goes undiagnosed until you are an adult. Hope you find the answers you are looking for and hope the info helps. Best of luck!!!