Help I don't know what else todo


New member
Adamsmom, I got your pm and here is the number......1-800-232-1160 Cabinet fro Health and Family Services, Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Hope it helps. They are located in Louisville, Ky but maybe they can hook you up with something near you. Don't give up!!!


New member
Adamsmom, I got your pm and here is the number......1-800-232-1160 Cabinet fro Health and Family Services, Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Hope it helps. They are located in Louisville, Ky but maybe they can hook you up with something near you. Don't give up!!!


New member
I wanted to add their is a special medicaid for those who do not qualify for reg medicaid. it is called disabled childrens medicaid(this medicaid is designed for your unique situation.) I have a child with adhd and we make to much for him to have reg medicaid but the other program we qualify for(it is not ssi medicaid either) It was specially designed for situation like yours and ours. We do not meet the guidlines 4 reg med.but meet the guidlines for disabled medicaid for the 8 yr old.It will take you asking the c.f center for the info as well. I know in south florida in the c.f center in hollywood,fl offers rehab services as well they pay for machines,nebs,meds, and bills occasionally. I had these services for isaiah when i was there......Without the rehab services i really dont know what we would do.


New member
I wanted to add their is a special medicaid for those who do not qualify for reg medicaid. it is called disabled childrens medicaid(this medicaid is designed for your unique situation.) I have a child with adhd and we make to much for him to have reg medicaid but the other program we qualify for(it is not ssi medicaid either) It was specially designed for situation like yours and ours. We do not meet the guidlines 4 reg med.but meet the guidlines for disabled medicaid for the 8 yr old.It will take you asking the c.f center for the info as well. I know in south florida in the c.f center in hollywood,fl offers rehab services as well they pay for machines,nebs,meds, and bills occasionally. I had these services for isaiah when i was there......Without the rehab services i really dont know what we would do.


New member
I wanted to add their is a special medicaid for those who do not qualify for reg medicaid. it is called disabled childrens medicaid(this medicaid is designed for your unique situation.) I have a child with adhd and we make to much for him to have reg medicaid but the other program we qualify for(it is not ssi medicaid either) It was specially designed for situation like yours and ours. We do not meet the guidlines 4 reg med.but meet the guidlines for disabled medicaid for the 8 yr old.It will take you asking the c.f center for the info as well. I know in south florida in the c.f center in hollywood,fl offers rehab services as well they pay for machines,nebs,meds, and bills occasionally. I had these services for isaiah when i was there......Without the rehab services i really dont know what we would do.


New member
The great USofA!! Insurance companies make me want to pull my hair out. A year ago my insurance premium was $1000 a month, I just couldn't keep up the payment, it was putting us behind on all our bills and I didn't want to loose my house. Although it was great coverage I had to go with something else, $305 a month with a $5000 deductible and prescription coverage of only $2000 per year.
That wasn't working. My husband and I together made too much money to qualify for aid of any kind. We live in a modest home we are not "money rich" in any way.
The solution for me was divorce. It allowed me to qualify for medicaid for my son.
I have my own mixed feelings about it, as I'm sure many others do to, bucking the system sure doesn't seem right but the system has been bucking us forever.


New member
The great USofA!! Insurance companies make me want to pull my hair out. A year ago my insurance premium was $1000 a month, I just couldn't keep up the payment, it was putting us behind on all our bills and I didn't want to loose my house. Although it was great coverage I had to go with something else, $305 a month with a $5000 deductible and prescription coverage of only $2000 per year.
That wasn't working. My husband and I together made too much money to qualify for aid of any kind. We live in a modest home we are not "money rich" in any way.
The solution for me was divorce. It allowed me to qualify for medicaid for my son.
I have my own mixed feelings about it, as I'm sure many others do to, bucking the system sure doesn't seem right but the system has been bucking us forever.


New member
The great USofA!! Insurance companies make me want to pull my hair out. A year ago my insurance premium was $1000 a month, I just couldn't keep up the payment, it was putting us behind on all our bills and I didn't want to loose my house. Although it was great coverage I had to go with something else, $305 a month with a $5000 deductible and prescription coverage of only $2000 per year.
That wasn't working. My husband and I together made too much money to qualify for aid of any kind. We live in a modest home we are not "money rich" in any way.
The solution for me was divorce. It allowed me to qualify for medicaid for my son.
I have my own mixed feelings about it, as I'm sure many others do to, bucking the system sure doesn't seem right but the system has been bucking us forever.