Help me am i making the right decision?



Wish I had this kind of action when I was posting an "open end question" about "the run-around"!
Just thought I'd throw my two yen in again (Before this gets locked!)

I was also glad to see Allies post--she stated what I was thinking, anyway.
Though I also liked Mockingbirds input!
And, as for Julie's first post--I knew her meaning of "noun" was the usage of the bad language, not the optional use of more appropriate words. She was also being considerate in regards to the adoption suggestion--"Tough Love", as someone else referred it to.

Could I be seeing the high-end of maturity...or have I really gotten used to how people express themselves on this forum?!

Only problem here, who's Jerry Springer?! Heard the name, but that's all!

But, Vampy, (didn't have time to scroll down to your last post) it would be recommended to hear all that has been given to you, and take what you need, regard the rest. Though the hard lesson that is being taught to you is one I had learned nearly 14 years have to learn how to take advice and critizism you don't want to hear. I had a major problem with hearing criticsm because, perhaps, I had all that nice stuff blown in my direction for so long.
And, if you throw out negativity to those trying to help you, expect such consequences.
In conclusion, I also hope that things turn out for the best.


Wish I had this kind of action when I was posting an "open end question" about "the run-around"!
Just thought I'd throw my two yen in again (Before this gets locked!)

I was also glad to see Allies post--she stated what I was thinking, anyway.
Though I also liked Mockingbirds input!
And, as for Julie's first post--I knew her meaning of "noun" was the usage of the bad language, not the optional use of more appropriate words. She was also being considerate in regards to the adoption suggestion--"Tough Love", as someone else referred it to.

Could I be seeing the high-end of maturity...or have I really gotten used to how people express themselves on this forum?!

Only problem here, who's Jerry Springer?! Heard the name, but that's all!

But, Vampy, (didn't have time to scroll down to your last post) it would be recommended to hear all that has been given to you, and take what you need, regard the rest. Though the hard lesson that is being taught to you is one I had learned nearly 14 years have to learn how to take advice and critizism you don't want to hear. I had a major problem with hearing criticsm because, perhaps, I had all that nice stuff blown in my direction for so long.
And, if you throw out negativity to those trying to help you, expect such consequences.
In conclusion, I also hope that things turn out for the best.