I would like to say, that vampy is doing a great job here. And I don't think she is "Jeopardizing" her child in any way. She's fighting hard and is trying in everyway to make things -better- for her child. Don't tell her she's made bad choices, tell her you support her even with past mistakes. She doesn't need to be told to seek councelling because she's making mistake after mistake. I can see suggesting councelling, but not for that reason at this specific time. In the future, yes, thats when you say something like that. Right now? She needs to be told we care and are here for her right this moment, because shes scared and she doesn't have many places to turn. Grow up yourself and recognize that what really needs to happen here, is us giving constructive ideas (which many have done, and good on ya) and being a group of people that can be turned to in times like this.
Vampy, I wish you the best of luck. I was really sorry to see this thread try to turn into a flame war. I should probably not have said the above, i'll get slammed for it i'm sure, but you know what? Go you and hang in there. Most would have crumbled under this stress. I'm here for you even though we don't know eachother well. Keep breathing, you'll make it through this. You're taking it one step at a time, and all your steps are for the best of you and lucas. I'm rooting for you.