Hang on here. I'm wondering if you are trying to put her enzymes in her food when she's not looking? Of course she knows there is something in there. No doubt. I did the same thing when my little doll was an infant. Sometimes without realizing it. I would pour his enzymes in his food at the counter, behind the high chair, and then expect him to eat them. No go ! He would just turn away or wave me off. I discovered that he was downright suspicious. He knew there was something in there, but didn't know what or why. After conversations with the dietician, I starting taking the enzyme bottle over to the table, opening them up in front of him, sprinkling them on his food, and offering it to him, as I said, "these are your enzymes. They will make you big and strong!" He would just look with fascination as I mixed them. And still wouldn't take them. I absolutely refused to make a big deal out of it. I would just put them aside and keep feeding him his food without the enzymes. You can't let him starve. Sometimes I would take a bite of the enzymes myself. Nonchalantly you understand. Ummmmm, yummy! Make Mommy big and strong. Keep offering them, mixing them in front of your baby, making them sound yummy and saying how good they are for them. Eventually they will eat them. Now that they know they ARE SUPPOSED to be in there, and you're not trying to sneak one over on them! She's just a smartie, she knows there's something in there you're HIDING and not trusting you. You can't hide them from her forever. Get it out there and be honest and open with her. I also encountered the "i cant stand applesauce anymore" problem. Our solution was tapioca - yes it was alkaline but we mixed them and fed them immediately and he loved the stuff so it worked great. It also has those little beads in it naturally so it was a good mask for the enzymes. Similar consistency. Eventually we also switched to ketchup. It was great. . . . Bring packets to daycare or school, easy to transport and mix. Throw in your purse or diaper bag with no mess. Acidic. Conveniently found in any fast food restaurant if you ran out. And what kid doesn't love ketchup! That got us covered until he switched to just swallowing them whole. Good Luck!