My son is 2 also, and some days he does treatments good, sometimes he don't. Alot of times he'll start good, but by the 3rd treatment, fight. or vice versa. my son used to use albuterol too. it hyped him up so bad and made treatment times much harder. made him shaky too. his docs changed him to xopenex. big difference. but we do movies, and songs, and sometimes i do hold him on my lap. there are times i have to turn off compressor for a minute and try to get his attention with something, and turn it on again. this is the same w/ cpt. my son is VERY hyper anyways. I think it is just the age. Sometimes I let him help me get his nebs ready by squeezing meds in, and he turns it on and off. there have been times that i just had to turn them off and wait till he falls asleep. we don't use the elastic band on our masks either. we just hold them. I wish you luck! You are NOT alone on this one!