I'm 29 w/CF and have hemoptysis all the time. Mine is weird b/c I'll have it everyday and night for 4 months and then it will be gone for a while. Then out of the blue, I'm bleeding again.
My bleeds are never bad but just annoying. I cannot lay flat at night to sleep, I'm always propped up on 3 pillows so I can be in bed w/out bleeding. I sometimes bleed more when it's near my period but not always. I cannot for the life of me come up with anything that aggrivates my bleeding. Like I said, I'll be fine and then boom, I'll be bleeding for several months straight.
I usually take Vit K if I'm in the hospital and bleed. Otherwise my dr's tell me to do everything as I normally would as if I weren't bleeding. I can do my vest, pulmozyme and exercise right thru it now. Which is good b/c I hated stopping and starting every other day due to bleeding. And actually the more I exercised (even thru the blood) the less I would bleed. It was weird, kind of like my body realized I'd do what I wanted anyway so it might as well give up on the bleeding.
So I'm sure this wasn't any good advice but it's my 2 cents.
Good luck with your bleeding. I hate bleeding, it just tends to annoy me. No tanning, no massages, no good sleep. I miss those things!
Have a great day!
29 female with CF