hey everyone long time no chat


New member
I found out the sex of the baby.
Its a boy
though the dr seen something that worried him.
the bowels of the baby are lighter then normal.
He said it was a sign of cystic fibrosis.
it scared the hell out of me when he said that.
i cried all night and slept when i wasnt crying.
i dont know what i would do. I know im keeping the baby.
I am gonna do the best i can with what i know and with what my dr says
only thing is my husband wont stop smoking around me. the dr talked to him about it and he totally ignored her. Im so sick of the smoking its gross and it stinks and it seems like he doesnt care. Also we have a puppy and shes huge shes a doverman/ wrot mix and she always jumps on me and hits me in the stomach i get really worried and he fricken takes up for her. I hate it. Im about to explode and let it all hang out. also he doesnt understand that this pregnancy with my cf wares me out completely i cant breath most the time and he expects so much out of me and doesnt appreciate anything. i fix homemade meal, its not good enough he wants something diffrent if i clean the house its not clean enough.

help i dont know what to do!


New member
I found out the sex of the baby.
Its a boy
though the dr seen something that worried him.
the bowels of the baby are lighter then normal.
He said it was a sign of cystic fibrosis.
it scared the hell out of me when he said that.
i cried all night and slept when i wasnt crying.
i dont know what i would do. I know im keeping the baby.
I am gonna do the best i can with what i know and with what my dr says
only thing is my husband wont stop smoking around me. the dr talked to him about it and he totally ignored her. Im so sick of the smoking its gross and it stinks and it seems like he doesnt care. Also we have a puppy and shes huge shes a doverman/ wrot mix and she always jumps on me and hits me in the stomach i get really worried and he fricken takes up for her. I hate it. Im about to explode and let it all hang out. also he doesnt understand that this pregnancy with my cf wares me out completely i cant breath most the time and he expects so much out of me and doesnt appreciate anything. i fix homemade meal, its not good enough he wants something diffrent if i clean the house its not clean enough.

help i dont know what to do!


New member
I found out the sex of the baby.
Its a boy
though the dr seen something that worried him.
the bowels of the baby are lighter then normal.
He said it was a sign of cystic fibrosis.
it scared the hell out of me when he said that.
i cried all night and slept when i wasnt crying.
i dont know what i would do. I know im keeping the baby.
I am gonna do the best i can with what i know and with what my dr says
only thing is my husband wont stop smoking around me. the dr talked to him about it and he totally ignored her. Im so sick of the smoking its gross and it stinks and it seems like he doesnt care. Also we have a puppy and shes huge shes a doverman/ wrot mix and she always jumps on me and hits me in the stomach i get really worried and he fricken takes up for her. I hate it. Im about to explode and let it all hang out. also he doesnt understand that this pregnancy with my cf wares me out completely i cant breath most the time and he expects so much out of me and doesnt appreciate anything. i fix homemade meal, its not good enough he wants something diffrent if i clean the house its not clean enough.

help i dont know what to do!


New member
You've got to get your husband to smoke outside. What are you going to do when the baby comes? Is he going to smoke around the baby? What if the baby has cf, is he going to still smoke around the both of you? I'm sorry for my tone, but this upsets me and I'm a smoker. I do not have cf, but my niece does and we don't smoke around her at all. I'd really be interested in the resolution.

Loriz65 Aunt to Gillian 5 y/o w/cf


New member
You've got to get your husband to smoke outside. What are you going to do when the baby comes? Is he going to smoke around the baby? What if the baby has cf, is he going to still smoke around the both of you? I'm sorry for my tone, but this upsets me and I'm a smoker. I do not have cf, but my niece does and we don't smoke around her at all. I'd really be interested in the resolution.

Loriz65 Aunt to Gillian 5 y/o w/cf


New member
You've got to get your husband to smoke outside. What are you going to do when the baby comes? Is he going to smoke around the baby? What if the baby has cf, is he going to still smoke around the both of you? I'm sorry for my tone, but this upsets me and I'm a smoker. I do not have cf, but my niece does and we don't smoke around her at all. I'd really be interested in the resolution.

Loriz65 Aunt to Gillian 5 y/o w/cf


New member
Gosh Vampy, i dont know what to say. I'll start with Congrats on having a little boy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Now get rid of the husband........... If he is smoking around you, that is the last thing you need especially while pregnant ,let alone having cf. Are you able to move in with your parents maybe? You need to get away from any man who completely disregards your health for his own bad habit. Am i assuming correctly that he will probably also smoke in front of the baby? It sounds like you are getting very little support from him at this point. I really feel for you.... and im sure you love him like crazy, but from the sounds of it, he isnt good for you at all . You may need to move on...........


New member
Gosh Vampy, i dont know what to say. I'll start with Congrats on having a little boy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Now get rid of the husband........... If he is smoking around you, that is the last thing you need especially while pregnant ,let alone having cf. Are you able to move in with your parents maybe? You need to get away from any man who completely disregards your health for his own bad habit. Am i assuming correctly that he will probably also smoke in front of the baby? It sounds like you are getting very little support from him at this point. I really feel for you.... and im sure you love him like crazy, but from the sounds of it, he isnt good for you at all . You may need to move on...........


New member
Gosh Vampy, i dont know what to say. I'll start with Congrats on having a little boy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Now get rid of the husband........... If he is smoking around you, that is the last thing you need especially while pregnant ,let alone having cf. Are you able to move in with your parents maybe? You need to get away from any man who completely disregards your health for his own bad habit. Am i assuming correctly that he will probably also smoke in front of the baby? It sounds like you are getting very little support from him at this point. I really feel for you.... and im sure you love him like crazy, but from the sounds of it, he isnt good for you at all . You may need to move on...........


Staff member
Congrats on the little boy! How exciting! As far as the possiblilty he has CF, I'm sure your doctor must be monitoring you/him closely. Sorry your husband is giving you problems about the smoking, your concerns about your baby possibly having CF...I'm sure your emotions are going crazy -- hormonal and dealing with this extra stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

You've gotta take care of your self. Stress isn't good for your son, plus when I was pregnant with DS, I seemed to be more suspectible to every cold, came down with sinus infections, bronchitis....

Do you have any friends or family nearby who can help you out? Would his friends or family members be able to talk to your husband about the smoking issue.


Staff member
Congrats on the little boy! How exciting! As far as the possiblilty he has CF, I'm sure your doctor must be monitoring you/him closely. Sorry your husband is giving you problems about the smoking, your concerns about your baby possibly having CF...I'm sure your emotions are going crazy -- hormonal and dealing with this extra stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

You've gotta take care of your self. Stress isn't good for your son, plus when I was pregnant with DS, I seemed to be more suspectible to every cold, came down with sinus infections, bronchitis....

Do you have any friends or family nearby who can help you out? Would his friends or family members be able to talk to your husband about the smoking issue.


Staff member
Congrats on the little boy! How exciting! As far as the possiblilty he has CF, I'm sure your doctor must be monitoring you/him closely. Sorry your husband is giving you problems about the smoking, your concerns about your baby possibly having CF...I'm sure your emotions are going crazy -- hormonal and dealing with this extra stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

You've gotta take care of your self. Stress isn't good for your son, plus when I was pregnant with DS, I seemed to be more suspectible to every cold, came down with sinus infections, bronchitis....

Do you have any friends or family nearby who can help you out? Would his friends or family members be able to talk to your husband about the smoking issue.


New member
Congrats on your baby boy<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm sorry to hear that your husband isn't being supportive<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I hope you have parents/friends who can help support you.

I left my daughters father when the girls were little because he wasn't supportive and he would not go outside to smoke. I had to do something to give my daughter a better chance in life.

My best wishes to you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats on your baby boy<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm sorry to hear that your husband isn't being supportive<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I hope you have parents/friends who can help support you.

I left my daughters father when the girls were little because he wasn't supportive and he would not go outside to smoke. I had to do something to give my daughter a better chance in life.

My best wishes to you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats on your baby boy<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm sorry to hear that your husband isn't being supportive<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

I hope you have parents/friends who can help support you.

I left my daughters father when the girls were little because he wasn't supportive and he would not go outside to smoke. I had to do something to give my daughter a better chance in life.

My best wishes to you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Firstly, Congrats on a little boy and I hope you are feeling good! My advice to you regarding the possible cf is it is so early, you know nothing for sure yet, and if you have decided to keep the baby no matter what, then what is, is. There is just as much chance that the baby is healthy as there is that it has cf. I would say to you to deal with this later. Wait until you know for sure. Don't let this ruin your pregnancy! Women are given these prenatal diagnosis all the time, and ALL THE TIME-they turn out to be false and the baby is normal. Just don't let it cause so much worry that your pregnancy is an unhappy experience-and remember that your baby can feel it when you are worried and stressed.

And......what else your baby can feel is secondhand cigarette smoke. I can't tell you what to do, it is your marriage. And I'd hate to see a new family just starting out fall apart. BUT-You aren't doing anything wrong here. You are taking care of yourself and doing your part, right? And your husband isn't. He HAS to understand the seriousness of this. This is a BIG deal. Even if you feel ok, he needs to realize that he is in effect killing you, causing more and more of your lungs to go. And I don't even have to say what this does to the baby. Its really bad.

Is there a parent or other older figure that he respects that could sit him down and give him a serious talking to? He obviously doesn't respect the doctors words, or yours. That concerns me. If he doesn't respect you now, why would that suddenly start after you are raising your child together? He may just have to have a hard dose of reality given to him by and older person that he respects more.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this came off hard-I only say this out of complete concern for your health and that precious baby's health! You are in my thoughts. PLease keep us updated!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Firstly, Congrats on a little boy and I hope you are feeling good! My advice to you regarding the possible cf is it is so early, you know nothing for sure yet, and if you have decided to keep the baby no matter what, then what is, is. There is just as much chance that the baby is healthy as there is that it has cf. I would say to you to deal with this later. Wait until you know for sure. Don't let this ruin your pregnancy! Women are given these prenatal diagnosis all the time, and ALL THE TIME-they turn out to be false and the baby is normal. Just don't let it cause so much worry that your pregnancy is an unhappy experience-and remember that your baby can feel it when you are worried and stressed.

And......what else your baby can feel is secondhand cigarette smoke. I can't tell you what to do, it is your marriage. And I'd hate to see a new family just starting out fall apart. BUT-You aren't doing anything wrong here. You are taking care of yourself and doing your part, right? And your husband isn't. He HAS to understand the seriousness of this. This is a BIG deal. Even if you feel ok, he needs to realize that he is in effect killing you, causing more and more of your lungs to go. And I don't even have to say what this does to the baby. Its really bad.

Is there a parent or other older figure that he respects that could sit him down and give him a serious talking to? He obviously doesn't respect the doctors words, or yours. That concerns me. If he doesn't respect you now, why would that suddenly start after you are raising your child together? He may just have to have a hard dose of reality given to him by and older person that he respects more.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this came off hard-I only say this out of complete concern for your health and that precious baby's health! You are in my thoughts. PLease keep us updated!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Firstly, Congrats on a little boy and I hope you are feeling good! My advice to you regarding the possible cf is it is so early, you know nothing for sure yet, and if you have decided to keep the baby no matter what, then what is, is. There is just as much chance that the baby is healthy as there is that it has cf. I would say to you to deal with this later. Wait until you know for sure. Don't let this ruin your pregnancy! Women are given these prenatal diagnosis all the time, and ALL THE TIME-they turn out to be false and the baby is normal. Just don't let it cause so much worry that your pregnancy is an unhappy experience-and remember that your baby can feel it when you are worried and stressed.

And......what else your baby can feel is secondhand cigarette smoke. I can't tell you what to do, it is your marriage. And I'd hate to see a new family just starting out fall apart. BUT-You aren't doing anything wrong here. You are taking care of yourself and doing your part, right? And your husband isn't. He HAS to understand the seriousness of this. This is a BIG deal. Even if you feel ok, he needs to realize that he is in effect killing you, causing more and more of your lungs to go. And I don't even have to say what this does to the baby. Its really bad.

Is there a parent or other older figure that he respects that could sit him down and give him a serious talking to? He obviously doesn't respect the doctors words, or yours. That concerns me. If he doesn't respect you now, why would that suddenly start after you are raising your child together? He may just have to have a hard dose of reality given to him by and older person that he respects more.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this came off hard-I only say this out of complete concern for your health and that precious baby's health! You are in my thoughts. PLease keep us updated!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Congrats Vampy on the little one....I agree with Diane, loose the husband. I also know it is easier said than done. Good luck to you both.


New member
Congrats Vampy on the little one....I agree with Diane, loose the husband. I also know it is easier said than done. Good luck to you both.