The last 3 monrings when testing my blood sugars they are in the 120's range. This morning they were 126. Yikes!! During the day my sugars doing down two hours after each to 80-120. My endo says I have boderline diabetes.
The only time before this when my sugars run this high in the morning is when i am on prednisone. I am NOT on prednisone at this time.
What is happening?? Also... my evening sugars are a touch higher as well before bed. Last night they were 140.... I had a 4 oz glass of orange juice 1 hour before testing. Normally my sugars are lower than that. Normally I need a snack before bed otherwise I wake up hungry or shaky.
Are my sugars changing and I need to eliminate the bedtime snack?? Bedtime sugars never seem to affect my morning sugars.... is that changing??
Would exercising in the eveing help?? I am so trying to stay away from insulin but is it possible I need to talk to my endo about starting a dose of insulin at night?? HELP!!
The only time before this when my sugars run this high in the morning is when i am on prednisone. I am NOT on prednisone at this time.
What is happening?? Also... my evening sugars are a touch higher as well before bed. Last night they were 140.... I had a 4 oz glass of orange juice 1 hour before testing. Normally my sugars are lower than that. Normally I need a snack before bed otherwise I wake up hungry or shaky.
Are my sugars changing and I need to eliminate the bedtime snack?? Bedtime sugars never seem to affect my morning sugars.... is that changing??
Would exercising in the eveing help?? I am so trying to stay away from insulin but is it possible I need to talk to my endo about starting a dose of insulin at night?? HELP!!