Highlights of last year Goal's for the New Year


New member
1) I had a job - even if it was only for 1.5-2 months.
2) Kurt and I went on a Cruise.
3) Kurt and I got to visit my family in Tennessee.
4) I found a wonderful doctor that specializes in ADULT CF Care - in my area.
5) Starting the process for Transplant Evaluation.

1) 3 hospital stays - 1 of which came from working my 1.5-2 month long job lol.
2) Starting the process for Transplant Evaluation.
3) My health not improving the way I had hoped and the way I am used too.
4) Starting O2 at night - even though it was kind of a good thing too cause I needed it but still I bit of a bummer.

Goals for 2007:
1) Enjoy Life
2) Do what I am able
3) Try to stay active - walking - exercising when I can
4) Keep a positive attitude.
5) Get everything under control with the transplant stuff
6) Hope to get my health to somewhat stabilize so I can maintain at the very least and hope to improve at the best
7) GAIN WEIGHT - ANY WEIGHT.. I just need to gain it.

Happy New Year!


Digital opinion leader
2006 had such extreme highs and lows for our family. I hope 2007 brings less drama.


-having Josh be so sick with the new bacteria, having no medicine available and knowing the doctors didn't know what to do for him.

-seeing the boys' shocking CT scans showing the "marked deterioration" over 14 months because of the bacteria. Then talking about transplants.

-having the boys on IVs for 6 months.

-Josh having to get a port placed.


-having the labs and ID doctors find a combination of meds that WORKED!

-having Josh get well and seeing Jess get stronger than he's been in years after their IVs were done.

-going to Florida with two healthy boys!

-finding support and friendship here on this site.

<b>My goals for 2007-</b>

-exercise more, maybe with the boys and go back to weight watchers (although surprisingly I've only gained 6 pounds after being away for a year).

-spend less time on this site (sorry, but I've become obsessed and need to back off a little).

-do more stuff (go places and see people instead of thinking about it).

-be nicer to my husband ( I tend to take my stress out on him).

Happy New Year Everyone!


Digital opinion leader
2006 had such extreme highs and lows for our family. I hope 2007 brings less drama.


-having Josh be so sick with the new bacteria, having no medicine available and knowing the doctors didn't know what to do for him.

-seeing the boys' shocking CT scans showing the "marked deterioration" over 14 months because of the bacteria. Then talking about transplants.

-having the boys on IVs for 6 months.

-Josh having to get a port placed.


-having the labs and ID doctors find a combination of meds that WORKED!

-having Josh get well and seeing Jess get stronger than he's been in years after their IVs were done.

-going to Florida with two healthy boys!

-finding support and friendship here on this site.

<b>My goals for 2007-</b>

-exercise more, maybe with the boys and go back to weight watchers (although surprisingly I've only gained 6 pounds after being away for a year).

-spend less time on this site (sorry, but I've become obsessed and need to back off a little).

-do more stuff (go places and see people instead of thinking about it).

-be nicer to my husband ( I tend to take my stress out on him).

Happy New Year Everyone!


Digital opinion leader
2006 had such extreme highs and lows for our family. I hope 2007 brings less drama.


-having Josh be so sick with the new bacteria, having no medicine available and knowing the doctors didn't know what to do for him.

-seeing the boys' shocking CT scans showing the "marked deterioration" over 14 months because of the bacteria. Then talking about transplants.

-having the boys on IVs for 6 months.

-Josh having to get a port placed.


-having the labs and ID doctors find a combination of meds that WORKED!

-having Josh get well and seeing Jess get stronger than he's been in years after their IVs were done.

-going to Florida with two healthy boys!

-finding support and friendship here on this site.

<b>My goals for 2007-</b>

-exercise more, maybe with the boys and go back to weight watchers (although surprisingly I've only gained 6 pounds after being away for a year).

-spend less time on this site (sorry, but I've become obsessed and need to back off a little).

-do more stuff (go places and see people instead of thinking about it).

-be nicer to my husband ( I tend to take my stress out on him).

Happy New Year Everyone!


New member
The year 2006 Highlights:

<li>I had no hospitalizations this year;</OL>
<li>I Celebrated my first anniversary with my husband;</OL>
<li>I got my Welsh Corgi puppy, Mrs. Dalloway;</OL>
<li>I went to Bisbee, AZ and Austin, TX with my graduate program;</OL>
<li>and I got all A's in my classes.</OL>


<li>I was diagnosed with CFRD;</OL>
<li>lost lots of weight and felt like s**t for most of the year until I got put on insulin;</OL>
<li>I suffered from bouts of depression;</OL>
<li>I want to have a baby, but I'm having trouble conceiving;</OL>
<li>I thought I was pregnant one time and it was a major disappointment when I found out I actually was not.</OL>

Goals for 2007:

Finish my M.F.A.; find a 'real' job; move to the Northwest or Northeast (either Portland or Boston); get pregnant.


New member
The year 2006 Highlights:

<li>I had no hospitalizations this year;</OL>
<li>I Celebrated my first anniversary with my husband;</OL>
<li>I got my Welsh Corgi puppy, Mrs. Dalloway;</OL>
<li>I went to Bisbee, AZ and Austin, TX with my graduate program;</OL>
<li>and I got all A's in my classes.</OL>


<li>I was diagnosed with CFRD;</OL>
<li>lost lots of weight and felt like s**t for most of the year until I got put on insulin;</OL>
<li>I suffered from bouts of depression;</OL>
<li>I want to have a baby, but I'm having trouble conceiving;</OL>
<li>I thought I was pregnant one time and it was a major disappointment when I found out I actually was not.</OL>

Goals for 2007:

Finish my M.F.A.; find a 'real' job; move to the Northwest or Northeast (either Portland or Boston); get pregnant.


New member
The year 2006 Highlights:

<li>I had no hospitalizations this year;</OL>
<li>I Celebrated my first anniversary with my husband;</OL>
<li>I got my Welsh Corgi puppy, Mrs. Dalloway;</OL>
<li>I went to Bisbee, AZ and Austin, TX with my graduate program;</OL>
<li>and I got all A's in my classes.</OL>


<li>I was diagnosed with CFRD;</OL>
<li>lost lots of weight and felt like s**t for most of the year until I got put on insulin;</OL>
<li>I suffered from bouts of depression;</OL>
<li>I want to have a baby, but I'm having trouble conceiving;</OL>
<li>I thought I was pregnant one time and it was a major disappointment when I found out I actually was not.</OL>

Goals for 2007:

Finish my M.F.A.; find a 'real' job; move to the Northwest or Northeast (either Portland or Boston); get pregnant.


New member
<i>Ill keep mine short and sweet ...</i>

-NO picc line and my health is great this year wiith my pfts rising to well 85 now from 65, so happy about that one
-And my weight being the highest I have ever had, from 113 to 137
-Had an awesome 5year anniversary to the bahamas
-My sister having her baby girl

<b>Lowlights: </b>
-I can only think of one that Im not proud of and dont want to mention it

<b>Goals for 2007: </b>
-Be Happy and Healthy and have no picc lines
-Be able to get preganant and have an easy pregnacy with an easy delivery
-Mike not getting laid off from work, cause if he does then that means no baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<i>Ill keep mine short and sweet ...</i>

-NO picc line and my health is great this year wiith my pfts rising to well 85 now from 65, so happy about that one
-And my weight being the highest I have ever had, from 113 to 137
-Had an awesome 5year anniversary to the bahamas
-My sister having her baby girl

<b>Lowlights: </b>
-I can only think of one that Im not proud of and dont want to mention it

<b>Goals for 2007: </b>
-Be Happy and Healthy and have no picc lines
-Be able to get preganant and have an easy pregnacy with an easy delivery
-Mike not getting laid off from work, cause if he does then that means no baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<i>Ill keep mine short and sweet ...</i>

-NO picc line and my health is great this year wiith my pfts rising to well 85 now from 65, so happy about that one
-And my weight being the highest I have ever had, from 113 to 137
-Had an awesome 5year anniversary to the bahamas
-My sister having her baby girl

<b>Lowlights: </b>
-I can only think of one that Im not proud of and dont want to mention it

<b>Goals for 2007: </b>
-Be Happy and Healthy and have no picc lines
-Be able to get preganant and have an easy pregnacy with an easy delivery
-Mike not getting laid off from work, cause if he does then that means no baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
<b>Highligts: </b>

Went up from FEV1 36% to 46% and feeling much better.

Moved back to the beach

Running again on the beach

Went to England and Italy

1 year wedding anniversary

My sister is pregnant w/ her first little one

Learning tons from this site and finding support here

<b>Lowlights: </b>

Decline from MAC, hit my lowest FEV1 at 36%, down from 78%.

Hospital stays

<b>Goals for 2007: </b>

Keep the exercise up and gain more muscle mass

Run/walk my first-ever marathon

Start painting again, possibly show work in a gallery

Build my business up and grow

Get into a consistent rock climbing routine again

Take another big trip somewhere this summer or fall

Keep my health under control!


New member
<b>Highligts: </b>

Went up from FEV1 36% to 46% and feeling much better.

Moved back to the beach

Running again on the beach

Went to England and Italy

1 year wedding anniversary

My sister is pregnant w/ her first little one

Learning tons from this site and finding support here

<b>Lowlights: </b>

Decline from MAC, hit my lowest FEV1 at 36%, down from 78%.

Hospital stays

<b>Goals for 2007: </b>

Keep the exercise up and gain more muscle mass

Run/walk my first-ever marathon

Start painting again, possibly show work in a gallery

Build my business up and grow

Get into a consistent rock climbing routine again

Take another big trip somewhere this summer or fall

Keep my health under control!


New member
<b>Highligts: </b>

Went up from FEV1 36% to 46% and feeling much better.

Moved back to the beach

Running again on the beach

Went to England and Italy

1 year wedding anniversary

My sister is pregnant w/ her first little one

Learning tons from this site and finding support here

<b>Lowlights: </b>

Decline from MAC, hit my lowest FEV1 at 36%, down from 78%.

Hospital stays

<b>Goals for 2007: </b>

Keep the exercise up and gain more muscle mass

Run/walk my first-ever marathon

Start painting again, possibly show work in a gallery

Build my business up and grow

Get into a consistent rock climbing routine again

Take another big trip somewhere this summer or fall

Keep my health under control!


New member
-Finding this site, and learning that CF wasn't hopeless, even knowing what the end result will be. . .
-Meeting new people here on the site, causing me to redefine my concept of bravery and courage.
-Becoming close friends with people here, having them become so important in my life, that I can't go through a whole day without thinking of them.
-Kaylee getting her Vest
-Kaylee's mom, Demelza finally buying the dog grooming business that she has worked in since she was 12yrs old. Worked there 16yrs, finally was the owner. Was I proud of her!
-Finally moving out on my own--starting over at my age, and loving it!
-Finally getting a computer!

-Going into debt to buy a computer
-Having the CFdoctor say Kaylee's xray showed lung deterioration equal to a 8yr old with cf.
-Having friends here on the site, or their children, go into hospital and knowing there was nothing you could do.
-Almost losing my 81yr old mother to pneumonia

Goals for 2007:
-To start excercising and lose weight so I can be around longer for Kaylee
-To eat healthy and smart
-To grow more spituallly
-To learn more about CF
-To be more enviornmentally proactive
-Travel out East to meet some of you from the site*****


New member
-Finding this site, and learning that CF wasn't hopeless, even knowing what the end result will be. . .
-Meeting new people here on the site, causing me to redefine my concept of bravery and courage.
-Becoming close friends with people here, having them become so important in my life, that I can't go through a whole day without thinking of them.
-Kaylee getting her Vest
-Kaylee's mom, Demelza finally buying the dog grooming business that she has worked in since she was 12yrs old. Worked there 16yrs, finally was the owner. Was I proud of her!
-Finally moving out on my own--starting over at my age, and loving it!
-Finally getting a computer!

-Going into debt to buy a computer
-Having the CFdoctor say Kaylee's xray showed lung deterioration equal to a 8yr old with cf.
-Having friends here on the site, or their children, go into hospital and knowing there was nothing you could do.
-Almost losing my 81yr old mother to pneumonia

Goals for 2007:
-To start excercising and lose weight so I can be around longer for Kaylee
-To eat healthy and smart
-To grow more spituallly
-To learn more about CF
-To be more enviornmentally proactive
-Travel out East to meet some of you from the site*****


New member
-Finding this site, and learning that CF wasn't hopeless, even knowing what the end result will be. . .
-Meeting new people here on the site, causing me to redefine my concept of bravery and courage.
-Becoming close friends with people here, having them become so important in my life, that I can't go through a whole day without thinking of them.
-Kaylee getting her Vest
-Kaylee's mom, Demelza finally buying the dog grooming business that she has worked in since she was 12yrs old. Worked there 16yrs, finally was the owner. Was I proud of her!
-Finally moving out on my own--starting over at my age, and loving it!
-Finally getting a computer!

-Going into debt to buy a computer
-Having the CFdoctor say Kaylee's xray showed lung deterioration equal to a 8yr old with cf.
-Having friends here on the site, or their children, go into hospital and knowing there was nothing you could do.
-Almost losing my 81yr old mother to pneumonia

Goals for 2007:
-To start excercising and lose weight so I can be around longer for Kaylee
-To eat healthy and smart
-To grow more spituallly
-To learn more about CF
-To be more enviornmentally proactive
-Travel out East to meet some of you from the site*****


New member
My one year wedding anniversary with my hubby
My 14yr old cat getting better (but not yet back to normal)
PFTs not getting worse, actually went up one percent
Osteoporosis shot is working
Getting ppl at work to stop smoking in the building (so far)
No hospitalizations (knock on wood)

Not finding a house
My PFTs not coming up as much as I had hoped for after starting HS
My 14yr old cat getting really sick
Being on oral antibiotics a lot
Cultured two new, mild bugs (not sure if they are ones that stay or not)

For 2007:
To get a house
Exercise...to actually do it and not think about it
Get my PFTs up
Keep my weight on
Clean my room


New member
My one year wedding anniversary with my hubby
My 14yr old cat getting better (but not yet back to normal)
PFTs not getting worse, actually went up one percent
Osteoporosis shot is working
Getting ppl at work to stop smoking in the building (so far)
No hospitalizations (knock on wood)

Not finding a house
My PFTs not coming up as much as I had hoped for after starting HS
My 14yr old cat getting really sick
Being on oral antibiotics a lot
Cultured two new, mild bugs (not sure if they are ones that stay or not)

For 2007:
To get a house
Exercise...to actually do it and not think about it
Get my PFTs up
Keep my weight on
Clean my room


New member
My one year wedding anniversary with my hubby
My 14yr old cat getting better (but not yet back to normal)
PFTs not getting worse, actually went up one percent
Osteoporosis shot is working
Getting ppl at work to stop smoking in the building (so far)
No hospitalizations (knock on wood)

Not finding a house
My PFTs not coming up as much as I had hoped for after starting HS
My 14yr old cat getting really sick
Being on oral antibiotics a lot
Cultured two new, mild bugs (not sure if they are ones that stay or not)

For 2007:
To get a house
Exercise...to actually do it and not think about it
Get my PFTs up
Keep my weight on
Clean my room


It's been busy for me the first few days, couldn't respond sooner...

- Found new job by the end of the year with a good company
- Became a fifth dan in Iaido, the highest of all the martial arts I've been involved with.
- Forced the MIL to eat her meals in her own room, instead of with us--significantly decreased the arguments and stress developed from the MIL!

<b>Low points</b>
- Unemployed for 7 months- nearly all year!
- Lung infection at the end of the year, causing weight fluxuation, and making it harder to work at the new company without any sick days accumulated yet!
- The MIL is still living with us!

<b>Goals for Next Year</b>
- Getting back into the 'swing' of the work force
- Taking, and hoping to pass, the level 2 Japanese Language Proficiency Test this time!
- Getting a real sword for Iaido--an unwritten 'must' for practitioners at 5th dan and above.
- Get my energy levels up, and keep taking care of my health.