I have also had the "3day cycle labs" and everything came back perfect. I started having acne at 17. It got really bad 19-23. Around 24 it started getting a little better. I am now 27 and I still have acne and still try everything not to break out. It has gotten a lot better and with good makeup, I can hide it well. I have tried everything, every product you can think of, ever pill the doctor prescribed, everything! The only thing I have noticed that helps is the tanning booth. The beds with the purple lights above the face area. I will tan once every two weeks or once a week. I also have noticed lately that I can not sleep with my makeup on at night, not even one night. Another thing I have noticed that helps is eating anti inflammatory foods and lots of fruits and veggies. The other day I had some pain in my foot for about 4 days. I took an ibuprofen 800 mg every day for those days. I noticed my face cleared up and looked very fresh and nice. I am always looing into what I need to do to keep the breakouts from coming. I still cant believe Im 27 and still breakout, its horrible!!