Hospital visit


New member
Well, have had had an abdominal ultrasound w/ Doppler (to check the level of portal hypertension) and started IV's.
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<br />We are doing: Merenopem (Merrem) & Ceftazidime (Fortaz) every 8 hours IV; and Levaquin IV 1x/day.
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<br />He is scheduled for a endoscopy tomorrow to look for and band any varices; and they are expecting pulmonology to probably do a bronch while he is asleep. They are also going to insert the PICC during the same sedation so we get it all done in one fell swoop.
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<br />Here's to a successful multi-Dr session in the morning so we can get stable and get moving towards home!


Staff member
Ugh! Hate waiting. Hopefully you'll get some answers tomorow and get things resolved. Poor monkey! Keeping you in my thoughts!


Staff member
Ugh! Hate waiting. Hopefully you'll get some answers tomorow and get things resolved. Poor monkey! Keeping you in my thoughts!


Staff member
Ugh! Hate waiting. Hopefully you'll get some answers tomorow and get things resolved. Poor monkey! Keeping you in my thoughts!


Digital opinion leader
Oh, how scary for you all! I am glad to here the bleeding has stopped, but I hope you get some answers tomorrow.


Digital opinion leader
Oh, how scary for you all! I am glad to here the bleeding has stopped, but I hope you get some answers tomorrow.


Digital opinion leader
Oh, how scary for you all! I am glad to here the bleeding has stopped, but I hope you get some answers tomorrow.


New member
Happy freakin' Mother's Day, right? Sorry mom couldn't have all her kiddos at home - well at least she has you Tom to take M to get great care. Wishing you all the best this evening. M's going to feel tons better in a couple days I just know it.


New member
Happy freakin' Mother's Day, right? Sorry mom couldn't have all her kiddos at home - well at least she has you Tom to take M to get great care. Wishing you all the best this evening. M's going to feel tons better in a couple days I just know it.


New member
Happy freakin' Mother's Day, right? Sorry mom couldn't have all her kiddos at home - well at least she has you Tom to take M to get great care. Wishing you all the best this evening. M's going to feel tons better in a couple days I just know it.


New member
M just went for surgery.  He was supposed to go at 11am.  He was being worked in, so you know how that goes.
At 2pm, Heptalogy decided they wanted FFP before surgery, so they had to give that too.
Doctors said probably 2 hours for everything, scope, bronch and a PICC under general.  We'll know more when he comes out.


New member
M just went for surgery. He was supposed to go at 11am. He was being worked in, so you know how that goes.
At 2pm, Heptalogy decided they wanted FFP before surgery, so they had to give that too.
Doctors said probably 2 hours for everything, scope, bronch and a PICC under general. We'll know more when he comes out.


New member
<p>M just went for surgery. He was supposed to go at 11am. He was being worked in, so you know how that goes.
<p>At 2pm, Heptalogy decided they wanted FFP before surgery, so they had to give that too.
<p>Doctors said probably 2 hours for everything, scope, bronch and a PICC under general. We'll know more when he comes out.


New member
Well....lungs looked good: good bit of creamy white mucous, but no blood and lungs were "nice & pink".

Gi found 2 varices that were inflamed but not actively bleeding. They banded both and he is back in the room & resting.

Thank u all for your thoughts. Gonna be here at least the rest of the week.


New member
Well....lungs looked good: good bit of creamy white mucous, but no blood and lungs were "nice & pink".

Gi found 2 varices that were inflamed but not actively bleeding. They banded both and he is back in the room & resting.

Thank u all for your thoughts. Gonna be here at least the rest of the week.


New member
Well....lungs looked good: good bit of creamy white mucous, but no blood and lungs were "nice & pink".
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<br />Gi found 2 varices that were inflamed but not actively bleeding. They banded both and he is back in the room & resting.
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<br />Thank u all for your thoughts. Gonna be here at least the rest of the week.


New member
Sounds like good news after all you have been through. I hope he keeps getting stronger and feeling better every minute. Hang in there, you are amazing parents and we are all thinking of you. Big hugs your way!