I can really relate to this question, because I know I drive my family and friends up a wall with my answers (or more accurately - non answers) about how I am feeling.
My husband and parents, especially when I'm feeling really bad, constantly ask me how I'm feeling. No matter how much I know they mean well, it drives me up a wall! It's obvious that I'm suffering and at the same time trying not to let anything slide (work, kids, etc), and the constant questions just make me feel more frustrated at the whole situation. I guess part of the problem is that I'm pretty good at hiding how awful I feel, so for some it's not as obvious as I think. For my husband, it's just his way of expressing his sympathy ... but for me a very frustrating way. So, we have more or less come to an agreement. I will tell him when I feel awful and when I am beginning to feel better. In between he should feel free to help out and insist I ease up a bit when I'm going overboard trying to be superwoman, but not pester me with "how do you feel".
On the other hand, my best friend who knows my situation very well, never ever asks how I'm feeling nor offers support when I'm feeling horrible and obviously short of breath or other such things. She pretends it doesn't exist, and if I'm incapacitated she doesn't call or visit. I know I'm very important to her and she is the type of person who will move worlds to help resolve a problem for someone she cares about, but she doesn't have a solution to offer so she doesn't know what to do with herself. It's frustrating for both of us.
In short, I know I send mixed signals to those who know about my situation. I don't want pity, but a shoulder to lean on and someone willing to just listen when I'm down are always appreciated. Unfortunately many people don't know how to offer these basic things.
That's where you guys come in!!!
40+, bronchiectasis + chronic sinusitis + asthma (no dx of CF)