How do I know if my friends understand what CF is or how should I tell them I have CF



If I tell my friends I have CF how do I know if they are worried or if they don't care about CF and how I can die and how do I know if they are good friends and they won't treat me any different as when they didn't know should I be nervous about telling them?????? I want to know! And I don't want to hide it from them but I'm afraid I might lose them as friends and they won't treat me the same!!


If I tell my friends I have CF how do I know if they are worried or if they don't care about CF and how I can die and how do I know if they are good friends and they won't treat me any different as when they didn't know should I be nervous about telling them?????? I want to know! And I don't want to hide it from them but I'm afraid I might lose them as friends and they won't treat me the same!!


If I tell my friends I have CF how do I know if they are worried or if they don't care about CF and how I can die and how do I know if they are good friends and they won't treat me any different as when they didn't know should I be nervous about telling them?????? I want to know! And I don't want to hide it from them but I'm afraid I might lose them as friends and they won't treat me the same!!


If I tell my friends I have CF how do I know if they are worried or if they don't care about CF and how I can die and how do I know if they are good friends and they won't treat me any different as when they didn't know should I be nervous about telling them?????? I want to know! And I don't want to hide it from them but I'm afraid I might lose them as friends and they won't treat me the same!!


If I tell my friends I have CF how do I know if they are worried or if they don't care about CF and how I can die and how do I know if they are good friends and they won't treat me any different as when they didn't know should I be nervous about telling them?????? I want to know! And I don't want to hide it from them but I'm afraid I might lose them as friends and they won't treat me the same!!


I told my friends so that they could understand things about me, like why I cough all the time, why I take enzymes and why I have to go to the hospital all the time. Everyone treats me the same, but now they understand why I'm like this, so its all good. I love to freak out my friends with things like my port!

However, some of my friends just don't understand full stop. When I found out about the life expectancy, obviously I was scared, but when my friends asked what was wrong, they thought I was over-reacting, and probably trying to get attention. They refused to listen to the fact that rather than forget about it, I need to be able to accept it to be able to carry on with my life.

So you will get friends who wont be able to deal with the whole hard core CF side, but as long as you don't jam it down their throat, they should be fine. If friends pick on you, treat you weirdly or different because of it, they just don't udnerstand and its clear that you shouldn't waste your energy trying to make them.

Hope everything goes well.


I told my friends so that they could understand things about me, like why I cough all the time, why I take enzymes and why I have to go to the hospital all the time. Everyone treats me the same, but now they understand why I'm like this, so its all good. I love to freak out my friends with things like my port!

However, some of my friends just don't understand full stop. When I found out about the life expectancy, obviously I was scared, but when my friends asked what was wrong, they thought I was over-reacting, and probably trying to get attention. They refused to listen to the fact that rather than forget about it, I need to be able to accept it to be able to carry on with my life.

So you will get friends who wont be able to deal with the whole hard core CF side, but as long as you don't jam it down their throat, they should be fine. If friends pick on you, treat you weirdly or different because of it, they just don't udnerstand and its clear that you shouldn't waste your energy trying to make them.

Hope everything goes well.


I told my friends so that they could understand things about me, like why I cough all the time, why I take enzymes and why I have to go to the hospital all the time. Everyone treats me the same, but now they understand why I'm like this, so its all good. I love to freak out my friends with things like my port!

However, some of my friends just don't understand full stop. When I found out about the life expectancy, obviously I was scared, but when my friends asked what was wrong, they thought I was over-reacting, and probably trying to get attention. They refused to listen to the fact that rather than forget about it, I need to be able to accept it to be able to carry on with my life.

So you will get friends who wont be able to deal with the whole hard core CF side, but as long as you don't jam it down their throat, they should be fine. If friends pick on you, treat you weirdly or different because of it, they just don't udnerstand and its clear that you shouldn't waste your energy trying to make them.

Hope everything goes well.


I told my friends so that they could understand things about me, like why I cough all the time, why I take enzymes and why I have to go to the hospital all the time. Everyone treats me the same, but now they understand why I'm like this, so its all good. I love to freak out my friends with things like my port!

However, some of my friends just don't understand full stop. When I found out about the life expectancy, obviously I was scared, but when my friends asked what was wrong, they thought I was over-reacting, and probably trying to get attention. They refused to listen to the fact that rather than forget about it, I need to be able to accept it to be able to carry on with my life.

So you will get friends who wont be able to deal with the whole hard core CF side, but as long as you don't jam it down their throat, they should be fine. If friends pick on you, treat you weirdly or different because of it, they just don't udnerstand and its clear that you shouldn't waste your energy trying to make them.

Hope everything goes well.


I told my friends so that they could understand things about me, like why I cough all the time, why I take enzymes and why I have to go to the hospital all the time. Everyone treats me the same, but now they understand why I'm like this, so its all good. I love to freak out my friends with things like my port!
<br />
<br />However, some of my friends just don't understand full stop. When I found out about the life expectancy, obviously I was scared, but when my friends asked what was wrong, they thought I was over-reacting, and probably trying to get attention. They refused to listen to the fact that rather than forget about it, I need to be able to accept it to be able to carry on with my life.
<br />
<br />So you will get friends who wont be able to deal with the whole hard core CF side, but as long as you don't jam it down their throat, they should be fine. If friends pick on you, treat you weirdly or different because of it, they just don't udnerstand and its clear that you shouldn't waste your energy trying to make them.
<br />
<br />Hope everything goes well.


New member
Telling my friends about CF wasn't really a big deal. They asked some questions, and then they were mostly like, "omg, why didn't you ever tell us?!"
After that things were pretty much the same...its just that I didn't have to hide my enzymes or treatments or anything when my friends came over. I think it was a really good descision to tell them :)


New member
Telling my friends about CF wasn't really a big deal. They asked some questions, and then they were mostly like, "omg, why didn't you ever tell us?!"
After that things were pretty much the same...its just that I didn't have to hide my enzymes or treatments or anything when my friends came over. I think it was a really good descision to tell them :)


New member
Telling my friends about CF wasn't really a big deal. They asked some questions, and then they were mostly like, "omg, why didn't you ever tell us?!"
After that things were pretty much the same...its just that I didn't have to hide my enzymes or treatments or anything when my friends came over. I think it was a really good descision to tell them :)


New member
Telling my friends about CF wasn't really a big deal. They asked some questions, and then they were mostly like, "omg, why didn't you ever tell us?!"
After that things were pretty much the same...its just that I didn't have to hide my enzymes or treatments or anything when my friends came over. I think it was a really good descision to tell them :)


New member
Telling my friends about CF wasn't really a big deal. They asked some questions, and then they were mostly like, "omg, why didn't you ever tell us?!"
<br />After that things were pretty much the same...its just that I didn't have to hide my enzymes or treatments or anything when my friends came over. I think it was a really good descision to tell them :)
<br />


thx my classmates know I take pills but they just don't know y I have to and my friends that come over they pretty much know about it but I just don't know if they undersatnd wat CF is so yea and I want my classmates to know cuz i feel like I'm hiding who I really am so yea!! so thx you guys!!


thx my classmates know I take pills but they just don't know y I have to and my friends that come over they pretty much know about it but I just don't know if they undersatnd wat CF is so yea and I want my classmates to know cuz i feel like I'm hiding who I really am so yea!! so thx you guys!!


thx my classmates know I take pills but they just don't know y I have to and my friends that come over they pretty much know about it but I just don't know if they undersatnd wat CF is so yea and I want my classmates to know cuz i feel like I'm hiding who I really am so yea!! so thx you guys!!


thx my classmates know I take pills but they just don't know y I have to and my friends that come over they pretty much know about it but I just don't know if they undersatnd wat CF is so yea and I want my classmates to know cuz i feel like I'm hiding who I really am so yea!! so thx you guys!!


thx my classmates know I take pills but they just don't know y I have to and my friends that come over they pretty much know about it but I just don't know if they undersatnd wat CF is so yea and I want my classmates to know cuz i feel like I'm hiding who I really am so yea!! so thx you guys!!