My answer is almost identical to MyNewfy in that I was angry and used to turn it back on myself and try to self destruct - i too thought i was gonna die so i needed to a) numb the pain and b) enjoy what little life I felt i had left so I drank too much, smoked and took loads of substances I should never have touched. I also was a real brat to my partners, all 7 of the long term relationships i'd had were with good men who i basically drove away with my attitude and angry outbursts - i demanded perfection from them and blamed them for my unhappiness. One day it dawned on me how damned arrogant i was being and i realised that i needed to get my act together, stop feeling sorry for myself and get over my negativity. I too went into therapy once a week for two years before I felt I'd beaten my demons. I'm proud to say i am now a very happy, contented and empathetic person, although every now and again my 'arrogant' attitude sneaks back in, but in general i'm a much less angry person, i now rarely if ever have outbursts, i've trained my mind to think more rationally. Unfortunately not ALL of my bad habits have disappeared.....there is one i can't seem to kick but i'm working on it. I also take anti-depressants which really helps me to stay emotionally stable. I think some anger is to be expected for all of us, we've been dealt a rough hand and it's natural to want to blame somebody somewhere......but an angry, destructive or negative attitude is only going to cause additional health problems which is the last thing we want - i now try to remain calm and stress free and my body is definitely thanking me for it!!! Best of luck!
Kat (37 with CF, NZ)
Kat (37 with CF, NZ)