how do you when it's no longer a cold


New member
hey all

I know there have been a few posts about people getting colds and ending up on IVs b/c it became an infection ('tis the season). My question did you know you were feeling crappy from an infection and that the cold wasn't just taking it's time to go away? I just got a head cold, probably from someone at work (I have a feeling I know who). It's only my third day with it so I know it's still in its "could-get-worse" stage but I'm just SO short of breath...more so than usual. My sinuses are mildly stuffy so it's not b/c of that. I have a feeling though that if I call the cf doc, he'll tell me to wait it out and call him next week. Until then, I can't breathe and dread the thought of having to go in for IVs so close to the holidays.


New member
hey all

I know there have been a few posts about people getting colds and ending up on IVs b/c it became an infection ('tis the season). My question did you know you were feeling crappy from an infection and that the cold wasn't just taking it's time to go away? I just got a head cold, probably from someone at work (I have a feeling I know who). It's only my third day with it so I know it's still in its "could-get-worse" stage but I'm just SO short of breath...more so than usual. My sinuses are mildly stuffy so it's not b/c of that. I have a feeling though that if I call the cf doc, he'll tell me to wait it out and call him next week. Until then, I can't breathe and dread the thought of having to go in for IVs so close to the holidays.


New member
hey all

I know there have been a few posts about people getting colds and ending up on IVs b/c it became an infection ('tis the season). My question did you know you were feeling crappy from an infection and that the cold wasn't just taking it's time to go away? I just got a head cold, probably from someone at work (I have a feeling I know who). It's only my third day with it so I know it's still in its "could-get-worse" stage but I'm just SO short of breath...more so than usual. My sinuses are mildly stuffy so it's not b/c of that. I have a feeling though that if I call the cf doc, he'll tell me to wait it out and call him next week. Until then, I can't breathe and dread the thought of having to go in for IVs so close to the holidays.


New member
hey all

I know there have been a few posts about people getting colds and ending up on IVs b/c it became an infection ('tis the season). My question did you know you were feeling crappy from an infection and that the cold wasn't just taking it's time to go away? I just got a head cold, probably from someone at work (I have a feeling I know who). It's only my third day with it so I know it's still in its "could-get-worse" stage but I'm just SO short of breath...more so than usual. My sinuses are mildly stuffy so it's not b/c of that. I have a feeling though that if I call the cf doc, he'll tell me to wait it out and call him next week. Until then, I can't breathe and dread the thought of having to go in for IVs so close to the holidays.


New member
hey all
<br />
<br />I know there have been a few posts about people getting colds and ending up on IVs b/c it became an infection ('tis the season). My question did you know you were feeling crappy from an infection and that the cold wasn't just taking it's time to go away? I just got a head cold, probably from someone at work (I have a feeling I know who). It's only my third day with it so I know it's still in its "could-get-worse" stage but I'm just SO short of breath...more so than usual. My sinuses are mildly stuffy so it's not b/c of that. I have a feeling though that if I call the cf doc, he'll tell me to wait it out and call him next week. Until then, I can't breathe and dread the thought of having to go in for IVs so close to the holidays.


Staff member
We had similar concerns with DS last week. He had a runny nose and developed a low grade fever. He didn't have any pain or other symptoms (sore throat, achiness..), so we waited it out a few days. If he'd developed a cough, we would've called the doctor to see how to proceed.

Oh, and I had him do sinus rinses every night after a long soak in the tub to make sure that gunk got out and didn't stagnate. I'm still pushing the rinses.


Staff member
We had similar concerns with DS last week. He had a runny nose and developed a low grade fever. He didn't have any pain or other symptoms (sore throat, achiness..), so we waited it out a few days. If he'd developed a cough, we would've called the doctor to see how to proceed.

Oh, and I had him do sinus rinses every night after a long soak in the tub to make sure that gunk got out and didn't stagnate. I'm still pushing the rinses.


Staff member
We had similar concerns with DS last week. He had a runny nose and developed a low grade fever. He didn't have any pain or other symptoms (sore throat, achiness..), so we waited it out a few days. If he'd developed a cough, we would've called the doctor to see how to proceed.

Oh, and I had him do sinus rinses every night after a long soak in the tub to make sure that gunk got out and didn't stagnate. I'm still pushing the rinses.


Staff member
We had similar concerns with DS last week. He had a runny nose and developed a low grade fever. He didn't have any pain or other symptoms (sore throat, achiness..), so we waited it out a few days. If he'd developed a cough, we would've called the doctor to see how to proceed.

Oh, and I had him do sinus rinses every night after a long soak in the tub to make sure that gunk got out and didn't stagnate. I'm still pushing the rinses.


Staff member
We had similar concerns with DS last week. He had a runny nose and developed a low grade fever. He didn't have any pain or other symptoms (sore throat, achiness..), so we waited it out a few days. If he'd developed a cough, we would've called the doctor to see how to proceed.
<br />
<br />Oh, and I had him do sinus rinses every night after a long soak in the tub to make sure that gunk got out and didn't stagnate. I'm still pushing the rinses.


I am speaking from a parent's POV, but when Noah gets like that I do as Liza says she did, and start doing a sinus rinse, usually at bed time. If you're finding it harder than usual to breathe, though, I think that's a cause for greater concern. Are you're nebs giving you any relief at all? That's the 1st thing the doc will probably ask.I'm sure you know the drill. If you don't see any relief in a few days, IMHO, you should probably call the clinic.


I am speaking from a parent's POV, but when Noah gets like that I do as Liza says she did, and start doing a sinus rinse, usually at bed time. If you're finding it harder than usual to breathe, though, I think that's a cause for greater concern. Are you're nebs giving you any relief at all? That's the 1st thing the doc will probably ask.I'm sure you know the drill. If you don't see any relief in a few days, IMHO, you should probably call the clinic.


I am speaking from a parent's POV, but when Noah gets like that I do as Liza says she did, and start doing a sinus rinse, usually at bed time. If you're finding it harder than usual to breathe, though, I think that's a cause for greater concern. Are you're nebs giving you any relief at all? That's the 1st thing the doc will probably ask.I'm sure you know the drill. If you don't see any relief in a few days, IMHO, you should probably call the clinic.


I am speaking from a parent's POV, but when Noah gets like that I do as Liza says she did, and start doing a sinus rinse, usually at bed time. If you're finding it harder than usual to breathe, though, I think that's a cause for greater concern. Are you're nebs giving you any relief at all? That's the 1st thing the doc will probably ask.I'm sure you know the drill. If you don't see any relief in a few days, IMHO, you should probably call the clinic.


I am speaking from a parent's POV, but when Noah gets like that I do as Liza says she did, and start doing a sinus rinse, usually at bed time. If you're finding it harder than usual to breathe, though, I think that's a cause for greater concern. Are you're nebs giving you any relief at all? That's the 1st thing the doc will probably ask.I'm sure you know the drill. If you don't see any relief in a few days, IMHO, you should probably call the clinic.


New member
I'd say call just to be on the safe side. I know when my daughter starts feeling like that we call and they usually prescribe her some oral ABX and extra treatments.

I see you're the biggest Browns fan...did you ever think maybe you're just having a reaction to really bad football? lol
I say this as a Browns fan too. Its been rough...Romeo must go and long live BQ.


New member
I'd say call just to be on the safe side. I know when my daughter starts feeling like that we call and they usually prescribe her some oral ABX and extra treatments.

I see you're the biggest Browns fan...did you ever think maybe you're just having a reaction to really bad football? lol
I say this as a Browns fan too. Its been rough...Romeo must go and long live BQ.


New member
I'd say call just to be on the safe side. I know when my daughter starts feeling like that we call and they usually prescribe her some oral ABX and extra treatments.

I see you're the biggest Browns fan...did you ever think maybe you're just having a reaction to really bad football? lol
I say this as a Browns fan too. Its been rough...Romeo must go and long live BQ.


New member
I'd say call just to be on the safe side. I know when my daughter starts feeling like that we call and they usually prescribe her some oral ABX and extra treatments.

I see you're the biggest Browns fan...did you ever think maybe you're just having a reaction to really bad football? lol
I say this as a Browns fan too. Its been rough...Romeo must go and long live BQ.


New member
I'd say call just to be on the safe side. I know when my daughter starts feeling like that we call and they usually prescribe her some oral ABX and extra treatments.
<br />
<br />I see you're the biggest Browns fan...did you ever think maybe you're just having a reaction to really bad football? lol
<br />I say this as a Browns fan too. Its been rough...Romeo must go and long live BQ.