how long do you feel better


New member
Yesterday was a week that I've been off Iv's. I literally didn't cough up a single thing since I got off of them until the day before yesterday. Now I'm coughing up a little bit of stuff again, but only in the mornings and my chest is feeling tight. How long do the effects of iv abx usually last. I know it's different for everyone, but I just want a general idea.


New member
Yesterday was a week that I've been off Iv's. I literally didn't cough up a single thing since I got off of them until the day before yesterday. Now I'm coughing up a little bit of stuff again, but only in the mornings and my chest is feeling tight. How long do the effects of iv abx usually last. I know it's different for everyone, but I just want a general idea.


New member
Yesterday was a week that I've been off Iv's. I literally didn't cough up a single thing since I got off of them until the day before yesterday. Now I'm coughing up a little bit of stuff again, but only in the mornings and my chest is feeling tight. How long do the effects of iv abx usually last. I know it's different for everyone, but I just want a general idea.


New member
Yesterday was a week that I've been off Iv's. I literally didn't cough up a single thing since I got off of them until the day before yesterday. Now I'm coughing up a little bit of stuff again, but only in the mornings and my chest is feeling tight. How long do the effects of iv abx usually last. I know it's different for everyone, but I just want a general idea.


New member
Yesterday was a week that I've been off Iv's. I literally didn't cough up a single thing since I got off of them until the day before yesterday. Now I'm coughing up a little bit of stuff again, but only in the mornings and my chest is feeling tight. How long do the effects of iv abx usually last. I know it's different for everyone, but I just want a general idea.


New member
hi, i wouldnt compare yourself 2 me cos i got some serious resistant bugs but i usually last 1 week off iv then im coughing allot. I still have flem directly after iv, i last about 2 -3 weeks off ivs then im on i said dont compare 2 much with my condition,im sure theres more optimistic outlooks waiting 2 reply. =) don


New member
hi, i wouldnt compare yourself 2 me cos i got some serious resistant bugs but i usually last 1 week off iv then im coughing allot. I still have flem directly after iv, i last about 2 -3 weeks off ivs then im on i said dont compare 2 much with my condition,im sure theres more optimistic outlooks waiting 2 reply. =) don


New member
hi, i wouldnt compare yourself 2 me cos i got some serious resistant bugs but i usually last 1 week off iv then im coughing allot. I still have flem directly after iv, i last about 2 -3 weeks off ivs then im on i said dont compare 2 much with my condition,im sure theres more optimistic outlooks waiting 2 reply. =) don


New member
hi, i wouldnt compare yourself 2 me cos i got some serious resistant bugs but i usually last 1 week off iv then im coughing allot. I still have flem directly after iv, i last about 2 -3 weeks off ivs then im on i said dont compare 2 much with my condition,im sure theres more optimistic outlooks waiting 2 reply. =) don


New member
hi, i wouldnt compare yourself 2 me cos i got some serious resistant bugs but i usually last 1 week off iv then im coughing allot. I still have flem directly after iv, i last about 2 -3 weeks off ivs then im on i said dont compare 2 much with my condition,im sure theres more optimistic outlooks waiting 2 reply. =) don


New member
i find that it varies on the severity of the two months ago i was on antibiotics for 2 weeks, and just a week ago a began to cough alot more....times when i took iv's for a month i would last 4-5 months before feeling bad again...i think i will be do soon for more antibiotics.


New member
i find that it varies on the severity of the two months ago i was on antibiotics for 2 weeks, and just a week ago a began to cough alot more....times when i took iv's for a month i would last 4-5 months before feeling bad again...i think i will be do soon for more antibiotics.


New member
i find that it varies on the severity of the two months ago i was on antibiotics for 2 weeks, and just a week ago a began to cough alot more....times when i took iv's for a month i would last 4-5 months before feeling bad again...i think i will be do soon for more antibiotics.


New member
i find that it varies on the severity of the two months ago i was on antibiotics for 2 weeks, and just a week ago a began to cough alot more....times when i took iv's for a month i would last 4-5 months before feeling bad again...i think i will be do soon for more antibiotics.


New member
i find that it varies on the severity of the two months ago i was on antibiotics for 2 weeks, and just a week ago a began to cough alot more....times when i took iv's for a month i would last 4-5 months before feeling bad again...i think i will be do soon for more antibiotics.


It may depend on the abx, but generally they continue to work in your body for 2-3 weeks. Is your CF dr one you can communicate with over phone? If you are worried you could call their office and tell the CF nurse how you are feeling and they should be able to either reassure you or take some action.


It may depend on the abx, but generally they continue to work in your body for 2-3 weeks. Is your CF dr one you can communicate with over phone? If you are worried you could call their office and tell the CF nurse how you are feeling and they should be able to either reassure you or take some action.


It may depend on the abx, but generally they continue to work in your body for 2-3 weeks. Is your CF dr one you can communicate with over phone? If you are worried you could call their office and tell the CF nurse how you are feeling and they should be able to either reassure you or take some action.


It may depend on the abx, but generally they continue to work in your body for 2-3 weeks. Is your CF dr one you can communicate with over phone? If you are worried you could call their office and tell the CF nurse how you are feeling and they should be able to either reassure you or take some action.


It may depend on the abx, but generally they continue to work in your body for 2-3 weeks. Is your CF dr one you can communicate with over phone? If you are worried you could call their office and tell the CF nurse how you are feeling and they should be able to either reassure you or take some action.