How many enzymes do you take



Alexa takes Creon 12, 2 with snacks and 3 with meals. Sometimes if is just a small snack I'll give her 1 enzyme.
You are right Karla... Bless us all.


Alexa takes Creon 12, 2 with snacks and 3 with meals. Sometimes if is just a small snack I'll give her 1 enzyme.
You are right Karla... Bless us all.


Alexa takes Creon 12, 2 with snacks and 3 with meals. Sometimes if is just a small snack I'll give her 1 enzyme.
You are right Karla... Bless us all.


Alexa takes Creon 12, 2 with snacks and 3 with meals. Sometimes if is just a small snack I'll give her 1 enzyme.
You are right Karla... Bless us all.


Alexa takes Creon 12, 2 with snacks and 3 with meals. Sometimes if is just a small snack I'll give her 1 enzyme.
<br /> You are right Karla... Bless us all.


New member
My daughter is almost 1 and weighs 20lbs. She takes 3 Creaon 6 with meals and 1-2 with snacks depending on what she's eating. Our stools have been like what everyone else is saying...soft, stinky and range anywhere from 1 a day to 4-5 a day. We started with digestive problems (MI, ileostomy, etc), so we've always worried about her poop! I've never seen grease, so I guess we're on track with enzymes!


New member
My daughter is almost 1 and weighs 20lbs. She takes 3 Creaon 6 with meals and 1-2 with snacks depending on what she's eating. Our stools have been like what everyone else is saying...soft, stinky and range anywhere from 1 a day to 4-5 a day. We started with digestive problems (MI, ileostomy, etc), so we've always worried about her poop! I've never seen grease, so I guess we're on track with enzymes!


New member
My daughter is almost 1 and weighs 20lbs. She takes 3 Creaon 6 with meals and 1-2 with snacks depending on what she's eating. Our stools have been like what everyone else is saying...soft, stinky and range anywhere from 1 a day to 4-5 a day. We started with digestive problems (MI, ileostomy, etc), so we've always worried about her poop! I've never seen grease, so I guess we're on track with enzymes!


New member
My daughter is almost 1 and weighs 20lbs. She takes 3 Creaon 6 with meals and 1-2 with snacks depending on what she's eating. Our stools have been like what everyone else is saying...soft, stinky and range anywhere from 1 a day to 4-5 a day. We started with digestive problems (MI, ileostomy, etc), so we've always worried about her poop! I've never seen grease, so I guess we're on track with enzymes!


New member
My daughter is almost 1 and weighs 20lbs. She takes 3 Creaon 6 with meals and 1-2 with snacks depending on what she's eating. Our stools have been like what everyone else is saying...soft, stinky and range anywhere from 1 a day to 4-5 a day. We started with digestive problems (MI, ileostomy, etc), so we've always worried about her poop! I've never seen grease, so I guess we're on track with enzymes!


New member
My son is now on 1 ultrase 20. We have tried Creon 5 when he was first diagnosed at one month. Then moved up to maxing that kind out. Then switched to Pacrecarb and moved all the way up to maxing that one out. Then switched to Zenpep at the maximum dose. Still didn't work and we are now on the Ultrase and are maxed out on them too. I have yet to see a normal poop come out of this kid. lol. It is always soft, greasy, sometimes fluffy too. Lately with him being on Cipro and Tobi he has been coming out of his diapers several times a day. The doctors say there is nothing else to do. He is maxed out and we have tried all the kinds of enzymes we can. Oh and we are on an antiacid to try and help too. I don't know what else we can do. The doctor also said he may just be like this and if he is then we will just have to put more calories in.


New member
My son is now on 1 ultrase 20. We have tried Creon 5 when he was first diagnosed at one month. Then moved up to maxing that kind out. Then switched to Pacrecarb and moved all the way up to maxing that one out. Then switched to Zenpep at the maximum dose. Still didn't work and we are now on the Ultrase and are maxed out on them too. I have yet to see a normal poop come out of this kid. lol. It is always soft, greasy, sometimes fluffy too. Lately with him being on Cipro and Tobi he has been coming out of his diapers several times a day. The doctors say there is nothing else to do. He is maxed out and we have tried all the kinds of enzymes we can. Oh and we are on an antiacid to try and help too. I don't know what else we can do. The doctor also said he may just be like this and if he is then we will just have to put more calories in.


New member
My son is now on 1 ultrase 20. We have tried Creon 5 when he was first diagnosed at one month. Then moved up to maxing that kind out. Then switched to Pacrecarb and moved all the way up to maxing that one out. Then switched to Zenpep at the maximum dose. Still didn't work and we are now on the Ultrase and are maxed out on them too. I have yet to see a normal poop come out of this kid. lol. It is always soft, greasy, sometimes fluffy too. Lately with him being on Cipro and Tobi he has been coming out of his diapers several times a day. The doctors say there is nothing else to do. He is maxed out and we have tried all the kinds of enzymes we can. Oh and we are on an antiacid to try and help too. I don't know what else we can do. The doctor also said he may just be like this and if he is then we will just have to put more calories in.


New member
My son is now on 1 ultrase 20. We have tried Creon 5 when he was first diagnosed at one month. Then moved up to maxing that kind out. Then switched to Pacrecarb and moved all the way up to maxing that one out. Then switched to Zenpep at the maximum dose. Still didn't work and we are now on the Ultrase and are maxed out on them too. I have yet to see a normal poop come out of this kid. lol. It is always soft, greasy, sometimes fluffy too. Lately with him being on Cipro and Tobi he has been coming out of his diapers several times a day. The doctors say there is nothing else to do. He is maxed out and we have tried all the kinds of enzymes we can. Oh and we are on an antiacid to try and help too. I don't know what else we can do. The doctor also said he may just be like this and if he is then we will just have to put more calories in.


New member
My son is now on 1 ultrase 20. We have tried Creon 5 when he was first diagnosed at one month. Then moved up to maxing that kind out. Then switched to Pacrecarb and moved all the way up to maxing that one out. Then switched to Zenpep at the maximum dose. Still didn't work and we are now on the Ultrase and are maxed out on them too. I have yet to see a normal poop come out of this kid. lol. It is always soft, greasy, sometimes fluffy too. Lately with him being on Cipro and Tobi he has been coming out of his diapers several times a day. The doctors say there is nothing else to do. He is maxed out and we have tried all the kinds of enzymes we can. Oh and we are on an antiacid to try and help too. I don't know what else we can do. The doctor also said he may just be like this and if he is then we will just have to put more calories in.


New member
Chey is on Creon 24 and takes 3 with meals and 2 with snacks but she really just eats meals all day long. So 3, every two hours or so.


New member
Chey is on Creon 24 and takes 3 with meals and 2 with snacks but she really just eats meals all day long. So 3, every two hours or so.


New member
Chey is on Creon 24 and takes 3 with meals and 2 with snacks but she really just eats meals all day long. So 3, every two hours or so.


New member
Chey is on Creon 24 and takes 3 with meals and 2 with snacks but she really just eats meals all day long. So 3, every two hours or so.


New member
Chey is on Creon 24 and takes 3 with meals and 2 with snacks but she really just eats meals all day long. So 3, every two hours or so.