How many of you have never met another person with CF?



I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


I have met many other cf people through CF family days at my old hospital, UNC. they stopped them though because of the whole retarded you're all gonna get sick and die thing. And now we all feel like the only cf person in the world. but theres another cf kid in my grade in my school- I could tell just by looking at him- 15 and just 4'9? and skinny? and goes to the nurse at lunchtime? (and he pisses me off so bad cause he is somehow popular and has a girlfriend and doesnt do any treatments except for an hour a day on weekends! arrrggggghhhhh! (case you cant tell my sitch completely opposite lol))


New member

I am 27 living in philly and have never met anyone else with CF either. If anyone wants to chat my email is


New member

I am 27 living in philly and have never met anyone else with CF either. If anyone wants to chat my email is


New member

I am 27 living in philly and have never met anyone else with CF either. If anyone wants to chat my email is


New member

I am 27 living in philly and have never met anyone else with CF either. If anyone wants to chat my email is


New member
<br />
<br /> I am 27 living in philly and have never met anyone else with CF either. If anyone wants to chat my email is


New member
I did not meet anyone with CF until I was in the hospital this January. I met a group of great people and it was really awesome to talk to someone who knew exactly who I was going through.
Word of warning though. I caught Burkholderia Cepacia from a friend with CF, and now it is completely resistant to antibiotics. My FEV1 has gone down 40% because of it. Having friends with CF is a great way to vent and get support but just be careful what germs you share!!!
- Heather 19w/cf; CFRD


New member
I did not meet anyone with CF until I was in the hospital this January. I met a group of great people and it was really awesome to talk to someone who knew exactly who I was going through.
Word of warning though. I caught Burkholderia Cepacia from a friend with CF, and now it is completely resistant to antibiotics. My FEV1 has gone down 40% because of it. Having friends with CF is a great way to vent and get support but just be careful what germs you share!!!
- Heather 19w/cf; CFRD


New member
I did not meet anyone with CF until I was in the hospital this January. I met a group of great people and it was really awesome to talk to someone who knew exactly who I was going through.
Word of warning though. I caught Burkholderia Cepacia from a friend with CF, and now it is completely resistant to antibiotics. My FEV1 has gone down 40% because of it. Having friends with CF is a great way to vent and get support but just be careful what germs you share!!!
- Heather 19w/cf; CFRD


New member
I did not meet anyone with CF until I was in the hospital this January. I met a group of great people and it was really awesome to talk to someone who knew exactly who I was going through.
Word of warning though. I caught Burkholderia Cepacia from a friend with CF, and now it is completely resistant to antibiotics. My FEV1 has gone down 40% because of it. Having friends with CF is a great way to vent and get support but just be careful what germs you share!!!
- Heather 19w/cf; CFRD


New member
I did not meet anyone with CF until I was in the hospital this January. I met a group of great people and it was really awesome to talk to someone who knew exactly who I was going through.
<br />Word of warning though. I caught Burkholderia Cepacia from a friend with CF, and now it is completely resistant to antibiotics. My FEV1 has gone down 40% because of it. Having friends with CF is a great way to vent and get support but just be careful what germs you share!!!
<br />- Heather 19w/cf; CFRD