How many times do you chew your food before


New member
Just curious as to how long you chew your food. I know the more the better but I think it all depends on many things.

If it is tough piece of food, I tend to chew twenty times.

Can someone find online a source to tell us how many times is normal.

Digestion starts in the mouth so it makes perfect sense to slow down instead of inhale. Many men tend to inhale and slurp their food. Kind of gross but if they enjoy that so be it.

thought this was an interesting to talk about. Hopefully a few people will respond if they see this message.


New member
Just curious as to how long you chew your food. I know the more the better but I think it all depends on many things.

If it is tough piece of food, I tend to chew twenty times.

Can someone find online a source to tell us how many times is normal.

Digestion starts in the mouth so it makes perfect sense to slow down instead of inhale. Many men tend to inhale and slurp their food. Kind of gross but if they enjoy that so be it.

thought this was an interesting to talk about. Hopefully a few people will respond if they see this message.


New member
Just curious as to how long you chew your food. I know the more the better but I think it all depends on many things.

If it is tough piece of food, I tend to chew twenty times.

Can someone find online a source to tell us how many times is normal.

Digestion starts in the mouth so it makes perfect sense to slow down instead of inhale. Many men tend to inhale and slurp their food. Kind of gross but if they enjoy that so be it.

thought this was an interesting to talk about. Hopefully a few people will respond if they see this message.


New member
Interesting topic. I try to slow down and take a deep breath before eating. I think if I'm chatting during a meal I don't chew as much...but I'd have to actually count some time.



New member
Interesting topic. I try to slow down and take a deep breath before eating. I think if I'm chatting during a meal I don't chew as much...but I'd have to actually count some time.



New member
Interesting topic. I try to slow down and take a deep breath before eating. I think if I'm chatting during a meal I don't chew as much...but I'd have to actually count some time.



New member
I'm not exactly sure how many times I chew my food, but its not a lot. I always heard you were supposed to chew 25 times, but I have no idea where that info came from. I remember trying it and 25 times seemed to much. I do tend to finish before everyone else, especially nowadays because I know Vinny is going to finish before me and want out of the highchair. I know its gross but I can eat mac and cheese (mmmm, yum) almost without chewing it at all. <img src="">
Of course this is not all the time, in the company of others I mind my manners.<img src="">


New member
I'm not exactly sure how many times I chew my food, but its not a lot. I always heard you were supposed to chew 25 times, but I have no idea where that info came from. I remember trying it and 25 times seemed to much. I do tend to finish before everyone else, especially nowadays because I know Vinny is going to finish before me and want out of the highchair. I know its gross but I can eat mac and cheese (mmmm, yum) almost without chewing it at all. <img src="">
Of course this is not all the time, in the company of others I mind my manners.<img src="">


New member
I'm not exactly sure how many times I chew my food, but its not a lot. I always heard you were supposed to chew 25 times, but I have no idea where that info came from. I remember trying it and 25 times seemed to much. I do tend to finish before everyone else, especially nowadays because I know Vinny is going to finish before me and want out of the highchair. I know its gross but I can eat mac and cheese (mmmm, yum) almost without chewing it at all. <img src="">
Of course this is not all the time, in the company of others I mind my manners.<img src="">


New member
I dont know exactly, but I am sure its not what the recommended amount is. I tend to chew less when I am hungry. My hubby is always telling me to slow down that the food isnt going anywhere!


New member
I dont know exactly, but I am sure its not what the recommended amount is. I tend to chew less when I am hungry. My hubby is always telling me to slow down that the food isnt going anywhere!


New member
I dont know exactly, but I am sure its not what the recommended amount is. I tend to chew less when I am hungry. My hubby is always telling me to slow down that the food isnt going anywhere!