I am just full of questions these days. I was on iv's Last Oct to early November. Which is only 3 months ago. I am starting to feel crappy, sore throat, low grade fevers ( with cepacia this happens sometimes even when i am well), getting short of breath easier, and i am giving myself till Monday as my deadline to call the Dr. and request iv's. Before cepacia i never had iv's ( had cepacia 11 years now). Then i went on them every 1 - 2 years. These past few years i have been on them more often every 6-8 months or less. I <b>HATE </b>this with a passion because it just scares me that my time for iv's seem to be coming closer and closer. One thing that bothers me about my last 2 rounds with iv's is my Dr, who i've only had about 2 years always wants to put me on the same exact ones. My last Dr. used to use different combos each time. I told her with the last iv.... what she was prescribing wasnt going to do much and sure enough it didnt pack the punch it should have. I am resistant to pretty much all antibiotics so why stick to the same ol ones each time. For gooodness sake, mix and match dammit and find a combo that works, throw the bacteria in my lungs for a loop....Please !!!!!!!!!!!! If i am still feeling crappy on Monday i will call the Dr. and tell her i want a <b>GOOD combo </b>this time not the same ol' song and dance................
<i><b>Sooooooo How often do you go on iv's?</b></i>
<i><b>Sooooooo How often do you go on iv's?</b></i>