How often do you go on iv's?


New member
Hey! Sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I agree that I used to be on IVs every year or so (sometimes just when I felt kinda "crummy", but not super sick and other times when I really really felt sick and needed intervention). I just planned on once a year doing them since when I'd try to put them off past a year I usually ended up getting sicker.

Recently, I too have been going in more often and its frustrating. I went in twice within 10 months and now, its only been about 5 months since that and I'm back on IV meds. Often I find myself questioning whether I really need/needed them (especially when my lung function doesn't get amazing results and just ends up back to baseline within a week or so of being off), but in the same respect, I don't want to play around and loose precious lung function, so I tend to err on the side of caution and get a little paranoid whenever I feel sick. For example, I had the cold/virus thing that everyone has for the past three weeks or so and it moved into my chest. I went into the doc and just figured I'd ask for IVs right away cause I felt so congested and couldn't cough stuff out. Instead of her putting me on diff oral meds and changing around my meds to get results (which she said she may do), I told her we should just do IVs cause I felt we needed to get it under control fast. She agreed.

But the moral of the story is, I too am starting to be put in more often cause I'm older now and getting to know I can't always bounce back from everything as easily as I used to. So, though I may have waited it out (and maybe even lost lung function in the long run) in the past, I probably would have waited at least a few more months to try to reach that "year" mark. Now, I'm starting to not want to do that. So, maybe as you're getting older you're also realizing that you don't bounce back as easily so you're more quick to go in when you're just not feeling yourself? I've kinda made peace now that it probably won't always be every year going in, and maybe I will end up going in a couple times within a few months' time (something I would have dreaded and fought in the past so I could reach my "year"), and now I just don't want to loose any function that I could retain.

I hope you're feeling better soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know its frustrating to think we're getting "sicker", but maybe I've given you a different perspective and maybe you're just getting "wiser" about the first symptoms and kicking it in the bu** earlier than you used to?

Take care,


New member
Hey! Sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I agree that I used to be on IVs every year or so (sometimes just when I felt kinda "crummy", but not super sick and other times when I really really felt sick and needed intervention). I just planned on once a year doing them since when I'd try to put them off past a year I usually ended up getting sicker.

Recently, I too have been going in more often and its frustrating. I went in twice within 10 months and now, its only been about 5 months since that and I'm back on IV meds. Often I find myself questioning whether I really need/needed them (especially when my lung function doesn't get amazing results and just ends up back to baseline within a week or so of being off), but in the same respect, I don't want to play around and loose precious lung function, so I tend to err on the side of caution and get a little paranoid whenever I feel sick. For example, I had the cold/virus thing that everyone has for the past three weeks or so and it moved into my chest. I went into the doc and just figured I'd ask for IVs right away cause I felt so congested and couldn't cough stuff out. Instead of her putting me on diff oral meds and changing around my meds to get results (which she said she may do), I told her we should just do IVs cause I felt we needed to get it under control fast. She agreed.

But the moral of the story is, I too am starting to be put in more often cause I'm older now and getting to know I can't always bounce back from everything as easily as I used to. So, though I may have waited it out (and maybe even lost lung function in the long run) in the past, I probably would have waited at least a few more months to try to reach that "year" mark. Now, I'm starting to not want to do that. So, maybe as you're getting older you're also realizing that you don't bounce back as easily so you're more quick to go in when you're just not feeling yourself? I've kinda made peace now that it probably won't always be every year going in, and maybe I will end up going in a couple times within a few months' time (something I would have dreaded and fought in the past so I could reach my "year"), and now I just don't want to loose any function that I could retain.

I hope you're feeling better soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know its frustrating to think we're getting "sicker", but maybe I've given you a different perspective and maybe you're just getting "wiser" about the first symptoms and kicking it in the bu** earlier than you used to?

Take care,


New member
Hey! Sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I agree that I used to be on IVs every year or so (sometimes just when I felt kinda "crummy", but not super sick and other times when I really really felt sick and needed intervention). I just planned on once a year doing them since when I'd try to put them off past a year I usually ended up getting sicker.

Recently, I too have been going in more often and its frustrating. I went in twice within 10 months and now, its only been about 5 months since that and I'm back on IV meds. Often I find myself questioning whether I really need/needed them (especially when my lung function doesn't get amazing results and just ends up back to baseline within a week or so of being off), but in the same respect, I don't want to play around and loose precious lung function, so I tend to err on the side of caution and get a little paranoid whenever I feel sick. For example, I had the cold/virus thing that everyone has for the past three weeks or so and it moved into my chest. I went into the doc and just figured I'd ask for IVs right away cause I felt so congested and couldn't cough stuff out. Instead of her putting me on diff oral meds and changing around my meds to get results (which she said she may do), I told her we should just do IVs cause I felt we needed to get it under control fast. She agreed.

But the moral of the story is, I too am starting to be put in more often cause I'm older now and getting to know I can't always bounce back from everything as easily as I used to. So, though I may have waited it out (and maybe even lost lung function in the long run) in the past, I probably would have waited at least a few more months to try to reach that "year" mark. Now, I'm starting to not want to do that. So, maybe as you're getting older you're also realizing that you don't bounce back as easily so you're more quick to go in when you're just not feeling yourself? I've kinda made peace now that it probably won't always be every year going in, and maybe I will end up going in a couple times within a few months' time (something I would have dreaded and fought in the past so I could reach my "year"), and now I just don't want to loose any function that I could retain.

I hope you're feeling better soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know its frustrating to think we're getting "sicker", but maybe I've given you a different perspective and maybe you're just getting "wiser" about the first symptoms and kicking it in the bu** earlier than you used to?

Take care,


New member
Hey! Sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I agree that I used to be on IVs every year or so (sometimes just when I felt kinda "crummy", but not super sick and other times when I really really felt sick and needed intervention). I just planned on once a year doing them since when I'd try to put them off past a year I usually ended up getting sicker.

Recently, I too have been going in more often and its frustrating. I went in twice within 10 months and now, its only been about 5 months since that and I'm back on IV meds. Often I find myself questioning whether I really need/needed them (especially when my lung function doesn't get amazing results and just ends up back to baseline within a week or so of being off), but in the same respect, I don't want to play around and loose precious lung function, so I tend to err on the side of caution and get a little paranoid whenever I feel sick. For example, I had the cold/virus thing that everyone has for the past three weeks or so and it moved into my chest. I went into the doc and just figured I'd ask for IVs right away cause I felt so congested and couldn't cough stuff out. Instead of her putting me on diff oral meds and changing around my meds to get results (which she said she may do), I told her we should just do IVs cause I felt we needed to get it under control fast. She agreed.

But the moral of the story is, I too am starting to be put in more often cause I'm older now and getting to know I can't always bounce back from everything as easily as I used to. So, though I may have waited it out (and maybe even lost lung function in the long run) in the past, I probably would have waited at least a few more months to try to reach that "year" mark. Now, I'm starting to not want to do that. So, maybe as you're getting older you're also realizing that you don't bounce back as easily so you're more quick to go in when you're just not feeling yourself? I've kinda made peace now that it probably won't always be every year going in, and maybe I will end up going in a couple times within a few months' time (something I would have dreaded and fought in the past so I could reach my "year"), and now I just don't want to loose any function that I could retain.

I hope you're feeling better soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know its frustrating to think we're getting "sicker", but maybe I've given you a different perspective and maybe you're just getting "wiser" about the first symptoms and kicking it in the bu** earlier than you used to?

Take care,


New member
Hey! Sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I agree that I used to be on IVs every year or so (sometimes just when I felt kinda "crummy", but not super sick and other times when I really really felt sick and needed intervention). I just planned on once a year doing them since when I'd try to put them off past a year I usually ended up getting sicker.

Recently, I too have been going in more often and its frustrating. I went in twice within 10 months and now, its only been about 5 months since that and I'm back on IV meds. Often I find myself questioning whether I really need/needed them (especially when my lung function doesn't get amazing results and just ends up back to baseline within a week or so of being off), but in the same respect, I don't want to play around and loose precious lung function, so I tend to err on the side of caution and get a little paranoid whenever I feel sick. For example, I had the cold/virus thing that everyone has for the past three weeks or so and it moved into my chest. I went into the doc and just figured I'd ask for IVs right away cause I felt so congested and couldn't cough stuff out. Instead of her putting me on diff oral meds and changing around my meds to get results (which she said she may do), I told her we should just do IVs cause I felt we needed to get it under control fast. She agreed.

But the moral of the story is, I too am starting to be put in more often cause I'm older now and getting to know I can't always bounce back from everything as easily as I used to. So, though I may have waited it out (and maybe even lost lung function in the long run) in the past, I probably would have waited at least a few more months to try to reach that "year" mark. Now, I'm starting to not want to do that. So, maybe as you're getting older you're also realizing that you don't bounce back as easily so you're more quick to go in when you're just not feeling yourself? I've kinda made peace now that it probably won't always be every year going in, and maybe I will end up going in a couple times within a few months' time (something I would have dreaded and fought in the past so I could reach my "year"), and now I just don't want to loose any function that I could retain.

I hope you're feeling better soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know its frustrating to think we're getting "sicker", but maybe I've given you a different perspective and maybe you're just getting "wiser" about the first symptoms and kicking it in the bu** earlier than you used to?

Take care,


New member
I like what ladybug said, maybe you are just getting wiser about your need for abx. I know as youngsters we tend to hold off way too lonng when seeking care. It is amazing the wisdom that comes with years.


New member
I like what ladybug said, maybe you are just getting wiser about your need for abx. I know as youngsters we tend to hold off way too lonng when seeking care. It is amazing the wisdom that comes with years.


New member
I like what ladybug said, maybe you are just getting wiser about your need for abx. I know as youngsters we tend to hold off way too lonng when seeking care. It is amazing the wisdom that comes with years.


New member
I like what ladybug said, maybe you are just getting wiser about your need for abx. I know as youngsters we tend to hold off way too lonng when seeking care. It is amazing the wisdom that comes with years.


New member
I like what ladybug said, maybe you are just getting wiser about your need for abx. I know as youngsters we tend to hold off way too lonng when seeking care. It is amazing the wisdom that comes with years.


New member
I didn't start my first round of IVs until I was 18. Then it was every 2-3 years depending. But just this past year I went on them twice in 3 months (ending on Jan 1st) and I think I am in need of them again. I also noticed that I don't bounce back from them like I used to before. When I was younger 2 weeks of IVs was plenty and then I was as good as new. Now I do 3 weeks and it still takes a few weeks after to get back up and never to where I was before. Stupid age! haha! I am also on 2 orals ALL THE TIME - Bactrim and Zithro. Then I have TOBI month on month off and during the winter months we add Cipro in the mix. Yet I still have managed to get sick on all those drugs. Craziness.

I agree mixing it up will help. Catch that crap off guard!!!

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I didn't start my first round of IVs until I was 18. Then it was every 2-3 years depending. But just this past year I went on them twice in 3 months (ending on Jan 1st) and I think I am in need of them again. I also noticed that I don't bounce back from them like I used to before. When I was younger 2 weeks of IVs was plenty and then I was as good as new. Now I do 3 weeks and it still takes a few weeks after to get back up and never to where I was before. Stupid age! haha! I am also on 2 orals ALL THE TIME - Bactrim and Zithro. Then I have TOBI month on month off and during the winter months we add Cipro in the mix. Yet I still have managed to get sick on all those drugs. Craziness.

I agree mixing it up will help. Catch that crap off guard!!!

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I didn't start my first round of IVs until I was 18. Then it was every 2-3 years depending. But just this past year I went on them twice in 3 months (ending on Jan 1st) and I think I am in need of them again. I also noticed that I don't bounce back from them like I used to before. When I was younger 2 weeks of IVs was plenty and then I was as good as new. Now I do 3 weeks and it still takes a few weeks after to get back up and never to where I was before. Stupid age! haha! I am also on 2 orals ALL THE TIME - Bactrim and Zithro. Then I have TOBI month on month off and during the winter months we add Cipro in the mix. Yet I still have managed to get sick on all those drugs. Craziness.

I agree mixing it up will help. Catch that crap off guard!!!

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I didn't start my first round of IVs until I was 18. Then it was every 2-3 years depending. But just this past year I went on them twice in 3 months (ending on Jan 1st) and I think I am in need of them again. I also noticed that I don't bounce back from them like I used to before. When I was younger 2 weeks of IVs was plenty and then I was as good as new. Now I do 3 weeks and it still takes a few weeks after to get back up and never to where I was before. Stupid age! haha! I am also on 2 orals ALL THE TIME - Bactrim and Zithro. Then I have TOBI month on month off and during the winter months we add Cipro in the mix. Yet I still have managed to get sick on all those drugs. Craziness.

I agree mixing it up will help. Catch that crap off guard!!!

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I didn't start my first round of IVs until I was 18. Then it was every 2-3 years depending. But just this past year I went on them twice in 3 months (ending on Jan 1st) and I think I am in need of them again. I also noticed that I don't bounce back from them like I used to before. When I was younger 2 weeks of IVs was plenty and then I was as good as new. Now I do 3 weeks and it still takes a few weeks after to get back up and never to where I was before. Stupid age! haha! I am also on 2 orals ALL THE TIME - Bactrim and Zithro. Then I have TOBI month on month off and during the winter months we add Cipro in the mix. Yet I still have managed to get sick on all those drugs. Craziness.

I agree mixing it up will help. Catch that crap off guard!!!

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Hi Diane,

I've never had IVs for an exacerbation---all of mine were for hemoptysis, which they always said was indicative of an exacerbation, but ended up not being for that cause.

Anyway it always annoys me too that I am put on the same cocktail. They've always put me on Bactrim, Tobra, and Meropenem. Actually, they used to use cephtazadine instead of Bactrim, but I developed an allergy to that. I guess though the reason is that my cepacia is resistant to everything else.

I'm on the same oral all of the time too---Bactrim. I've been on that for about 10 years now. I wouldn't think that it does me any good anymore, but I'll do what the doctor says.

Thankfully, I haven't had IVs for over a year.


Hi Diane,

I've never had IVs for an exacerbation---all of mine were for hemoptysis, which they always said was indicative of an exacerbation, but ended up not being for that cause.

Anyway it always annoys me too that I am put on the same cocktail. They've always put me on Bactrim, Tobra, and Meropenem. Actually, they used to use cephtazadine instead of Bactrim, but I developed an allergy to that. I guess though the reason is that my cepacia is resistant to everything else.

I'm on the same oral all of the time too---Bactrim. I've been on that for about 10 years now. I wouldn't think that it does me any good anymore, but I'll do what the doctor says.

Thankfully, I haven't had IVs for over a year.


Hi Diane,

I've never had IVs for an exacerbation---all of mine were for hemoptysis, which they always said was indicative of an exacerbation, but ended up not being for that cause.

Anyway it always annoys me too that I am put on the same cocktail. They've always put me on Bactrim, Tobra, and Meropenem. Actually, they used to use cephtazadine instead of Bactrim, but I developed an allergy to that. I guess though the reason is that my cepacia is resistant to everything else.

I'm on the same oral all of the time too---Bactrim. I've been on that for about 10 years now. I wouldn't think that it does me any good anymore, but I'll do what the doctor says.

Thankfully, I haven't had IVs for over a year.


Hi Diane,

I've never had IVs for an exacerbation---all of mine were for hemoptysis, which they always said was indicative of an exacerbation, but ended up not being for that cause.

Anyway it always annoys me too that I am put on the same cocktail. They've always put me on Bactrim, Tobra, and Meropenem. Actually, they used to use cephtazadine instead of Bactrim, but I developed an allergy to that. I guess though the reason is that my cepacia is resistant to everything else.

I'm on the same oral all of the time too---Bactrim. I've been on that for about 10 years now. I wouldn't think that it does me any good anymore, but I'll do what the doctor says.

Thankfully, I haven't had IVs for over a year.


Hi Diane,

I've never had IVs for an exacerbation---all of mine were for hemoptysis, which they always said was indicative of an exacerbation, but ended up not being for that cause.

Anyway it always annoys me too that I am put on the same cocktail. They've always put me on Bactrim, Tobra, and Meropenem. Actually, they used to use cephtazadine instead of Bactrim, but I developed an allergy to that. I guess though the reason is that my cepacia is resistant to everything else.

I'm on the same oral all of the time too---Bactrim. I've been on that for about 10 years now. I wouldn't think that it does me any good anymore, but I'll do what the doctor says.

Thankfully, I haven't had IVs for over a year.