How to get school to do a 504 plan



I went through the same thing with my daughter's school district this year. She started Kindgergarten and they refused to give her a 504 plan. I had a 5 pg letter from her social worker and dr explaining why she needed it. After being told no a few times I took it to the head of special education for Houston ISD. She turned me down. They said when she needs it we will give it to her. Like that makes any sense. The last thing I want to be worried about when my daughter is that sick is fooling with the school district run around. They said they will abide by all of the drs requests. The only option I had was to take it to court. Her teacher and nurse have been fantastic this year, so I really don't have any complaints. I decided to drop the matter since we are moving her to another school district anyway in a few years. I would have taken legal action if we were staying though 12th grade. Sorry you are going through it. It is frustrating to say the least.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


I went through the same thing with my daughter's school district this year. She started Kindgergarten and they refused to give her a 504 plan. I had a 5 pg letter from her social worker and dr explaining why she needed it. After being told no a few times I took it to the head of special education for Houston ISD. She turned me down. They said when she needs it we will give it to her. Like that makes any sense. The last thing I want to be worried about when my daughter is that sick is fooling with the school district run around. They said they will abide by all of the drs requests. The only option I had was to take it to court. Her teacher and nurse have been fantastic this year, so I really don't have any complaints. I decided to drop the matter since we are moving her to another school district anyway in a few years. I would have taken legal action if we were staying though 12th grade. Sorry you are going through it. It is frustrating to say the least.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


I went through the same thing with my daughter's school district this year. She started Kindgergarten and they refused to give her a 504 plan. I had a 5 pg letter from her social worker and dr explaining why she needed it. After being told no a few times I took it to the head of special education for Houston ISD. She turned me down. They said when she needs it we will give it to her. Like that makes any sense. The last thing I want to be worried about when my daughter is that sick is fooling with the school district run around. They said they will abide by all of the drs requests. The only option I had was to take it to court. Her teacher and nurse have been fantastic this year, so I really don't have any complaints. I decided to drop the matter since we are moving her to another school district anyway in a few years. I would have taken legal action if we were staying though 12th grade. Sorry you are going through it. It is frustrating to say the least.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


I went through the same thing with my daughter's school district this year. She started Kindgergarten and they refused to give her a 504 plan. I had a 5 pg letter from her social worker and dr explaining why she needed it. After being told no a few times I took it to the head of special education for Houston ISD. She turned me down. They said when she needs it we will give it to her. Like that makes any sense. The last thing I want to be worried about when my daughter is that sick is fooling with the school district run around. They said they will abide by all of the drs requests. The only option I had was to take it to court. Her teacher and nurse have been fantastic this year, so I really don't have any complaints. I decided to drop the matter since we are moving her to another school district anyway in a few years. I would have taken legal action if we were staying though 12th grade. Sorry you are going through it. It is frustrating to say the least.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


I went through the same thing with my daughter's school district this year. She started Kindgergarten and they refused to give her a 504 plan. I had a 5 pg letter from her social worker and dr explaining why she needed it. After being told no a few times I took it to the head of special education for Houston ISD. She turned me down. They said when she needs it we will give it to her. Like that makes any sense. The last thing I want to be worried about when my daughter is that sick is fooling with the school district run around. They said they will abide by all of the drs requests. The only option I had was to take it to court. Her teacher and nurse have been fantastic this year, so I really don't have any complaints. I decided to drop the matter since we are moving her to another school district anyway in a few years. I would have taken legal action if we were staying though 12th grade. Sorry you are going through it. It is frustrating to say the least.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


New member
I'm not sure what state your in but here in NY if your child is UNABLE to attend school for medical reasons and you can get a doctors note to prove it, the school HAS to provide a tutor, at their own cost.
We have had to do this with my son the past 3 years for bad GI issues.
We are planning on trying to integrate him back into school next year and are also working on a 504 now. His school is saying they prefer to keep it unofficial and will just handle my requests accordingly but I want it legal, in writing, because if anything happens to him while he is in their care, I want them to be held accountable.
Why do schools have to be so difficult about things like this.


New member
I'm not sure what state your in but here in NY if your child is UNABLE to attend school for medical reasons and you can get a doctors note to prove it, the school HAS to provide a tutor, at their own cost.
We have had to do this with my son the past 3 years for bad GI issues.
We are planning on trying to integrate him back into school next year and are also working on a 504 now. His school is saying they prefer to keep it unofficial and will just handle my requests accordingly but I want it legal, in writing, because if anything happens to him while he is in their care, I want them to be held accountable.
Why do schools have to be so difficult about things like this.


New member
I'm not sure what state your in but here in NY if your child is UNABLE to attend school for medical reasons and you can get a doctors note to prove it, the school HAS to provide a tutor, at their own cost.
We have had to do this with my son the past 3 years for bad GI issues.
We are planning on trying to integrate him back into school next year and are also working on a 504 now. His school is saying they prefer to keep it unofficial and will just handle my requests accordingly but I want it legal, in writing, because if anything happens to him while he is in their care, I want them to be held accountable.
Why do schools have to be so difficult about things like this.


New member
I'm not sure what state your in but here in NY if your child is UNABLE to attend school for medical reasons and you can get a doctors note to prove it, the school HAS to provide a tutor, at their own cost.
We have had to do this with my son the past 3 years for bad GI issues.
We are planning on trying to integrate him back into school next year and are also working on a 504 now. His school is saying they prefer to keep it unofficial and will just handle my requests accordingly but I want it legal, in writing, because if anything happens to him while he is in their care, I want them to be held accountable.
Why do schools have to be so difficult about things like this.


New member
I'm not sure what state your in but here in NY if your child is UNABLE to attend school for medical reasons and you can get a doctors note to prove it, the school HAS to provide a tutor, at their own cost.
<br />We have had to do this with my son the past 3 years for bad GI issues.
<br />We are planning on trying to integrate him back into school next year and are also working on a 504 now. His school is saying they prefer to keep it unofficial and will just handle my requests accordingly but I want it legal, in writing, because if anything happens to him while he is in their care, I want them to be held accountable.
<br />Why do schools have to be so difficult about things like this.


New member
Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.


New member
Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.


New member
Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.


New member
Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.


New member
Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>hope0508</b></i>

Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.</end quote></div>

She might be fortunate that she is able to grasp the work so when she does miss doesnt put her too far behind. My daughter is like that & she has missed 28 days of school so far (no cf btw).

The problem is next year in 5th grade attendance starts counting as part of the grading for my daughter. Maybe that is how your step daughter hasnt had a problem YET.

The thing is tho IMHO.....even if academically she is keeping up. That doesnt mean she cant benefit from the extra. They would wait until she is actually having a problem......what happened to avoiding that?

Not to mention that on days that she just isnt up to par, but doesnt miss school, she might not retain everything taught. I know for me if I am sick, tired or just not in the right frame of mind I remember less......

Good Luck


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>hope0508</b></i>

Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.</end quote></div>

She might be fortunate that she is able to grasp the work so when she does miss doesnt put her too far behind. My daughter is like that & she has missed 28 days of school so far (no cf btw).

The problem is next year in 5th grade attendance starts counting as part of the grading for my daughter. Maybe that is how your step daughter hasnt had a problem YET.

The thing is tho IMHO.....even if academically she is keeping up. That doesnt mean she cant benefit from the extra. They would wait until she is actually having a problem......what happened to avoiding that?

Not to mention that on days that she just isnt up to par, but doesnt miss school, she might not retain everything taught. I know for me if I am sick, tired or just not in the right frame of mind I remember less......

Good Luck


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>hope0508</b></i>

Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.</end quote></div>

She might be fortunate that she is able to grasp the work so when she does miss doesnt put her too far behind. My daughter is like that & she has missed 28 days of school so far (no cf btw).

The problem is next year in 5th grade attendance starts counting as part of the grading for my daughter. Maybe that is how your step daughter hasnt had a problem YET.

The thing is tho IMHO.....even if academically she is keeping up. That doesnt mean she cant benefit from the extra. They would wait until she is actually having a problem......what happened to avoiding that?

Not to mention that on days that she just isnt up to par, but doesnt miss school, she might not retain everything taught. I know for me if I am sick, tired or just not in the right frame of mind I remember less......

Good Luck


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>hope0508</b></i>

Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.</end quote>

She might be fortunate that she is able to grasp the work so when she does miss doesnt put her too far behind. My daughter is like that & she has missed 28 days of school so far (no cf btw).

The problem is next year in 5th grade attendance starts counting as part of the grading for my daughter. Maybe that is how your step daughter hasnt had a problem YET.

The thing is tho IMHO.....even if academically she is keeping up. That doesnt mean she cant benefit from the extra. They would wait until she is actually having a problem......what happened to avoiding that?

Not to mention that on days that she just isnt up to par, but doesnt miss school, she might not retain everything taught. I know for me if I am sick, tired or just not in the right frame of mind I remember less......

Good Luck


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>hope0508</b></i>
<br />
<br />Thanks for all the responses. She lives in Louisiana. There reasoning is that she is doing okay academically. She made the honor roll last semester but we are not sure how since she only went to school 2 or 3 days a week if at all. I guess we will know next year when she has to take the Leap test and if she fails she can't proceed to the next level. That is our concern. In 4th and 8th grade you have to take a test on what you should have learned and if you don't pass it you have to repeat that grade.</end quote>
<br />
<br />She might be fortunate that she is able to grasp the work so when she does miss doesnt put her too far behind. My daughter is like that & she has missed 28 days of school so far (no cf btw).
<br />
<br />The problem is next year in 5th grade attendance starts counting as part of the grading for my daughter. Maybe that is how your step daughter hasnt had a problem YET.
<br />
<br />The thing is tho IMHO.....even if academically she is keeping up. That doesnt mean she cant benefit from the extra. They would wait until she is actually having a problem......what happened to avoiding that?
<br />
<br />Not to mention that on days that she just isnt up to par, but doesnt miss school, she might not retain everything taught. I know for me if I am sick, tired or just not in the right frame of mind I remember less......
<br />
<br />Good Luck
<br />
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