how to give a baby that gags enzymes?


New member
Can anyone offer any advice as how to get a baby to take enzymes with apple sauce and not gag and end up vomitting?
My daughter is 10 months old. Has been taking enzymes since she is 3 days old. Up until a month ago was taking the enzymes no problem. Now she starts gagging on them and vomits..Very upsetting....Any tips? Thanks in advance.


New member
Have you tried giving her different kids of fruits with the enzymes?? Maybe she needs a change of taste to distract her from the texture... Otherwise, you may just have to wait this out bc it really isn't uncommon for the young ones to go through phases like this.


New member
make that different KINDS of fruit, not kids lol!

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter started her first enzymes when she was 6 months old. We opened them and sprinkled them on her applesauce rather than giving them to her whole. We just gave her a few pellets per bite. It worked just fine for us. The doctor may not recommend it but for us it was golden. Hope this helps



New member
Instead of apple sauce, you can try jam...comes in all different flavors. Essentially what is important is that you put it in something that does not contain any fat.


New member
"When my daughter was a baby/toddler she loved her enzymes in a big spoon of Cool Whip"

I don't think that's a very good's supposed to be given with acidic applesauce, pears, peaches, no?
What does everyone else thinkabout that?


New member
Thanks eveyone for your help.....Brandy, my husband and I both LOVE your idea !! It would take a little longer to give, but I think she's do better with a few spoons of applesauce with a few enzymes sprinkled on at a time rather than all the enzymes in one small spoonful of applesauce....
PLEASE keep the suggestions coming..our daughter already has a weight issue, and when she vomits, we wonder how many calories are all over the floor !!!!


New member
When I was little, back in the stone ages (the 70's) *peace sign* my parents sprinkled the contents of my Cotazyme enzyme in with a jar of banana baby food. I think I actually did this until age 3-4. Like someone mentioned previously, they may not recommend that now but it worked for me.
Would she still vomit it up if you tried a different brand name of enzyme?


New member
Or a different brand of apple sauce? Or a different fruit all together?
I did my enzymes for all of my young life with apple sauce, and never had any issues with it, so I don't have any good advice. Just ideas. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
our dietician said use whatever works. Pudding, ice cream, ect if you are having problems.... anything would be better then her vomitting!!! She said that she had one kid that would only take them with ketchup!!!! LOL. Try everything until you come up with something. You can put it in her first few bites of whatever food she is eating too!!!!


New member
Ideally the acidic thing would be best if that is what the doctors recommend, but whats better... finding something acidic and having the baby throw up, thus being a useless medication OR giving the baby the enzymes in anything they will eat it with and having the enzymes settle, thus prooving efficient?

I know it's difficutl to do anything that might take away from the medicaitons benefits, but all in all it is much better than none at all!


New member
If the enzymes are given with something that is alkaline (like dairy) it can cause them to activate prematurely, which can cause burning in the mouth (especially for babies who are more prone to accidently keeping a bead or two in their mouths longer) and make them ineffective in the pancreas (because the whole point of giving them with something acidic is to keep them from activating until they are in the pancrease and no sooner).

There are all kinds of yummy baby fruits out there these days. Gerber came out with a whole bunch of new combos a couple of years ago, they come in those plastic containers.

You can even use the fruit puddings, which are yummy!


New member
I had (& still do sometimes) this problem with my daughter. I don't know if it is a texture thing, or what. Maybe she is just tired of applesauce. I know if I ate the same type of food every day, I would get tired of it & probably gag, too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Maybe try different fruits such as pears, mango, peaches. I was told not to use dairy products or bananas. Reilly LOVES spaghetti, so we put the enzymes in a little bit of the spaghetti sauce & give that to her. I think just mixing it up a little each day & trying different things helps. You can also do a search on this site for some other suggestions. When we found out about Reilly having CF, I posted a question (18 month old spitting out enzymes) and got some good suggestions.
Good luck!


New member
my son was diagnosed at 7 month and is now 4 and STILL has this problem!! so i hope this is just a phase for your child.. it is so frustrating it got to the point where my son wouldnt eat anything because he knew he was going to puke.. so about 5 months ago they decided to put my son on viokase just so he was taking some form of enzymes and it has been going wonderfully for him.. now he takes his enzymes all the time.. if i try to do the beads he crys for the viokase..


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I am so glad that I found this message board. I am overwhelmed by the responses. THANK YOU ALL VERY VERY MUCH. I will try and respond to each and every one of you today...have to go feed the baby now and hope she doesn't gag......UGH !!!


New member
We also sprinkle the beads on applesauce, pears or a mixture. (Someone mentioned the Gerber plastic fruit containers- they are great and come in different fruit combinations.) When Samantha has her days that she isn't tolerating them as much, I try to get her eating and drinking first (just a little bit) AND then give her a spoonful with about half the enzyme dose. Then I let her drink a little more and then give her another spoonful.

Sometimes she just doesn't want to start with the enzymes.

Another thing we do: We purchased the little round pill containers that stack on top of one another. We store each dose of pills in the containers. We usually open them up at the beginning of the day, but some people don't feel comfortable leaving the little beads open in the containers. We have never had a problem with it. You can always leave the pills closed and just separate the amount needed per feeding in each container.

It's just a time saver, and easy to pack into your bag when you go somewhere. I also try to always have an extra bottle of enzymes in my purse. I started that after too many experiences where I didn't bring enough, thought she wouldn't be eating anything, forgot them, etc.....

Good Luck!

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest Samantha w/cf)


New member
We use chocolate syrup and sometimes ketchup. We had this same problem about six months ago when my daughter was first diagnosed. I promise it gets easier once it becomes a habit to the child. My doctor also told us not to give the emzymes with anything that contains dairy, not sure why though.

Lynsey- mom to Avery 2 yrs. w/CF and Rhett 7 mos. W/o CF