How to know...


New member
So this is my first post here and right now I am in Anxiousville. I could be pregnant... But having CF, my periods have never been normal.

-Actually, kind of off topic, but for about the first seven years, my period would last for six months and then take a six month break (and birth control pills, which I tried several strengths and varieties, didn't help - some made it worse...) Is that just me?

So, for the last five months my period was pretty normal, except for at the beginning of this last month (January). And since then I've had symptoms that make me think that I could be pregnant:
-I've been a little nauseous
-I've been super tired
-I've had mild headaches
-Every time that I stand up I get light-headed
-My BMs are actually really firm and huge (sorry that's kind of gross)
-I have to pee a lot more
-I've been moody
-And I feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs

And I was just curious as to how you all knew when you were pregnant, before actually taking a pregnancy test. I'm just so hopeful because we want kids so bad... And we've been trying for quite a long time now.


New member
So this is my first post here and right now I am in Anxiousville. I could be pregnant... But having CF, my periods have never been normal.

-Actually, kind of off topic, but for about the first seven years, my period would last for six months and then take a six month break (and birth control pills, which I tried several strengths and varieties, didn't help - some made it worse...) Is that just me?

So, for the last five months my period was pretty normal, except for at the beginning of this last month (January). And since then I've had symptoms that make me think that I could be pregnant:
-I've been a little nauseous
-I've been super tired
-I've had mild headaches
-Every time that I stand up I get light-headed
-My BMs are actually really firm and huge (sorry that's kind of gross)
-I have to pee a lot more
-I've been moody
-And I feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs

And I was just curious as to how you all knew when you were pregnant, before actually taking a pregnancy test. I'm just so hopeful because we want kids so bad... And we've been trying for quite a long time now.


New member
So this is my first post here and right now I am in Anxiousville. I could be pregnant... But having CF, my periods have never been normal.

-Actually, kind of off topic, but for about the first seven years, my period would last for six months and then take a six month break (and birth control pills, which I tried several strengths and varieties, didn't help - some made it worse...) Is that just me?

So, for the last five months my period was pretty normal, except for at the beginning of this last month (January). And since then I've had symptoms that make me think that I could be pregnant:
-I've been a little nauseous
-I've been super tired
-I've had mild headaches
-Every time that I stand up I get light-headed
-My BMs are actually really firm and huge (sorry that's kind of gross)
-I have to pee a lot more
-I've been moody
-And I feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs

And I was just curious as to how you all knew when you were pregnant, before actually taking a pregnancy test. I'm just so hopeful because we want kids so bad... And we've been trying for quite a long time now.


New member
So this is my first post here and right now I am in Anxiousville. I could be pregnant... But having CF, my periods have never been normal.

-Actually, kind of off topic, but for about the first seven years, my period would last for six months and then take a six month break (and birth control pills, which I tried several strengths and varieties, didn't help - some made it worse...) Is that just me?

So, for the last five months my period was pretty normal, except for at the beginning of this last month (January). And since then I've had symptoms that make me think that I could be pregnant:
-I've been a little nauseous
-I've been super tired
-I've had mild headaches
-Every time that I stand up I get light-headed
-My BMs are actually really firm and huge (sorry that's kind of gross)
-I have to pee a lot more
-I've been moody
-And I feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs

And I was just curious as to how you all knew when you were pregnant, before actually taking a pregnancy test. I'm just so hopeful because we want kids so bad... And we've been trying for quite a long time now.


New member
So this is my first post here and right now I am in Anxiousville. I could be pregnant... But having CF, my periods have never been normal.
<br />
<br />-Actually, kind of off topic, but for about the first seven years, my period would last for six months and then take a six month break (and birth control pills, which I tried several strengths and varieties, didn't help - some made it worse...) Is that just me?
<br />
<br />So, for the last five months my period was pretty normal, except for at the beginning of this last month (January). And since then I've had symptoms that make me think that I could be pregnant:
<br />-I've been a little nauseous
<br />-I've been super tired
<br />-I've had mild headaches
<br />-Every time that I stand up I get light-headed
<br />-My BMs are actually really firm and huge (sorry that's kind of gross)
<br />-I have to pee a lot more
<br />-I've been moody
<br />-And I feel like I can't get enough air into my lungs
<br />
<br />And I was just curious as to how you all knew when you were pregnant, before actually taking a pregnancy test. I'm just so hopeful because we want kids so bad... And we've been trying for quite a long time now.


New member
A test is the best way to know. A friend of mine pointed out when we were trying to get pregnant that you can psych yourself into feeling all the common symptoms of pregnancy if that's what you want. Just like when you are scared you might get pregnant you can feel all those things. These days a drug store urine test is 99% accurate even really early.

Good luck!


New member
A test is the best way to know. A friend of mine pointed out when we were trying to get pregnant that you can psych yourself into feeling all the common symptoms of pregnancy if that's what you want. Just like when you are scared you might get pregnant you can feel all those things. These days a drug store urine test is 99% accurate even really early.

Good luck!


New member
A test is the best way to know. A friend of mine pointed out when we were trying to get pregnant that you can psych yourself into feeling all the common symptoms of pregnancy if that's what you want. Just like when you are scared you might get pregnant you can feel all those things. These days a drug store urine test is 99% accurate even really early.

Good luck!


New member
A test is the best way to know. A friend of mine pointed out when we were trying to get pregnant that you can psych yourself into feeling all the common symptoms of pregnancy if that's what you want. Just like when you are scared you might get pregnant you can feel all those things. These days a drug store urine test is 99% accurate even really early.

Good luck!


New member
A test is the best way to know. A friend of mine pointed out when we were trying to get pregnant that you can psych yourself into feeling all the common symptoms of pregnancy if that's what you want. Just like when you are scared you might get pregnant you can feel all those things. These days a drug store urine test is 99% accurate even really early.
<br />
<br />Good luck!


New member
I have heard of that happening... But actually this whole month I've been telling myself that I am not pregnant, so then if I'm not I won't be disappointed. I was just curious what other CFers symptoms were that first month...
Prenancy test this weekend, I'll find out then. <img src="">


New member
I have heard of that happening... But actually this whole month I've been telling myself that I am not pregnant, so then if I'm not I won't be disappointed. I was just curious what other CFers symptoms were that first month...
Prenancy test this weekend, I'll find out then. <img src="">


New member
I have heard of that happening... But actually this whole month I've been telling myself that I am not pregnant, so then if I'm not I won't be disappointed. I was just curious what other CFers symptoms were that first month...
Prenancy test this weekend, I'll find out then. <img src="">


New member
I have heard of that happening... But actually this whole month I've been telling myself that I am not pregnant, so then if I'm not I won't be disappointed. I was just curious what other CFers symptoms were that first month...
Prenancy test this weekend, I'll find out then. <img src="">


New member
I have heard of that happening... But actually this whole month I've been telling myself that I am not pregnant, so then if I'm not I won't be disappointed. I was just curious what other CFers symptoms were that first month...
<br />Prenancy test this weekend, I'll find out then. <img src="">