How Were You Diagnosed


New member
My son was diagnosed at 1 1/2 weeks old from his newborn screening test, then confirmed via positive sweat test at 2 weeks old.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 1 1/2 weeks old from his newborn screening test, then confirmed via positive sweat test at 2 weeks old.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 1 1/2 weeks old from his newborn screening test, then confirmed via positive sweat test at 2 weeks old.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 1 1/2 weeks old from his newborn screening test, then confirmed via positive sweat test at 2 weeks old.


New member
My son was diagnosed at 1 1/2 weeks old from his newborn screening test, then confirmed via positive sweat test at 2 weeks old.


Staff member
It was suspected right away because DS was born with a bowel obstruction caused by meconium illeus. The genetic testing came back as cf after 5 days.


Staff member
It was suspected right away because DS was born with a bowel obstruction caused by meconium illeus. The genetic testing came back as cf after 5 days.


Staff member
It was suspected right away because DS was born with a bowel obstruction caused by meconium illeus. The genetic testing came back as cf after 5 days.


Staff member
It was suspected right away because DS was born with a bowel obstruction caused by meconium illeus. The genetic testing came back as cf after 5 days.


Staff member
It was suspected right away because DS was born with a bowel obstruction caused by meconium illeus. The genetic testing came back as cf after 5 days.


New member
Sweat test at 2 months...
one time my mom was kissing my forhead and it tasted like salt and so called the doctor and they said it was CF...


New member
Sweat test at 2 months...
one time my mom was kissing my forhead and it tasted like salt and so called the doctor and they said it was CF...


New member
Sweat test at 2 months...
one time my mom was kissing my forhead and it tasted like salt and so called the doctor and they said it was CF...


New member
Sweat test at 2 months...
one time my mom was kissing my forhead and it tasted like salt and so called the doctor and they said it was CF...


New member
Sweat test at 2 months...
one time my mom was kissing my forhead and it tasted like salt and so called the doctor and they said it was CF...