Human Growth Hormone (HGH)


New member
I took HGH from 14-17. I grew about 13 inches. Lung function at the time was 100%, and it stayed there during HGH use.

I noticed some muscle development; at the time I did not work out that much, if at all.

Hope that little anecdote helps.


New member
I took HGH from 14-17. I grew about 13 inches. Lung function at the time was 100%, and it stayed there during HGH use.

I noticed some muscle development; at the time I did not work out that much, if at all.

Hope that little anecdote helps.


New member
I took HGH from 14-17. I grew about 13 inches. Lung function at the time was 100%, and it stayed there during HGH use.
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<br />I noticed some muscle development; at the time I did not work out that much, if at all.
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<br />Hope that little anecdote helps.


New member
<br>Since Opi is being honest I feel comfortable being honest to. Im 22 years old and about 6 months ago I did a six week cycle of Trenbolone Acetate with Testosterone. Before anyone criticizes me, I did my homework and used a managable dose. Trenbolone is the most androgenic steroid around. It is an IM steroid which means you inject straight in to the muscle. I know a lot of people say steroids are harmful, and the main area most say it effects is the liver. I know of only one steroid that effects the liver and it is Anadrol which is an oral steroid. The reason it is harmful is because they had to put certain agents in to it that makes it so the liver cant break it down easily because then the body would break down the steroid and it would be ineffective. I did a great deal of studying before first trying an anabolic steroid. Now, my results on the Tren/Test were phenominal. My lung function was up and my weight was up 14 pounds. 14lbs in six weeks! for anybody, cf or not, that is incredible! I felt no side effects except above average sweating. I made sure I took in extra salt while being on the steroids for just that reason. Its been six months and I have kept 11lbs of the gains I got while on the cycle. I am not advocating anyone use steroids ESPECIALLY not children. Even avid steroid advocates would never advise anyone under 19 to use them simply because your body isnt done growing and hasnt naturally reached its full potential. In my honest opinion, I think steroids in very closely monitored doses and cycles, with proper knowledge, and if need be, proper post cycle therapy, can be a very powerful tool for keeping up with someones weight, strength, and health. I also believe if you are predisposed to even the idea of steroids, at least look in to getting testosterone from your doctor. Im calling mine tommorrow to mention the idea of a new testosterone regime, and also an HGH one. Thanks for the HGH idea!


New member
<br>Since Opi is being honest I feel comfortable being honest to. Im 22 years old and about 6 months ago I did a six week cycle of Trenbolone Acetate with Testosterone. Before anyone criticizes me, I did my homework and used a managable dose. Trenbolone is the most androgenic steroid around. It is an IM steroid which means you inject straight in to the muscle. I know a lot of people say steroids are harmful, and the main area most say it effects is the liver. I know of only one steroid that effects the liver and it is Anadrol which is an oral steroid. The reason it is harmful is because they had to put certain agents in to it that makes it so the liver cant break it down easily because then the body would break down the steroid and it would be ineffective. I did a great deal of studying before first trying an anabolic steroid. Now, my results on the Tren/Test were phenominal. My lung function was up and my weight was up 14 pounds. 14lbs in six weeks! for anybody, cf or not, that is incredible! I felt no side effects except above average sweating. I made sure I took in extra salt while being on the steroids for just that reason. Its been six months and I have kept 11lbs of the gains I got while on the cycle. I am not advocating anyone use steroids ESPECIALLY not children. Even avid steroid advocates would never advise anyone under 19 to use them simply because your body isnt done growing and hasnt naturally reached its full potential. In my honest opinion, I think steroids in very closely monitored doses and cycles, with properknowledge, and if need be, proper post cycle therapy, can be a very powerful tool for keeping up with someones weight, strength, and health. I also believe if you are predisposed to even the idea of steroids, at least look in to getting testosterone from your doctor. Im calling mine tommorrow to mention the idea of a new testosterone regime, and also an HGH one. Thanks for the HGH idea!


New member
<br>Since Opi is being honest I feel comfortable being honest to. Im 22 years old and about 6 months ago I did a six week cycle of Trenbolone Acetate with Testosterone. Before anyone criticizes me, I did my homework and used a managable dose. Trenbolone is the most androgenic steroid around. It is an IM steroid which means you inject straight in to the muscle. I know a lot of people say steroids are harmful, and the main area most say it effects is the liver. I know of only one steroid that effects the liver and it is Anadrol which is an oral steroid. The reason it is harmful is because they had to put certain agents in to it that makes it so the liver cant break it down easily because then the body would break down the steroid and it would be ineffective. I did a great deal of studying before first trying an anabolic steroid. Now, my results on the Tren/Test were phenominal. My lung function was up and my weight was up 14 pounds. 14lbs in six weeks! for anybody, cf or not, that is incredible! I felt no side effects except above average sweating. I made sure I took in extra salt while being on the steroids for just that reason. Its been six months and I have kept 11lbs of the gains I got while on the cycle. I am not advocating anyone use steroids ESPECIALLY not children. Even avid steroid advocates would never advise anyone under 19 to use them simply because your body isnt done growing and hasnt naturally reached its full potential. In my honest opinion, I think steroids in very closely monitored doses and cycles, with properknowledge, and if need be, proper post cycle therapy, can be a very powerful tool for keeping up with someones weight, strength, and health. I also believe if you are predisposed to even the idea of steroids, at least look in to getting testosterone from your doctor. Im calling mine tommorrow to mention the idea of a new testosterone regime, and also an HGH one. Thanks for the HGH idea!